我到底是为了什么是因为念念不忘那种无法言语的豁然开然的感觉还是那些挥之不去的梦幻环境 我无法站在这从出生至今的土地我真的是不明白怎么会变成这样痛斥各种各样的谎言变成洗脑下是非不分的臣民 他们可以什么都不理会不是假装真的觉得那些与我何干为什么我要看不顺眼为什么我想假装却这么的难 没有犀利的言语只能心里隐隐作痛我真好笑你难过什么你都生存了20多年的地方你为了什么如此想离开 一团杂乱无章的理由在心里缠绕 奴性\虚假\荒诞个性被囚困在无形的守旧道德真理中 沉闷\压抑\阴郁呐喊在时间飞轮般转动中沉默 破茧而出的时候请来一场酣畅淋漓的雨冲刷懦弱胆怯等一切污垢 或许有那么一天会觉得什么都不重要重要的是。。。。。?

回复: 到底我的ME什么时候会来一切会来的,别着急
回复: 到底我的ME什么时候会来祝福
2.9 ME, 8.28 DM, 9.20 VISA!! http://canadameet.sinaapp.com/回复: 到底我的ME什么时候会来祝福我们都能早日ME!
回复: 到底我的ME什么时候会来重要的是YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE。
回复: 到底我的ME什么时候会来既然贴的图是辛肖克的救赎,就必须能忍啊。等吧,大家都上错了BJ这条路,只能干瞪眼的等。
回复: 到底我的ME什么时候会来《Go West》 (together) we will go our way(together) we will leave someday(together) your hand in my hands(together) we will make our plans(together) we will fly so high(together) tell all our friends goodbye(together) we will start life new(together) this is what we'll do(go west) life is peaceful there(go west) in the open air(go west) where the skies are blue(go west) this is what we're gonna do(together) we will love the beach(together) we will learn and teach(together) change our pace of life(together) we will work and strive(i love you) i know you love me(i want you) how could i disagree?(so that's why) i make no protest(when you say) you will do the rest(go west) life is peaceful there(go west) in the open air(go west) baby you and me(go west) this is our destiny (go west) sun in wintertime(go west) we will do just fine(go west) where the skies are blue(go west, this is what we're gonna do)there where the air is freewe'll be (we'll be) what we want to be (aah aah aah aah)now if we make a stand (aah)we'll find (we'll find) our promised land (aah)(i know that) there are many ways(to live there) in the sun or shade(together) we will find a place(to settle) where there's so much space(without rush) and the pace back east(the hustling) rustling just to feed(i know i'm) ready to leave too(so that's what) we are gonna do(what we're gonna do isgo west) life is peaceful there(go west) there in the open air(go west) where the skies are blue(go west) this is what we're gonna do(life is peaceful there)go west (in the open air)go west (baby, you and me)go west (this is our destiny)(go west) sun in wintertime(go west) we will feel just fine(go west) where the skies are blue(go west) this is what we're gonna dogo west
期待老妈早日毕业……回复: 到底我的ME什么时候会来祝福你!Me一定会来的!Visa一定会来的!
回复: 到底我的ME什么时候会来祝福.
回复: 到底我的ME什么时候会来既然贴的图是辛肖克的救赎,就必须能忍啊。等吧,大家都上错了BJ这条路,只能干瞪眼的等。点击展开...虽然HK的ME比我们BJ的早,但未必DM就早,MS北京的ME后到DM的时间短一些 帮大家都我们的ME
一步一步,脚踏实地!回复: 到底我的ME什么时候会来保持微笑,笑到最后。
2008撤案91,227北京-1111, 2010-4-30投妥, 2010-11-26FN,2010-7-7日4句IP,无背调,2012.2.21 ME,同日变IP5句。2013.1.28贴签证。2013.2.6DM。2013.2.9短登温哥华。2013.5.12长登多伦多。2014.3找到本专业工作,移民终于成功了!回复: 到底我的ME什么时候会来楼主好才情啊。6月的FN, 即使有贝雕,也快了
回复: 到底我的ME什么时候会来6月还没ME的应该不多了,calm down, ME is coming
卡屯集结号(137990988)Calgary Badminton Group (168454634)回复: 到底我的ME什么时候会来看看统计贴http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=488415 5月fn的还有高达38%没有me的。所以6月fn的千万别心急。
2008撤案91,227北京-1111, 2010-4-30投妥, 2010-11-26FN,2010-7-7日4句IP,无背调,2012.2.21 ME,同日变IP5句。2013.1.28贴签证。2013.2.6DM。2013.2.9短登温哥华。2013.5.12长登多伦多。2014.3找到本专业工作,移民终于成功了!回复: 到底我的ME什么时候会来祝福LZ尽快来ME吧! 不耐心也没有办法呀!同吼自己的ME。。。
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