加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民省提名技术移民 - 麻烦通过省提名出去的朋友进


我对此项目了解不多 请问你们是通过哪个移民中介办理的? 哪些中介是正规可信的? 谢谢了~

回复: 麻烦通过省提名出去的朋友进来一下省提名不需要中介,很简单,条件达到就行了。自己按照官方网站的材料清单准备就可以了。

哪里有自由,哪里就是我的祖国---本杰明.富兰克林我对此项目了解不多 请问你们是通过哪个移民中介办理的? 哪些中介是正规可信的? 谢谢了~点击展开... 神棍话你知(神棍告诉你):萨省提名家庭类移民 萨省提名家庭类移民(SINP Family Members),或叫萨省团聚移民,不要求申请者有萨省雇主的工作 offer(有就更好了),并且允许工作 offer 属于 NOC 中的任何类别。但要求申请人已经有一年以上本专业相关的工作经验;该家庭类移民项目对担保人的收入没有特殊要求,只要不拿政府救济就可作为担保人。  如果您在萨省(Saskatchewan)有下列一个或多个亲属,你可以考虑申请 Saskatchewan 的家庭类移民(Family Members)。这些亲属包括:parents , nieces/nephews , daughters/sons , first cousins , sisters/brothers ,grandchildren, aunts/uncles , grandparents ,step-family members / in - laws of the same relationship 。  申请人资格:  1. 18 ? 49 周岁;  2. 萨省(Saskatchewan)亲属的担保宣誓;  3. 高中以上学历(至少完成一年的高等课程);  4. 工作一年以上,并且从事的工作与你的教育专业或培训领域相关(Have at least one year of work experience in your field of education or training);  5. 萨省(Saskatchewan)的工作邀请不是必须的,同时对工作内容没有特殊要求;如果没有工作邀请需要保证有意愿到萨省全职的工作和生活,并提供至少 3 个月的生活费 (主申请 $10,000 ,每增加一个随行者增加 $2,000 )。  6. 具备工作和生活的基础英语能力,可以通过下面的一种方式证明: 下列3用户向神棍如此有用的帖子致谢: 老 宋 (2009-08-12), 三宝妈 (2009-08-08), 天天学习 (2009-08-17)神棍查看公开信息发送悄悄话给 神棍查找 神棍 发表的更多帖子添加 神棍 到联系人列表​ 2009-08-08 #2 神棍 初级游侠§初窥门径 注册日期: 2009-01帖子: 251 送出鲜花次数: 0在2帖子里收到6次鲜花 声望: 13265声望改变能力: 719 回复: 神棍话你知(神棍告诉你):萨省提名家庭类移民 a. 雇主对你语言能力的宣誓担保;  b. 取得的使用英语进行教育或培训的证书,或者英语教学课程的证明;(education/training documents where the language of instruction is English or the content of instruction is English )  c.IELTS、TOEFL 或 TOEIC(Test of English for International Communication)的考试成绩;  担保人资格:  1. 加拿大公民或者永久居民,在萨省(Saskatchewan)生活一年以上(has been living in Saskatchewan for at least one year);  2. 主要居住在萨省(Saskatchewan)(Prove that Saskatchewan has been their principal residence);  3. 证明与你具有上述亲属关系(Prove their genealogical family relationship to you;);  4. 能够财政自足,没有通过政府救济(Be financially self-supporting);  5. 如果要给申请者提供定居资金(settlement funds),所提供的资金必须能满足至少 3 个月的生活需要;  SINP 提名的周期大概是 4-8 个月,加上CIC签证申请的周期,SINP 家庭类移民的整体申请周期大概是 13 个月;SINP Family Members 没有提名费用。  萨省省提名家庭成员担保移民(SINP Family Members Category)提交材料清单(Supporting Documents Checklist)  除了提供 SINP 要求的申请表格外,萨省省提名家庭成员担保移民(SINP Family Members Category)还需要提供支撑文档用于证明申请者身份,工作,语言能力和财产的文档。如果提供的文档不是英语形式的,必须要附以复印件(或原件)及其翻译件,并附上描述翻译员能力的宣誓(An affidavit from the translator describing their translation ability)  All documents must be clear and easy to read. When documents are not in English, you must submit all of the following:   A photocopy of the original document;   A photocopy of the English translation of the document; and   An affidavit from the translator describing their translation ability.  具体萨省省提名家庭成员担保移民支撑材料清单:  1. 身份和公民状态证明文档(Identity and Civil Status Documents)  主申请,主申请配偶和所有受供养子女的出生公证,出生公证上必须列出父亲和母亲。   Birth Certificates that list both parents for: 神棍查看公开信息发送悄悄话给 神棍查找 神棍 发表的更多帖子添加 神棍 到联系人列表​ 2009-08-08 #3 神棍 初级游侠§初窥门径 注册日期: 2009-01帖子: 251 送出鲜花次数: 0在2帖子里收到6次鲜花 声望: 13265声望改变能力: 719 回复: 神棍话你知(神棍告诉你):萨省提名家庭类移民 (the principal applicant);  o your spouse or common-law partner (if applicable); and  o each dependant child whether accompanying you to Canada or not (if applicable).  如果当前为结婚状态提供结婚公证,如果配偶死亡并且现在寡居提供前配偶的死亡证明。  If you are married or widowed you must include:; copy of signed joint lease or mortgage; copy of jointly owned property other than your residence;  copy of bills or receipts made to both of you; copy of life insurance naming the other partner as the beneficiary etc).  如果主申请或者主申请的配偶曾经离婚,提供所有的离婚证明材料,如果有受监护或抚养的子女,提供相关证明材料。  If you or your spouse is divorced you must include:   Final divorce documents for all divorces;   Custody and child support documents (if applicable).  如果受供养子女是收养子女提供相关收养证明,如果超过 22 周岁并一直全日制学习,通过相关证明,例如学校盖章的录取证明。  If you have dependent children, you must include the following documents that apply to your situation:   Adoption papers;   Proof of continuous full-time studies for all dependent children aged 22 or older(e.g. letter(s) from the school(s) signed by a school official confirming continued enrollment since before turning 22 years of age).  如果主申请子女的另一半父母不随主申请移民加拿大,另一半父母须提供信件说明其知道主申请的移民加拿大的打算,并且无论子女是否随行不存在子女监护或抚养的问题;或者证明在主申请所在国家已经达到法定移除该子女监护的条件。  If you have dependent children, accompanying or not, and the child’s other parent is not accompanying you to Canada you must include:   A letter from the other parent stating that they are aware of your intention to immigrate to Canada (with or without the child/children) and that there are no outstanding custody or child support issues; or   Proof of custody for the child/children under the age of majority and proof that you have legal authority to remove the child/children from your home country (if applicable).   Marriage certificate;   Death certificate of former spouse (if applicable).  如果是普通法伴侣关系,提供相关证明,因为这种情况国内较少,不做详细介绍。  If you are in a common-law relationship you must include:   IMM 5409 Declaration of Common-Law Union (if in a common-law relationship of 1year or more);   Proof of at least one year of common law relationship (Examples of proof include: statements or letters from a bank or financial institute showing a joint bank, trust, credit union, or charge card account 神棍查看公开信息发送悄悄话给 神棍查找 神棍 发表的更多帖子添加 神棍 到联系人列表​ 2009-08-08 #4 神棍 初级游侠§初窥门径 注册日期: 2009-01帖子: 251 送出鲜花次数: 0在2帖子里收到6次鲜花 声望: 13265声望改变能力: 719 回复: 神棍话你知(神棍告诉你):萨省提名家庭类移民 2. 护照(Passports)  主申请,配偶及随行子女的护照复印件,护照的过期日应该在 SINP 后两年或更长。复印件上应该包含护照号,护照签发日、过期日,照片,姓名,日期,出生地等信息。  The expiry date on passports should be two years or more from the date of your SINP application. You will need to include photocopies of pages in your passport that show the passport number, date of issue and expiry date, photo, name, date, and place of birth for:   yourself (the principal applicant);   your spouse or common-law partner (if applicable); and   all dependant children accompanying you to Canada (if applicable).  如果你生活在国外,需要提供你正生活国家的签证复印件。  If you live in a country that is different than your nationality, please include a photocopy of your visa for the country in which you currently live. 神棍查看公开信息发送悄悄话给 神棍查找 神棍 发表的更多帖子添加 神棍 到联系人列表​ 2009-08-08 #5 神棍 初级游侠§初窥门径 注册日期: 2009-01帖子: 251 送出鲜花次数: 0在2帖子里收到6次鲜花 声望: 13265声望改变能力: 719 回复: 神棍话你知(神棍告诉你):萨省提名家庭类移民 3. 教育培训证明(Education/Training Credentials)   学历认证(education/trade certificates, degrees or diplomas)  专业执照、专业协会会员资格(professional designations, professional licenses and/or professional association memberships; and)   学校成绩单密封件或者成绩单认证(official transcripts showing school(s) attended or courses taken)  4. 工作经历证明(Work Experience Credentials)  雇主推荐信,证明申请者在学习或培训领域的工作经验超过一年。推荐信必须写在公司信头纸上,带有推荐人的名字及职位,并有推荐人签字。推荐信应该包含如下内容:工作职位及起止时间;主要职责;非全职工作需要注明每周工作的小时数;主管的联系方式。  You must submit a letter (or letters) of reference from previous employers or other proof of employment to prove that you have at least one year of work experience in your field of study and/or training. Letters of reference must be written on the company’s official letterhead and signed by an authorized representative of the company who is identified by name and title. Each letter should indicate the following:   your job position and the start and end dates of employment;   your main duties/responsibilities; and   the number of hours you worked each week if the position was not full-time.   The contact information of your supervisor or manager to assist Saskatchewan Immigration in verifying your former employment. 神棍查看公开信息发送悄悄话给 神棍查找 神棍 发表的更多帖子添加 神棍 到联系人列表​ 2009-08-08 #6 神棍 初级游侠§初窥门径 注册日期: 2009-01帖子: 251 送出鲜花次数: 0在2帖子里收到6次鲜花 声望: 13265声望改变能力: 719 回复: 神棍话你知(神棍告诉你):萨省提名家庭类移民 5. 资格证书或执照(Regulatory or Licensing Credentials (if applicable))  If you intend to work in an occupation that requires licensing or certification in Saskatchewan, you must contact the provincial, national and/or industrial regulatory association before applying to verify that you will be able to meet licensing or certification requirements. Before nomination, the SINP will contact the appropriate regulatory body to ensure it has no objections to SINP nomination.  If youintend to work in a medical profession that requires licensing or certification, you must apply under the SINP Health Professions Category.  6. 萨省雇主的工作 Offer 或定居资金(Offer of Permanent Employment from a Saskatchewan Employer or Proof of Transferable Settlement Funds)  如果有萨省雇主的全职长期的工作 Offer,必须提供萨省雇主的 letter,letter 中包括工作职责,薪水,福利,公司联系信息,所有职位都必须注明符合加拿大该职业的工资标准和工作环境要求。  If you have an offer of full-time, permanent employment, you must include a letter from your Saskatchewan employer, addressed to you, indicating:   job duties and responsibilities;   the salary you will receive;   the benefits provided by the employer; and   company contact information.  All positions must offer wages and working conditions that match Canadian standards in that occupation.  如果没有工作萨省雇主的工作 Offer,就需要提供资金能力证明,要求是主申请 $10,000 加币,每增加一人增加 $2,000,这些资金可以是在主申请名下、配偶名下,担保人名下,或者他们的组合。萨省不要求您对所有财产进行证明,如果有能力可以多提供。证明材料可以是过去三个月的银行存款证明,也可以是能证明资产情况的银行账单。  If you do not have an offer of permanent employment from a Saskatchewan employer,you must intend to find work in Saskatchewan and prove that you have enough money to live in the province for a short time after you arrive ($10,000 for you and $2,000 for each additional accompanying family member). You need to provide proof of the required funds only, not of all your financial assets.  Proof of settlement funds can come from one or a combination of the following:   Letters from financial institutions that show the balance and history of your account for the last three months; and/or   Bank account statements that show you have access to transferable, liquid funds and assets that have been available for three months. Funds can be yours, your spouse’s, your supporting family members, or a combination of sources. 神棍查看公开信息发送悄悄话给 神棍查找 神棍 发表的更多帖子添加 神棍 到联系人列表​ 2009-08-08 #7 神棍 初级游侠§初窥门径 注册日期: 2009-01帖子: 251 送出鲜花次数: 0在2帖子里收到6次鲜花 声望: 13265声望改变能力: 719 回复: 神棍话你知(神棍告诉你):萨省提名家庭类移民 7. 语言能力证明(Language Credentials)  如果母语(第一语言)不是英语,需要提供英语能力证明材料。这些证明材料包括雇主对你的语言能力担保(SINP 500-8 Affidavit),曾学校的英语课程,IELTS 考试成绩,英语培训证明,雇主的推荐信证明工作中交流的主要语言是英语。  • SINP 500-8 Affidavit of English Language Ability  o If you have a job offer from a Saskatchewan employer, they must complete this form to verify that you have the language skills necessary to do the job;  • Education/training documents that demonstrate you have attended education institutions where the language of instruction was English and show the length of the program;  • Language testing results that equal ascore of six or greater on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS);  • Certificates of English Language training with a letter that shows the length of the program; and/or  • Employment references with English as the principal language of communication.  8. 犯罪记录(Police Report(s) (if applicable))  如果申请者或者随行者 18 周岁以后有犯罪记录(包括过错和判刑),需要提供警察报告(police report),同时提供刑满释放及重返社会的证明,对于没有犯罪的建议提供无犯罪公证。  If you or any dependent over the age of 18 have committed an offence or have been convicted of a crime, you must provide a photocopy of a police report from the country or countries where the offense(s) occurred and your current country of residence. In addition to the police report, submit any proof of rehabilitation, if applicable.  神棍查看公开信息发送悄悄话给 神棍查找 神棍 发表的更多帖子添加 神棍 到联系人列表​ 2009-08-08 #8 神棍 初级游侠§初窥门径 注册日期: 2009-01帖子: 251 送出鲜花次数: 0在2帖子里收到6次鲜花 声望: 13265声望改变能力: 719 回复: 神棍话你知(神棍告诉你):萨省提名家庭类移民 9. 担保人与申请人亲属关系证明文件(Proof of Family Member(s) Living in Saskatchewan as a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident)  为了证明申请人与担保人的亲属关系,需要提供相关的出生公证,结婚公证,例如如果要证明是姑侄关系需要提供你姑姑的出生公证,你的出生公证及你父亲的出生公证。  The SINP must be able to trace your relationship to your supporting family member living in Saskatchewan through official documentation. This can be one or a combination of the following:  • photocopies of birth certificates or passports showing the names of common family members;  • marriage certificates showing the names of common family members; or  • a government issued family registry.  You may require several documents to prove your family relationship to a current Saskatchewan resident (e.g. if your Supporting Family Member is your first cousin). In these circumstances, please provide a letter or family tree, i n addition to official documentation (birth certificates, etc.), that clearly outlines the relationship between you and your supporting family member in Saskatchewan.  10. 担保人身份及担保资格证明文件(Supporting Family Member Documents)  担保人身份证明文件包括枫叶卡,公民卡或者加拿大护照,担保资格证明文件包括担保人过去一年在萨省生活的证明(例如,萨省健康卡,萨省驾执等),对于担保财政自足能力的证明包括雇主提供的收入证明或者返税证明。  • Canadian permanent resident card, Canadian citizenship card, or Canadian passport;  • Proof that they have lived in Saskatchewan for the past year (e.g. Saskatchewan Health card, Saskatchewan Driver’s license, etc.); and  • Proof that they have been self-supporting (e.g. statement of income from employer, tax returns, etc.) 神棍查看公开信息发送悄悄话给 神棍查找 神棍 发表的更多帖子添加 神棍 到联系人列表​ 2009-08-08 #9 三宝妈 初出茅庐§粗通皮毛注册日期: 2008-11帖子: 52 送出鲜花次数: 12在0帖子里收到0次鲜花 声望: 715声望改变能力: 582 回复: 神棍话你知(神棍告诉你):萨省提名家庭类移民 顶~ 三宝妈查看公开信息发送悄悄话给 三宝妈发送 Email 给 三宝妈查找 三宝妈 发表的更多帖子添加 三宝妈 到联系人列表​ 2009-08-08 #10 蝴蝶夫人 初出茅庐§粗通皮毛注册日期: 2008-12帖子: 8 送出鲜花次数: 0在0帖子里收到0次鲜花 声望: 282声望改变能力: 0 回复: 神棍话你知(神棍告诉你):萨省提名家庭类移民 very nice!很感谢你提供如此详细的信息,尽管我已经办理 SNIP中,并已得到 FN,但还不知多长时间能拿到提名信,想必比你说的4-8个月要长吧。 蝴蝶夫人查看公开信息发送悄悄话给 蝴蝶夫人查找 蝴蝶夫人 发表的更多帖子添加 蝴蝶夫人 到联系人列表​ 2009-08-08 #11 神棍 初级游侠§初窥门径 注册日期: 2009-01帖子: 251 送出鲜花次数: 0在2帖子里收到6次鲜花 声望: 13265声望改变能力: 719 回复: 神棍话你知(神棍告诉你):萨省提名家庭类移民 引用:作者: 蝴蝶夫人 very nice!很感谢你提供如此详细的信息,尽管我已经办理 SNIP中,并已得到 FN,但还不知多长时间能拿到提名信,想必比你说的4-8个月要长吧。不客气,请问你是什么时候开始递表的呢? 神棍查看公开信息发送悄悄话给 神棍查找 神棍 发表的更多帖子添加 神棍 到联系人列表​ 2009-08-11 #12 hxbing 初出茅庐§粗通皮毛注册日期: 2009-07帖子: 30 送出鲜花次数: 0在0帖子里收到0次鲜花 声望: 5865声望改变能力: 305 回复: 神棍话你知(神棍告诉你):萨省提名家庭类移民 好贴,谢谢了 hxbing查看公开信息发送悄悄话给 hxbing发送 Email 给 hxbing查找 hxbing 发表的更多帖子添加 hxbing 到联系人列表​ 2009-08-11 #13 神棍 初级游侠§初窥门径 注册日期: 2009-01帖子: 251 送出鲜花次数: 0在2帖子里收到6次鲜花 声望: 13265声望改变能力: 719 回复: 神棍话你知(神棍告诉你):萨省提名家庭类移民 引用:作者: hxbing 好贴,谢谢了不客气 神棍查看公开信息发送悄悄话给 神棍查找 神棍 发表的更多帖子添加 神棍 到联系人列表​ 2009-08-11 #14 神棍 初级游侠§初窥门径 注册日期: 2009-01帖子: 251 送出鲜花次数: 0在2帖子里收到6次鲜花 声望: 13265声望改变能力: 719 回复: 神棍话你知(神棍告诉你):萨省提名家庭类移民 咋这个会冷呢?我觉得这个很有指导作用哦__________________当时若不登高望,谁信东流海洋深! 神棍查看公开信息发送悄悄话给 神棍查找 神棍 发表的更多帖子添加 神棍 到联系人列表​ 2009-08-11 #15 神棍 初级游侠§初窥门径 注册日期: 2009-01帖子: 251 送出鲜花次数: 0在2帖子里收到6次鲜花 声望: 13265声望改变能力: 719 回复: 神棍话你知(神棍告诉你):萨省提名家庭类移民 各个代码的意思FN: file № (档案号) IP:in process(正在处理中) DM: decision made(材料已经审理完毕) MER: ME received(已经收到体检结果) PL: picking up letter(签证通知) LP: landing paper(签证纸)或老婆LG:老公***********************************************************九、数字状态一览表01 已安排面谈.02 等待面谈,尚未安排.03 我处将与你联系.04 请与我处联系.05 已寄信给你要求补交材料(参照上述补充说明)。06 等待他方提供信息。请耐心等待.07 等待体检结果.08 已收到你本人或他方递交的材料,正在审阅中.09 等待建档.10 等待初审.11 我处将与你联系(参照上述补充说明)。12 申请档案正在审阅中.13 你的申请已审理完毕。结果将邮寄给你.14 你的档案尚在等待审理.15 要求你参加面谈。请亲自前来我处面谈.16 你的申请已有结果。请来我处领取,如希望邮寄,请通知我处.17 你的申请结果已邮寄给你。如果到此日期(参照上述补充说明)仍未收到,请与我处联系.18 我处在等待你的雅思考试结果.19 你已被列入面谈候补名单.20 按照你的要求,你的申请档案已被转移.21 你的体检表已于此日(参照上述补充说明)寄出。请尽快按要求进行体检.__________________当时若不登高望,谁信东流海洋深! 神棍查看公开信息发送悄悄话给 神棍查找 神棍 发表的更多帖子添加 神棍 到联系人列表​ 2009-08-13 #16 hxbing 初出茅庐§粗通皮毛注册日期: 2009-07帖子: 30 送出鲜花次数: 0在0帖子里收到0次鲜花 声望: 5865声望改变能力: 305 回复: 神棍话你知(神棍告诉你):萨省提名家庭类移民 谢谢! hxbing查看公开信息发送悄悄话给 hxbing发送 Email 给 hxbing查找 hxbing 发表的更多帖子添加 hxbing 到联系人列表​

回复: 麻烦通过省提名出去的朋友进来一下省提名不需要中介,很简单,条件达到就行了。自己按照官方网站的材料清单准备就可以了。点击展开...不对吧?你没提最关键的因素:雇主!你是怎么得到雇主Job Offer以及省政府给雇主的批准信的?这些是省提名中最重要的环节,请不要忽悠大家!

回复: 麻烦通过省提名出去的朋友进来一下吕总说的没错,就是条件够了,自己办就行,不需要中介,当然这是指亲属提名的,不一定非得要雇主。

2009-10递料,2010-04省提名,2010-05-05北京补料,2010-05-19 fn,2010-07-09 12,2010-07-24 5,2010-08-13 me, 2010-09-09 二次补料,2010-09-23 8 ,2010-10-21 12,2010-10-27 13,2010-10-29 17回复: 麻烦通过省提名出去的朋友进来一下神棍,想请教下,4-11日收到省里要求补料的通知,然后45日之内补了资料寄了出去,大概是5月中旬,要到几时才会有省提名信下来啊?

回复: 麻烦通过省提名出去的朋友进来一下神棍,想请教下,4-11日收到省里要求补料的通知,然后45日之内补了资料寄了出去,大概是5月中旬,要到几时才会有省提名信下来啊?点击展开...如果资料真实可信,大概半年就可以了.


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