加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民魁省技术移民 - 职业定位,2281-B computer network
我的大专学历是和这个职业完全一致,我的工作经历也完全一致,2281--B computer network technians Computer Network Technicians (NOC 2281-B)Computer network technicians establish, operate, maintain, and co-ordinate the use of local and wide area networks (LANs and WANs), mainframe networks, hardware, software and related computer equipment. They set up and maintain Internet and Intranet Web sites and Web-server hardware and software, and monitor and optimize network connectivity and performance. They are employed in information technology units throughout the private and public sectors. Supervisors of computer network technicians are included in this group.Included job titles: Internet Web site technician, LAN (local area network) administrator, LAN (local area network) technician, Web technician, computer network technician, computer network technician supervisor, data centre operator, network administrator, network support technician, supervisor, computer network technician, system administrator 但我的大专学历也有一部分课程是这个职业的,同时也有这个职业的工作经历。2147-B computer engnieers Computer Engineers (Except Software Engineers and Designers) (NOC 2147-b Computer engineers (except software engineers and designers) research, plan, design, develop, modify, evaluate and integrate computer and telecommunications hardware and related equipment, and information and communication system networks including mainframe systems, local and wide area networks, fibre-optic networks, wireless communication networks, Intranets, the Internet and other data communications systems. They are employed by computer and telecommunication hardware manufacturers, by engineering, manufacturing and telecommunications firms, in information technology consulting firms, by governmental, educational and research institutions and in information technology units throughout the private and public sectors.Included job titles: application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) design engineer, computer engineer, computer hardware engineer, engineer, computer hardware, engineer, telecommunications hardware, fibre-optic network designer, hardware circuit board designer, hardware design engineer, hardware development engineer, hardware engineer, network systems engineer, network test engineer, systems designer ? hardware, technical architect ? hardware, wireless communications network engineer. 这两个都是B类的职业, 我的问题是:后者是工程师,是不是比前者技术员含量高而容易加分。还是选择完全一致的前者network,
·生活百科 安装批准的问题
·生活百科 消费 /生产计