加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民号外,号外:227新政还要再等两年多
http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/pre-june26-applicants-please-join-here-to-get-the-status-t70979.255.html Dear Madam ! Good Day ! Today in the morning i received a reply from CHC New Delhi for an email sent on 16.07.2011 for application status of my pre june application.I wanted to share with all our forum members. regards. here is the email reply : Dear Sir/Madam,This is in response to your recent email enquiry to the Immigration Section of the Canadian High Commission in New Delhi.An Acknowledgement of Receipt letter was sent to you after your application was received by our office. Your application is currently in a queue awaiting initial review.Unless we have specifically asked you to do so, you are not required to submit any documentation at this time. Our office will contact you to provide the required supporting documentation for the assessment of your application.If you applied as a Federal Skilled Worker on or after 27 February 2008 and before 26 June 2010, your application will take two years or more to be processed.Unfortunately, it will take longer to process federal skilled worker applications submitted under the first set of instructions (between 27 February 2008 and 25 June 2010) than originally projected. During this time, the department received applications for more than 425,000 people, and 144,000 of these have not yet received a decision.This number represents more than twice the number of projected admissions under the federal skilled worker program in 2011. As a result, applicants will wait two years or more to be processed. If you wish to withdraw your application, you may be eligible for a refund of your processing fees.Applications in the Skilled Worker category are processed in order of receipt. Your application forms and fees guarantee your place in the processing queue. Your file is being processed in accordance with its place in the queue, based on the date on which the application and fee payment were received in our office. As we are not yet ready to review your file, you are not required send any documents in support of your application. Since your application is still within normal processing times, we are not able to provide any status updates on your file. When we are ready to review your file, we will send a document request letter to you using the contact information we have on your file. That letter will list all documents required to continue processing your application. Until we contact you, the only information you are required to provide us in order to update your application is: - Change of address or contact information, including email address- Change in your family composition - Request to withdraw your application and refund the application fees- Submission of an Arranged Employment Opinion approved by Human Resources and Social Development Canada- Change to your representationIf you wish to engage, change, or revoke a paid representative, the form IMM 5476 Use of a Representative, available at this link: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/representative.asp, must be completed and signed by you then sent to our office. In all correspondence with our office, remember to quote your file number, full name, and date of birth.For information about processing times, please visit the following link to our website: http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/india-inde/visas/processing_times-durees_traitement.aspxProcessing times to finalization may vary depending on the number of new applications received and the individual complexity of each application. For actual processing times of permanent resident applications in New Delhi for the last 12 months, please refer to the CIC website at: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/times/international/02a-skilled-fed.aspWe trust that this information will be of assistance. LMImmigration Section / Section de l'immigrationCanadian High Commission / Haut-Commissariat du Canada7/8 Shantipath, ChanakyapuriNew DelhiIndia / IndeWebsites/ Sites web: www.india.gc.ca www.cic.gc.ca www.vfs-canada.co.in www.goingtocanada.gc.caFor all e-mail correspondence with our office, we request you to use the enquiries form at: https://dmp-portal.cic.gc.ca/cicemail/intro-eng.aspx?mission=new%20delhiAlways include the applicant's full name, date of birth, passport number and file number in your message
回复: 号外,号外:227新政还要再等两年多ding....
20100615妥投香港1028 RN20110105 补料0402 FN20111117四句话IP20120815 副申香港安全被调面谈20130407ME到0420 美国北京分别体检完毕0516 主申二次体检通知0520 主申二次体检0620 MER0620 PL0702 邮寄护照0705 DM0710 LP大信封到回复: 号外,号外:227新政还要再等两年多很负责的vo
NOC2151,BJ,2011-0606二申妥投,0617BD扣款,0716地址栏消失,0803PER,0811ERC,0813地址消失,0823恢复,0829地址消失并RBVO,0916E-ME,0920IP,0923地址回归,1014体检,1018护照妥投,1103地址消失并MER,1111地址回归,1209-10地址失而复得,2012-0128地址消失,0223出签,0228DM,0303地址回归,0308毕业!20120705登温,0824PRcard回复: 号外,号外:227新政还要再等两年多每个签证OFFICE的工作量和效率不同吧,所以还是看好BJ,HK ,不用让我们227尾巴再等2年。
Hold fast to dreams, for when dreams go, life is a barren field, frozen with snow.回复: 号外,号外:227新政还要再等两年多不愿等也可撤销申请 这种回复咱这边在91才见过 劝退?
回复: 号外,号外:227新政还要再等两年多印度的处理时间一直比较长。香港北京不会那么久。
http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=538306牛妈登陆温哥华 http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=554091 牛妈女儿来到温哥华后的感受http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=560396中学生成绩单/ 在读证明/ 中英文对照免疫表回复: 号外,号外:227新政还要再等两年多已经等了一年的多了,没关系。。
22/Jan/2013, Visa! 自由无障碍,我跑故路在!http://bbs.runbible.cn/?fromuid=101015回复: 号外,号外:227新政还要再等两年多关键问题就是配额当初看着91的同学 227 626哪里想过会有今天当然227 626还是可以庆幸他们比91幸运很多毕竟这个世界就是这样真的不太需要追求公义 就好象森林里两个人遇到老虎 只要其中一个人跑的快就可以了
回复: 号外,号外:227新政还要再等两年多这两年是从FN后算起吧,那得等到2013年了,sign.
回复: 号外,号外:227新政还要再等两年多读起来,感觉语句是拼凑起来的。
BJ 227 妥投: 2010-06-07; 烤鸭:2010-07-17; RN :2010-10-27; 补料妥投:2010-12-25; FN: 2011-02-07; IP: 2012-02-22; ME email: 2012-02-27; 港澳中心体检:2012-03-05; MER:2012-03-19; 2013-01-29: 使馆email告知ems已发出;2月8号vancouver;3月15,枫叶卡,5月16,road test回复: 号外,号外:227新政还要再等两年多从信中可以看出:1、新德里比BJHK处理时间要更长。2、新德里227目前的处理时间大于等于两年。3、新德里的VO态度很好,明显比较耐心,回信很长很详细甚至有一点罗嗦。 注意:印度227不是还要再等两年,是一共需要超过两年的时间。这是有很大区别的。况且我国,特别是HK office明显比印度快,所以大家应该很有信心。
回复: 号外,号外:227新政还要再等两年多就算两年也不怕,已经一年多了。
回复: 号外,号外:227新政还要再等两年多227要是两年能处理完就好了,反正我也快到了
回复: 号外,号外:227新政还要再等两年多再多等几年也无妨,到时直接带小孩过去读大学了。
回复: 号外,号外:227新政还要再等两年多227要是两年能处理完就好了,反正我也快到了点击展开...握手 俺也是
精彩人生刚开始2010/12/24 变8 2011/1/14 变122011/9/6 DM 2011/9/22签到2011/9/30短登长登喽再多等几年也无妨,到时直接带小孩过去读大学了。点击展开...好心态!
227BJ - 10.06.24悉尼妥投 - 10.10.27RN -11.02.15FN - 12.02.28IP - 12.03.13 ME -12.03.14体检补料妥投 - 12.04.24MER 13.01.25DM visa来了!13.02.01登陆加拿大!从信中可以看出:1、新德里比BJHK处理时间要更长。2、新德里227目前的处理时间大于等于两年。3、新德里的VO态度很好,明显比较耐心,回信很长很详细甚至有一点罗嗦。 注意:印度227不是还要再等两年,是从一共需要超过两年的时间。这是有很大区别的。况且我国,特别是HK office明显比印度快,所以大家应该很有信心。点击展开...我觉得这个分析很合理,是整个处理时间要大于2年,而不是需要再等2年。另外,官方公布的处理时间估算,北京/香港是18个月,新德里是15个月。http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/times/perm/skilled-fed.asp
227 BJ 0213;10/5/12签合同;10/5/27初表妥投;10/6/5烤鸭鸭熟;10/10/28RN;11/01/04补料妥投;11/02/07FN;12/02/25IP;12/02/27ME;12/03/20 MER;13/01/30 DM;13/02/01 VISA回复: 号外,号外:227新政还要再等两年多中国比印度还慢
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