加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民高手们,这句话怎么理解啊
本人想让人家给个offer给我,但不可能永久干下去吧,哪有这样的工作。但要认证,里面说到HRSDC will only confirm permanent job offers for occupations listed in Skill Type 0 or Skill Level A or B of the NOC不知道这个permanent如何理解。请前辈们赐教,谢谢。
Qui est-ce?C'est Gous.回复: 高手们,这句话怎么理解啊长期稳定的工作,可以持续三五年或者更长的意思吧~不是合同工,临时工,就算permanent job了
入籍,策划回流中。。长期稳定的工作,可以持续三五年或者更长的意思吧~不是合同工,临时工,就算permanent job了点击展开...长期的涵义是什么?稳定的涵义是什么?可以持续的涵义是什么?三五年或者更长的涵义是什么?如果两年又怎样呢?这是望文生义的理解。逻辑上等于没有回答他的问题。什么叫做加拿大永久居民?那是有特定的法律含义的。对吗?通常美国和加拿大人所说的permanent job,也有它的特定意思。Permanent employees or regular employees work for a single employer and are paid directly by that employer. In addition to their wages, they often receive benefits like subsidized health care, paid vacations, holidays, sick time, or contributions to a retirement plan. Permanent employees are often eligible to switch job positions within their companies. Even when employment is "at will", permanent employees of large companies are generally protected from abrupt job termination by severance policies, like advance notice in case of layoffs, or formal discipline procedures. They may be eligible to join a union, and may enjoy both social and financial benefits of their employment.抱歉我太直率了。
回复: 高手们,这句话怎么理解啊AEO不是那么简单的。
回复: 高手们,这句话怎么理解啊谢谢两位的解释。不知道两年的博士后职位是否可以算数或者得到认证?看样子悬啊。
Qui est-ce?C'est Gous.回复: 高手们,这句话怎么理解啊要是博士后职位,你可以去米国啦
2.9 ME, 8.28 DM, 9.20 VISA!! http://canadameet.sinaapp.com/回复: 高手们,这句话怎么理解啊
回复: 高手们,这句话怎么理解啊长期的涵义是什么?稳定的涵义是什么?可以持续的涵义是什么?三五年或者更长的涵义是什么?如果两年又怎样呢?这是望文生义的理解。逻辑上等于没有回答他的问题。 什么叫做加拿大永久居民?那是有特定的法律含义的。对吗? 通常美国和加拿大人所说的permanent job,也有它的特定意思。Permanent employees or regular employees work for a single employer and are paid directly by that employer. In addition to their wages, they often receive benefits like subsidized health care, paid vacations, holidays, sick time, or contributions to a retirement plan. Permanent employees are often eligible to switch job positions within their companies. Even when employment is "at will", permanent employees of large companies are generally protected from abrupt job termination by severance policies, like advance notice in case of layoffs, or formal discipline procedures. They may be eligible to join a union, and may enjoy both social and financial benefits of their employment. 抱歉我太直率了。点击展开...解释的不是一般的详细,我理解这个词和fulltime 是一致的,有时用fulltime,有时用Permanent!
赏 解释的不是一般的详细,我理解这个词和fulltime 是一致的,有时用fulltime,有时用Permanent!点击展开...好像还是有些区别。假设,某公司雇佣了一个法律顾问,只需要每周四下午来公司上四个小时的班,而他为公司服务了四十年。这时候,他的职位会被认为是permanent job,又是part-time job。这样理解对吗?通常,美国和加拿大认为的Full-time employment查不多包括的意思是 Full-time employment is employment in which the employee works the full number of hours defined as such by his/her employer. Full-time employment often comes with benefits that are not typically offered to part-time, temporary, or flexible workers, such as annual leave, sickleave, and health insurance. Full-time jobs are often considered careers. They sometimes pay more than jobs, and usually carry more hours per week.我在一家美国公司的深圳代表处工作,我们的 Employment Contract 中 fulltime 的定义大约包括的意思也是这样的。而我们所讨论的FSW所涉及的职业计分(OCCUPATION)中关于FULLTIME的定义,其实OP6中有提及,IRPR中也有规定。
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