加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民菜鸟问题:CAIPS是什么东东?
回复: 菜鸟问题:CAIPS是什么东东?http://www.caips.ca/ CAIPS is short for "Computer Assisted Immigration Processing System". It is the computer system historically used by Citizenship & Immigration Canada to process visa applications, and holds all the information on the current status of every immigration application being processed by overseas offices (i.e. those outside of Canada), other than new applications at offices which have switched to using the 'GCMS' system.
回复: 菜鸟问题:CAIPS是什么东东?明白了!就是有点贵!
回复: 菜鸟问题:CAIPS是什么东东?http://www.caips.ca/ CAIPS is short for "Computer Assisted Immigration Processing System". It is the computer system historically used by Citizenship & Immigration Canada to process visa applications, and holds all the information on the current status of every immigration application being processed by overseas offices (i.e. those outside of Canada), other than new applications at offices which have switched to using the 'GCMS' system.点击展开...太好了,用这网站的服务就不用麻烦加拿大的朋友了。
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