加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民更正费用后的起诉委托书及填写样本
大家把红色部分用个人信息替换,FN号是BO开头,[FONT=宋体, MS Song]lodged in[/FONT]填香港或北京,witness和principal划线上不填,留着签名用。写完毕之后发到[email protected],9月30日之后的均不纳入本次集体起诉,另转一封律师关于诉讼最新进展的邮件,步骤及处理时间均写明,明年应会有结果,今后会定期公布处理进展。报名的TX律师会提供国内商业帐户详细信息及联系后续签名。国外已有100多人报名了,国内的TX要抓紧啊,时不我待啊! Good Day, I am pleased to announce that the mandamus litigation will proceed. This week, a consultant notified me that he has signed up enough litigants to reach the 100-litigant threshold. The only visa-posts involved are at this stage: London, Warsaw, Damascus, Accra, Nairobi, New Delhi, Singapore and Manila. Thus, not only will the ruling only apply to those involved in the litigation, I do not expect to CIC to disclose how it is handling files in other visa-posts. Litigants fall into two categories; viz. those who applied before 27 February 2008 and those who applied between that date and 26 June 2010. Within the next two weeks, I will sort through the files to seen which have the most sympathetic facts, and will file those first, after which I will file the rest. Within thirty days of receiving "written reasons" from the visa post, explaining why it has not processed the file, my written arguments will be due. Included in the written submissions will be the litigant's affidavit. I will try to file them earlier, however. Thirty days after I have served Justice (DoJ) with my written arguments, their arguments are due. DoJ usually takes the full thirty days. I then have ten days to reply, after which it goes before a judge to decide whether to hear the matter. If the Court agrees to hear the case, it must set a hearing date between thirty and ninety days. It is usually ninety days after the ruling. However, because the Court is busy, it often defers for some months announcing that it has agreed to hear the case. Somewhere along the line, I will initiate the action for damages. I do not anticipate doing so, however, until a few of the applications have been perfected, at which point, I expect to file all of the actions at the same time. This approach will allow us to amass a larger number of litigants, thereby increasing the amount of damages CIC will face if it refuses to assess the litigants' files. I am the process of setting up a website which will be up-dated to reflect events in the overall litigation. I expect the domain name to be www.unfairCIC.com and will notify you once it is up. If you have any questions, please let me know. Regards, Tim Leahy
回复: 更正费用后的起诉委托书及填写样本I will follow it soon
06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧回复: 更正费用后的起诉委托书及填写样本done
06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧回复: 更正费用后的起诉委托书及填写样本请问楼主为什么是两个“name”?一个填中文,一个填英文?
-->IELTS L8 S6 R6.5 W6 self-assess:70 points -->2006.09.14 HK -->2007.02.16 FN:B050535***VO:unknown -->2009.01.20 Confirmation Letter -->2012.03.21 S2 -->2012.05.18 S2 submitted -->2012.06.06 S2 resubmmited -->2012.06.19 ME回复: 更正费用后的起诉委托书及填写样本一个填witness(见证人)姓名,一个填委托人(你自己)姓名,都是汉语拼音,姓+名。
回复: 更正费用后的起诉委托书及填写样本已发。
回复: 更正费用后的起诉委托书及填写样本一个填witness(见证人)姓名,一个填委托人(你自己)姓名,都是汉语拼音,姓+名。点击展开...啊?我已经发出去了,填错了,一会修改下再发一次。见证人填谁啊?谢谢!
-->IELTS L8 S6 R6.5 W6 self-assess:70 points -->2006.09.14 HK -->2007.02.16 FN:B050535***VO:unknown -->2009.01.20 Confirmation Letter -->2012.03.21 S2 -->2012.05.18 S2 submitted -->2012.06.06 S2 resubmmited -->2012.06.19 ME回复: 更正费用后的起诉委托书及填写样本我没填见证人,自己在principal手签后扫描发过去了。
回复: 更正费用后的起诉委托书及填写样本楼主,我现在人在美国。我的档案号不记得了。我10月6号才能回到国内。怎么办?我很想参加起诉。
回复: 更正费用后的起诉委托书及填写样本FN 不是BO开头,是B0开头
All because of love!回复: 更正费用后的起诉委托书及填写样本顶起来,我们要行动起来
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