加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民self-assessment 分数问题
回复: self-assessment 分数问题必须有一年的紧缺工作经验。
God gives answers in three ways: He says yes and gives you what you want. He says no and gives you something better. He says wait and gives you the best.回复: self-assessment 分数问题专业不算的,要找到biologist的工作才靠谱
回复: self-assessment 分数问题年纪不大的话可以通过留学。。。
2008撤案91,227北京-1111, 2010-4-30投妥, 2010-11-26FN,2010-7-7日4句IP,无背调,2012.2.21 ME,同日变IP5句。2013.1.28贴签证。2013.2.6DM。2013.2.9短登温哥华。2013.5.12长登多伦多。2014.3找到本专业工作,移民终于成功了!回复: self-assessment 分数问题感谢大家,biologist的cap现在有212个了,算是比较热门的。学历:25 语言:14(3H1M),年龄:10,工作:15(假设一年),没有配偶,没有加拿大关系。。。找到一个动物保护的NGO工作,是外联部门,这样能算紧缺工作经验么?因为还有什么fundraising等等其他的职能的工作,如果不能算,我就不去了。。。
回复: self-assessment 分数问题外联就是宣传,策划活动那种,生物专业的应该很少,能加上分么??
回复: self-assessment 分数问题biologist起码得是生物学家吧,应该科研之类的工作吧,看看这专业的noc title看看
回复: self-assessment 分数问题得要是生物工作经验啊。外联就是宣传,策划活动那种,生物专业的应该很少,能加上分么??点击展开...
God gives answers in three ways: He says yes and gives you what you want. He says no and gives you something better. He says wait and gives you the best.回复: self-assessment 分数问题职业内容不符合不行。
2008撤案91,227北京-1111, 2010-4-30投妥, 2010-11-26FN,2010-7-7日4句IP,无背调,2012.2.21 ME,同日变IP5句。2013.1.28贴签证。2013.2.6DM。2013.2.9短登温哥华。2013.5.12长登多伦多。2014.3找到本专业工作,移民终于成功了!回复: self-assessment 分数问题LZ,你先看下NOC的职业职能描述,然后有的放矢去找相关工作。 http://www5.hrsdc.gc.ca/NOC/English/NOC/2006/ProfileQuickSearch.aspx?val=2&val1=2121&val65=biologist Main dutiesBiologists perform some or all of the following duties: Plan and conduct studies of the environment, and of the population, distribution, structure and functional characteristics and behaviour of plants and animalsConduct ecological and environmental impact studies and prepare reportsStudy, identify and classify plant and animal specimensConduct experiments in plant or animal growth, heredity and breedingPrepare reports and plans for management of renewable resourcesMay supervise biological technologists and technicians and other scientists.Microbiologists and cell and molecular biologists perform some or all of the following duties: Conduct research into the structure, function, ecology, biotechnology and genetics of micro-organisms, including bacteria, fungi, protozoans, and algaeConduct research into the structure and functioning of human, animal and plant tissues and cellsConduct studies into the identification, effects and control of human, plant and animal pathogens and toxinsConduct clinical or laboratory studies to test, evaluate and screen drugs and pharmaceuticalsConduct molecular or biochemical studies and experiments into genetic expression, gene manipulation and recombinant DNA technologyConduct research to discover, develop and refine, and evaluate new productsMay participate in the commercialization of new productsMay supervise biological technologists and technicians and other scientistsMay conduct biostatistical data analysis using computer modelling techniques.Biologists and related scientists may specialize at the macroscopic level, in fields such as botany, zoology, ecology and marine biology or, at the cellular and molecular level, in fields such as genetics, immunology, pharmacology, toxicology, physiology, pathology, bacteriology and virology.
2010年3月30日初表DHL寄出 // 4月7日悉尼妥投DAVE签收 // 6月16日RN // 7月30日鸭熟 // 9月29日EMS香港补料妥投 // 10月4日FN // 2011年8月9日山寨IP // 9月19日收到纸质ME信 // 9月20日正式IP // 9月26日体检 // 11月24日PL信到 // 11月28日护照妥投 // 12月6日MER // 2012年1月5日贴签 // 1月15日收到大信封 LZ,你先看下NOC的职业职能描述,然后有的放矢去找相关工作。明白了 http://www5.hrsdc.gc.ca/NOC/English/NOC/2006/ProfileQuickSearch.aspx?val=2&val1=2121&val65=biologist Main dutiesBiologists perform some or all of the following duties: Plan and conduct studies of the environment, and of the population, distribution, structure and functional characteristics and behaviour of plants and animalsConduct ecological and environmental impact studies and prepare reportsStudy, identify and classify plant and animal specimensConduct experiments in plant or animal growth, heredity and breedingPrepare reports and plans for management of renewable resourcesMay supervise biological technologists and technicians and other scientists.Microbiologists and cell and molecular biologists perform some or all of the following duties: Conduct research into the structure, function, ecology, biotechnology and genetics of micro-organisms, including bacteria, fungi, protozoans, and algaeConduct research into the structure and functioning of human, animal and plant tissues and cellsConduct studies into the identification, effects and control of human, plant and animal pathogens and toxinsConduct clinical or laboratory studies to test, evaluate and screen drugs and pharmaceuticalsConduct molecular or biochemical studies and experiments into genetic expression, gene manipulation and recombinant DNA technologyConduct research to discover, develop and refine, and evaluate new productsMay participate in the commercialization of new productsMay supervise biological technologists and technicians and other scientistsMay conduct biostatistical data analysis using computer modelling techniques.Biologists and related scientists may specialize at the macroscopic level, in fields such as botany, zoology, ecology and marine biology or, at the cellular and molecular level, in fields such as genetics, immunology, pharmacology, toxicology, physiology, pathology, bacteriology and virology.点击展开...
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