加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民加拿大都有哪些工业比较发达?
2001年递交新西兰2002,2006年两次递交加拿大 2008年递交澳洲 2009年预备递交巴西2010年递交魁北克相对欧美而言吧。 加拿大的自然资源也比较丰富,类似钾肥,石油化工厂也很多。前端时间还有毕何毕托的恶意收购案件,怒发(NOVA)也是世界有名的石化企业。点击展开...问题人家那个帖子,是比较加拿大和澳大利亚的:)
2001年递交新西兰2002,2006年两次递交加拿大 2008年递交澳洲 2009年预备递交巴西2010年递交魁北克我想知道,一个广泛流传的帖子说加拿大"没有重工业"。(此帖子见http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=339857&page=15)但是这个没有重工业的航空工业居然号称仅仅次于美,英,法,居世界第四强。这个没有重工业的加拿大居然不远万里帮中国和瑞典开发铁路。这个没有重工业的加拿大,居然为重工业公司开发cad和cam软件,美国汽车公司基本都用魁北克的软件设计汽车。(中国流行的多媒体软件maya,3dMax,coreldraw,softimage等软件都是从工业软件衍生的,开发在魁北克,现在有的已经移动到多伦多)这个没有重工业的加拿大,居然还有个城市,号称世界唯一能生产飞机,火车,汽车的全部零件。...这个加拿大居然和美国共同控股美国最大的50家工业公司的23家。为何?点击展开...你说了半天想表达的就是加拿大的庞巴迪吧? 加拿大就这么一个所谓的自己的大公司,可悲的是它的研发基地和制造基地都搬到了美国和德国,加拿大只有部分设计和研发部门.
移加乃迷途,几人不糊涂,待到清醒时,已无回头路。回复: 加拿大都有哪些工业比较发达?除了这个Bombardier,还有其他太多了。跨国公司,当然都是在加拿大美国德国设立不同分工的,很正常。设计肯定还是美国的强,这一点我不敢不承认,因为我知道,多伦多地铁,居然还要让美国公司设计:(
2001年递交新西兰2002,2006年两次递交加拿大 2008年递交澳洲 2009年预备递交巴西2010年递交魁北克回复: 加拿大都有哪些工业比较发达?Companies [edit] A Abilis Solutions (software development, consulting)AbitibiBowaterAgricore United (Agri-business)Air Canada (airline)Angoss Software Corporation (software)Aritzia (clothing) [edit] B Ballard Power SystemsBank of MontrealBarrick Gold (gold)Bard Ventures CompanyBC HydroBC Research IncBell Canada EnterprisesBecker'sBiovailBioWare (video games)Bison Transport Inc. (Transportation)Black Diamond Cheese LimitedBlenz CoffeeBombardier Inc.Bombardier Recreational Products spun off as an independent company in 2003Boston PizzaBoyd Group Income Fund (Service)Brookfield Asset Management (assorted activities)Buck or Two Extreme Retail, Inc. (retail)Buckley'sBuhler Industries Inc. (Manufacturing)Bullfrog Power (Low carbon domestic & business electricity supplier)Brick Brewing CompanyBruce PowerBluenotes [edit] C Cadillac Fairview (property)CAE (flight simulators and training)Calm Air (airline)Cameco (uranium)Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (Government-owned bank account insurance company)Canadian Bank Note Company (money and passport printing)Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) (Government-owned Canadian TV and Radio broadcaster)Canadian Hydro Developers (power generation)Canadian Light Source, Inc. (research)Canadian National Railway (railway)Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. (oil/gas)Canadian Pacific Railway Limited (railway)Canadian Oil Sands Trust (oil)Canadian Salt CompanyCanadian Steamship Lines (cargo shipping)Canadian Tire (retail)Canadian Tire Financial Services (credit card company)Canadian Western Bank (banking)Canadian Wheat Board (Agri-business)Cangene Corp. (Biotech)CanJet (Airline)Canwest (broadcast)Cara Operations (food services)Cargill Ltd.Casavant FrèresCascadesCelesticaCentra Gas Manitoba Inc. (Utility)Central Heat Distribution (district heating Vancouver)Central Mountain Air (airline)CGI Group (IT consulting)ChaptersCHUM Limited (broadcast)CIBC (banking)Cineplex EntertainmentCirque du SoleilCitizens Bank of Canada (banking)Club MonacoColt Canada (Military equipments and Defence contractor)Coffee Time (coffee shops)Cognos (software)Conestoga-Rovers & Associates (engineering)Corby Distilleries (alcohol)Corel (software)Corus Entertainment - a Canadian entertainment companyCottCountry Style (coffee shops)Cossette Communication GroupCP ShipsCSA Group (standards/testing lab)CTVglobemedia (media)CTV (broadcast) [edit] D [1] DaimlerChrysler CanadaDairy Farmers of Manitoba (Agri-business)DalsaDart Flipcards Inc.Delta HotelsDeloitteDigital Extremes (video games, e.g., co-producer of Unreal Tournament)Dofasco (Now owned by Luxembourg's Arcelor)Dollarama (retail)Domtar (pulp and paper company)DreamCatcher Games (video games, e.g., Painkiller, Crystal Key, Cold War)Dynasty EV [edit] E ElectrohomeEmeraEnCanaEnbridgeEngineered Lifting Systems & Equipment IncEnwave District heating/cooling in Toronto [edit] F Fairmont Hotels and ResortsFalconbridge Ltd.Farmers of North AmericaFairweatherFederated Insurance Company of Canada (Insurance)First AirFirst Nations Bank of CanadaFlickr (a popular photo sharing website - bought by Yahoo!)Fluid Music (Media Company)Forzani Group (sports retail)Ford Motor Company of Canada, LimitedFortis Inc.Four Seasons HotelFort Garry BreweryFreshBooksFuture Shop -- (bought by American retailer Best Buy) [edit] G Gabriel KneyGanzGarage (store)General Motors CanadaGeneral Dynamics Canada (defence technology) [2]George Weston Limited (Foods)Giant Tiger (discount store)GlobeScanGoldcorp (gold)The Great-West Life Assurance CompanyGreat Western Brewing CompanyGuardian Biotechnologies [edit] H Harlequin Enterprises LtdHarry Rosen Inc. (retail)Hart StoresHarvey'sHatch LtdHathor Exploration Limited (uranium)Héroux-DevtekHitachi Canadian IndustriesHome Hardware (retail)Honda CanadaHoneywell ASCa Inc. (Defence aerospace)HSBC Bank CanadaHudson BoatworksHudson's Bay CompanyHudson Bay Mining and Smelting Co. Ltd. (Mining)Husky EnergyHydro-Québec [edit] I IDA (drug store)IGM Financial Inc. (Finance)IL Therapeutics - bio-techIMAX CorporationIMP GroupImperial Oil (Esso)Indigo Books and MusicInfo-Tech Research Group (IT research and consulting organization)Innovation Place Research Park (research parks)Intelligent Creatures (visual effects post-production company)IntrawestInvestors GroupIrving Oil [edit] J James Richardson & Sons, Limited (Conglomerate)Jazz Air LP (airlines operates as Air Canada Jazz)Jean Coutu (pharmacies)Jim Pattison Group [edit] K Katz GroupKelowna Flightcraft Ltd.Kelowna Flightcraft Air Charter Kinross GoldKinovaKitchen Craft of Canada Ltd. (Manufacturing)Kruger Inc. [edit] L L’Oie de Cravan (publishing)La Maison Simons (retail)Labatt Brewing Company (now owned by Belgian brewer InBev)LASIK MDLassonde IndustriesLaurentian Bank of CanadaLéger Marketing (polls and market research)Lee Valley Tools (retail)Leon'sLinamarLions Gate EntertainmentLiquor Control Board of OntarioLiquidation World (retail)Lise WatierLoblawsLondon DrugsLondon Life Insurance CompanyLook CommunicationsLululemon (retail) [edit] M Mac's MilkMacDonald DettwilerMad Genius SoftwareMagna International (auto parts)Manitoba HydroManitoba Lotteries Corp. (Entertainment)Manitoba Liquor Control Commission (Specialty Retailing)Manitoba Public Insurance Corp. (Insurance Services)Manitoba Telecom Services (MTS)Manulife FinancialMaple Leaf Sports & Entertainment (owner of Toronto Maple Leafs, Raptors)Maple Leaf Foods (food products)Mary Brown'sMatroxMaritime LifeMark's Work WearhouseMasonite International big macKs weinersMemotecMercedes-Benz Canada (cars)Metro IncMcCain Foods (world's largest manufacturer of french fries)McClelland and Stewart, book publishersMcDonald's CanadaMDS Inc.Microcell Telecommunications (Owner of Fido digital wireless services)MitelMolsonMooseheadMotor Coach Industries (Manufacturing)Mozilla MessagingMuchMusic [edit] N National Bank of CanadaNexen (oil/gas)Nelvana (entertainment)New Flyer Industries (Bus manufacture)New York Fries (fast food)Nexient (corporate training)Nintendo of CanadaNortel Networks (telecommunications)North West Company (retail)NorandaFalconbridge (mining)NOVA ChemicalsNova Scotia PowerNovelis (aluminum) [edit] O Oland BreweryOnex CorporationOntario Lottery and Gaming CorporationOpen Text Corporation (software)Orca Bay Sports and EntertainmentOsisko Mining (gold) [edit] P Pacific Coastal Airlines (airline)Palliser Furniture Ltd. (Manufacturing)Pan American Silver CorporationPaterson GlobalFoods Inc. (Agri-business)Paramount ResourcesPara-OrdnanceParasucoParmalat Canada (food products)Prairie Gun Works Defence Technologies Inc. (Defence weapon systems)Persona CommunicationsPetro-Canada (retail gasoline chain & refiner)Pizza NovaPizza PizzaPrairie Plant SystemsPMC-SierraPollard Banknote Ltd. (Printing)Porter Airlines (airline)Potash Corporation of SaskatchewanPower Corporation of CanadaPratt & Whitney Canada (Aerospace)Presagis (Defence software)Precision DrillingPrevost Car (Bus Manufacturer Wholly Owned by Volvo AB)Priszm Canadian Income FundPronto Airways (airline)PropétPurolator Courier (point to point package delivery) [edit] Q QNX (software - operating systems)Quebecor (printing / media) [edit] R Rare Method Interactive Studios, Inc (interactive marketing agency)Red Back Mining (gold)Reimer Express Lines Ltd. (Transportation)Research In Motion (Wireless device company best known as the developer of the BlackBerry)Ridley Inc. (Agri-business)Roots CanadaRoyal Bank of Canada (Banking) [edit] S SAAN (retail)Sandman HotelsSandvine (networking equipment)Saputo (dairy products)Saskatchewan Government Insurance (insurance)SRC (research)SaskPower (electricity)SaskTel (Telecom)Save-on-FoodsSavvicaScotiabank (Bank of Nova Scotia)Scott Paper LimitedSears CanadaSecond CupStelcoShaw CableShell CanadaShoppers Drug Mart (drug store chain)Shore Tilbe Irwin + PartnersSierra WirelessSkyline Aviation SoftwareSleeman BreweriesSleep Country Canada (mattresses)smart Canada manufacturer of the smart fortwo, part of Mercedes-Benz CanadaSNC-Lavalin (engineering)SobeysSoftimageSosign InteractiveSPFX Realty Group (Real Estate development)Suncor Energy (energy)Sun Life AssuranceSun-Rype (food and beverage)Sunward Aerospace Group Limited (model rockets and hobbies)SyncrudeSwiss Chalet [edit] T Electric TM4 Electrodymanic systems (Hydro-Québec)T & T SupermarketTahera (mining company)Talisman EnergyTamarack Developments CorporationTaseko Mines LimitedTD Waterhouse GroupTechnology Evaluation CentersTeck ComincoTelesat CanadaTelus (telecommunications)TembecTerasen Gas (formerly BC Gas)The BrickThe North West Company Fund (Merchant)The Ocean GroupThe Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Co. (Insurance)Tim HortonsTimothy's World CoffeeThe Source by Circuit CityThomson CorporationTMX GroupTop Aces Incorporated (Defence contractor)Tolko (forestry)ToromontToronto-Dominion BankToronto Stock ExchangeTorstarTransCanada Corp.(pipelines) (Appointed by Joy D'Souza)Transformix Engineering (industrial automation)Transwest AirTridelTriple Five Group [edit] U Ultramar - marketers and refiners of petroleumUnited Furniture Warehouse [edit] V Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (research)Vancity (Vancouver City Savings Credit Union) (Banking)VIA Rail (government-owned passenger train service)Vive Nano (nanomaterials) [edit] W Wal-Mart Canada (retail)Wardrop Engineering Inc. (engineering services)Waterloo Maple Inc. (mathematical software)West Fraser Timber (wood products)Western Oil Sands (oil)WestJet (airline)West Wind Aviation (airline and air services)Wildcard Pictures (film festival organizer)Winpak Ltd. (Manufacturing)WingTips Airport Services (airlines ground handling)Winners [edit] X Xandros (software)XM Radio Canada [edit] Y Yamana Gold Inc.Yogen Früz [edit] Z Zarlink (semiconductor)ZENN (motor company)ZENON Environmental (water treatment)Zellers
2001年递交新西兰2002,2006年两次递交加拿大 2008年递交澳洲 2009年预备递交巴西2010年递交魁北克除了这个Bombardier,还有其他太多了。跨国公司,当然都是在加拿大美国德国设立不同分工的,很正常。 设计肯定还是美国的强,这一点我不敢不承认,因为我知道,多伦多地铁,居然还要让美国公司设计:(点击展开...还有一个号称当时世界500强的北方电讯, 可是倒闭了,悲剧了,员工都LAYOFF了,我有几个朋友在那里工作基本都回流或去了美国, 加拿大越来越艰难大.
移加乃迷途,几人不糊涂,待到清醒时,已无回头路。回复: 加拿大都有哪些工业比较发达?有很多公司把制造基地搬到了中国,说明了什么?说明中国的劳动力最廉价啊!
赏 Companies [edit] A Abilis Solutions (software development, consulting)AbitibiBowaterAgricore United (Agri-business)Air Canada (airline)Angoss Software Corporation (software)Aritzia (clothing)[edit] B Ballard Power SystemsBank of MontrealBarrick Gold (gold)Bard Ventures CompanyBC HydroBC Research IncBell Canada EnterprisesBecker'sBiovailBioWare (video games)Bison Transport Inc. (Transportation)Black Diamond Cheese LimitedBlenz CoffeeBombardier Inc.Bombardier Recreational Products spun off as an independent company in 2003Boston PizzaBoyd Group Income Fund (Service)Brookfield Asset Management (assorted activities)Buck or Two Extreme Retail, Inc. (retail)Buckley'sBuhler Industries Inc. (Manufacturing)Bullfrog Power (Low carbon domestic & business electricity supplier)Brick Brewing CompanyBruce PowerBluenotes[edit] C Cadillac Fairview (property)CAE (flight simulators and training)Calm Air (airline)Cameco (uranium)Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (Government-owned bank account insurance company)Canadian Bank Note Company (money and passport printing)Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) (Government-owned Canadian TV and Radio broadcaster)Canadian Hydro Developers (power generation)Canadian Light Source, Inc. (research)Canadian National Railway (railway)Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. (oil/gas)Canadian Pacific Railway Limited (railway)Canadian Oil Sands Trust (oil)Canadian Salt CompanyCanadian Steamship Lines (cargo shipping)Canadian Tire (retail)Canadian Tire Financial Services (credit card company)Canadian Western Bank (banking)Canadian Wheat Board (Agri-business)Cangene Corp. (Biotech)CanJet (Airline)Canwest (broadcast)Cara Operations (food services)Cargill Ltd.Casavant FrèresCascadesCelesticaCentra Gas Manitoba Inc. (Utility)Central Heat Distribution (district heating Vancouver)Central Mountain Air (airline)CGI Group (IT consulting)ChaptersCHUM Limited (broadcast)CIBC (banking)Cineplex EntertainmentCirque du SoleilCitizens Bank of Canada (banking)Club MonacoColt Canada (Military equipments and Defence contractor)Coffee Time (coffee shops)Cognos (software)Conestoga-Rovers & Associates (engineering)Corby Distilleries (alcohol)Corel (software)Corus Entertainment - a Canadian entertainment companyCottCountry Style (coffee shops)Cossette Communication GroupCP ShipsCSA Group (standards/testing lab)CTVglobemedia (media)CTV (broadcast)[edit] D [1]DaimlerChrysler CanadaDairy Farmers of Manitoba (Agri-business)DalsaDart Flipcards Inc.Delta HotelsDeloitteDigital Extremes (video games, e.g., co-producer of Unreal Tournament)Dofasco (Now owned by Luxembourg's Arcelor)Dollarama (retail)Domtar (pulp and paper company)DreamCatcher Games (video games, e.g., Painkiller, Crystal Key, Cold War)Dynasty EV[edit] E ElectrohomeEmeraEnCanaEnbridgeEngineered Lifting Systems & Equipment IncEnwave District heating/cooling in Toronto[edit] F Fairmont Hotels and ResortsFalconbridge Ltd.Farmers of North AmericaFairweatherFederated Insurance Company of Canada (Insurance)First AirFirst Nations Bank of CanadaFlickr (a popular photo sharing website - bought by Yahoo!)Fluid Music (Media Company)Forzani Group (sports retail)Ford Motor Company of Canada, LimitedFortis Inc.Four Seasons HotelFort Garry BreweryFreshBooksFuture Shop -- (bought by American retailer Best Buy)[edit] G Gabriel KneyGanzGarage (store)General Motors CanadaGeneral Dynamics Canada (defence technology) [2]George Weston Limited (Foods)Giant Tiger (discount store)GlobeScanGoldcorp (gold)The Great-West Life Assurance CompanyGreat Western Brewing CompanyGuardian Biotechnologies[edit] H Harlequin Enterprises LtdHarry Rosen Inc. (retail)Hart StoresHarvey'sHatch LtdHathor Exploration Limited (uranium)Héroux-DevtekHitachi Canadian IndustriesHome Hardware (retail)Honda CanadaHoneywell ASCa Inc. (Defence aerospace)HSBC Bank CanadaHudson BoatworksHudson's Bay CompanyHudson Bay Mining and Smelting Co. Ltd. (Mining)Husky EnergyHydro-Québec[edit] I IDA (drug store)IGM Financial Inc. (Finance)IL Therapeutics - bio-techIMAX CorporationIMP GroupImperial Oil (Esso)Indigo Books and MusicInfo-Tech Research Group (IT research and consulting organization)Innovation Place Research Park (research parks)Intelligent Creatures (visual effects post-production company)IntrawestInvestors GroupIrving Oil[edit] J James Richardson & Sons, Limited (Conglomerate)Jazz Air LP (airlines operates as Air Canada Jazz)Jean Coutu (pharmacies)Jim Pattison Group[edit] K Katz GroupKelowna Flightcraft Ltd.Kelowna Flightcraft Air CharterKinross GoldKinovaKitchen Craft of Canada Ltd. (Manufacturing)Kruger Inc.[edit] L L’Oie de Cravan (publishing)La Maison Simons (retail)Labatt Brewing Company (now owned by Belgian brewer InBev)LASIK MDLassonde IndustriesLaurentian Bank of CanadaLéger Marketing (polls and market research)Lee Valley Tools (retail)Leon'sLinamarLions Gate EntertainmentLiquor Control Board of OntarioLiquidation World (retail)Lise WatierLoblawsLondon DrugsLondon Life Insurance CompanyLook CommunicationsLululemon (retail)[edit] M Mac's MilkMacDonald DettwilerMad Genius SoftwareMagna International (auto parts)Manitoba HydroManitoba Lotteries Corp. (Entertainment)Manitoba Liquor Control Commission (Specialty Retailing)Manitoba Public Insurance Corp. (Insurance Services)Manitoba Telecom Services (MTS)Manulife FinancialMaple Leaf Sports & Entertainment (owner of Toronto Maple Leafs, Raptors)Maple Leaf Foods (food products)Mary Brown'sMatroxMaritime LifeMark's Work WearhouseMasonite International big macKs weinersMemotecMercedes-Benz Canada (cars)Metro IncMcCain Foods (world's largest manufacturer of french fries)McClelland and Stewart, book publishersMcDonald's CanadaMDS Inc.Microcell Telecommunications (Owner of Fido digital wireless services)MitelMolsonMooseheadMotor Coach Industries (Manufacturing)Mozilla MessagingMuchMusic[edit] N National Bank of CanadaNexen (oil/gas)Nelvana (entertainment)New Flyer Industries (Bus manufacture)New York Fries (fast food)Nexient (corporate training)Nintendo of CanadaNortel Networks (telecommunications)North West Company (retail)NorandaFalconbridge (mining)NOVA ChemicalsNova Scotia PowerNovelis (aluminum)[edit] O Oland BreweryOnex CorporationOntario Lottery and Gaming CorporationOpen Text Corporation (software)Orca Bay Sports and EntertainmentOsisko Mining (gold)[edit] P Pacific Coastal Airlines (airline)Palliser Furniture Ltd. (Manufacturing)Pan American Silver CorporationPaterson GlobalFoods Inc. (Agri-business)Paramount ResourcesPara-OrdnanceParasucoParmalat Canada (food products)Prairie Gun Works Defence Technologies Inc. (Defence weapon systems)Persona CommunicationsPetro-Canada (retail gasoline chain & refiner)Pizza NovaPizza PizzaPrairie Plant SystemsPMC-SierraPollard Banknote Ltd. (Printing)Porter Airlines (airline)Potash Corporation of SaskatchewanPower Corporation of CanadaPratt & Whitney Canada (Aerospace)Presagis (Defence software)Precision DrillingPrevost Car (Bus Manufacturer Wholly Owned by Volvo AB)Priszm Canadian Income FundPronto Airways (airline)PropétPurolator Courier (point to point package delivery)[edit] Q QNX (software - operating systems)Quebecor (printing / media)[edit] R Rare Method Interactive Studios, Inc (interactive marketing agency)Red Back Mining (gold)Reimer Express Lines Ltd. (Transportation)Research In Motion (Wireless device company best known as the developer of the BlackBerry)Ridley Inc. (Agri-business)Roots CanadaRoyal Bank of Canada (Banking)[edit] S SAAN (retail)Sandman HotelsSandvine (networking equipment)Saputo (dairy products)Saskatchewan Government Insurance (insurance)SRC (research)SaskPower (electricity)SaskTel (Telecom)Save-on-FoodsSavvicaScotiabank (Bank of Nova Scotia)Scott Paper LimitedSears CanadaSecond CupStelcoShaw CableShell CanadaShoppers Drug Mart (drug store chain)Shore Tilbe Irwin + PartnersSierra WirelessSkyline Aviation SoftwareSleeman BreweriesSleep Country Canada (mattresses)smart Canada manufacturer of the smart fortwo, part of Mercedes-Benz CanadaSNC-Lavalin (engineering)SobeysSoftimageSosign InteractiveSPFX Realty Group (Real Estate development)Suncor Energy (energy)Sun Life AssuranceSun-Rype (food and beverage)Sunward Aerospace Group Limited (model rockets and hobbies)SyncrudeSwiss Chalet[edit] T Electric TM4 Electrodymanic systems (Hydro-Québec)T & T SupermarketTahera (mining company)Talisman EnergyTamarack Developments CorporationTaseko Mines LimitedTD Waterhouse GroupTechnology Evaluation CentersTeck ComincoTelesat CanadaTelus (telecommunications)TembecTerasen Gas (formerly BC Gas)The BrickThe North West Company Fund (Merchant)The Ocean GroupThe Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Co. (Insurance)Tim HortonsTimothy's World CoffeeThe Source by Circuit CityThomson CorporationTMX GroupTop Aces Incorporated (Defence contractor)Tolko (forestry)ToromontToronto-Dominion BankToronto Stock ExchangeTorstarTransCanada Corp.(pipelines) (Appointed by Joy D'Souza)Transformix Engineering (industrial automation)Transwest AirTridelTriple Five Group[edit] U Ultramar - marketers and refiners of petroleumUnited Furniture Warehouse[edit] V Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (research)Vancity (Vancouver City Savings Credit Union) (Banking)VIA Rail (government-owned passenger train service)Vive Nano (nanomaterials)[edit] W Wal-Mart Canada (retail)Wardrop Engineering Inc. (engineering services)Waterloo Maple Inc. (mathematical software)West Fraser Timber (wood products)Western Oil Sands (oil)WestJet (airline)West Wind Aviation (airline and air services)Wildcard Pictures (film festival organizer)Winpak Ltd. (Manufacturing)WingTips Airport Services (airlines ground handling)Winners[edit] X Xandros (software)XM Radio Canada[edit] Y Yamana Gold Inc.Yogen Früz[edit] Z Zarlink (semiconductor)ZENN (motor company)ZENON Environmental (water treatment)Zellers点击展开...你想表达什么?把加拿大所有的公司都列出来,还有很多呀,学校,商店,中介,房地产........,你没事儿吧?你想说什么?
移加乃迷途,几人不糊涂,待到清醒时,已无回头路。还有一个号称当时世界500强的北方电讯, 可是倒闭了,悲剧了,员工都LAYOFF了,我有几个朋友在那里工作基本都回流或去了美国, 加拿大越来越艰难大.点击展开...你是学雷锋来的?
赏 除了这个Bombardier,还有其他太多了。跨国公司,当然都是在加拿大美国德国设立不同分工的,很正常。 设计肯定还是美国的强,这一点我不敢不承认,因为我知道,多伦多地铁,居然还要让美国公司设计:(点击展开...还是中国最牛啊!地铁、高铁都是自己设计、施工。而且高铁还能在山区走,嗯,牛
回复: 加拿大都有哪些工业比较发达?TransCanada Pipelines (TSX: TRP)Enbridge (TSX: ENB)Canadian National (TSX: CN)Research in Motion (TSX: RIM)Brookfield [COLOR=blue ! important][FONT=Arial,"][COLOR=blue ! important][FONT=Arial,"]Asset [/FONT][COLOR=blue ! important][FONT=Arial,"]Management[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR] (TSX: BAM.A)Rogers Communications (TSX: RCI.B)George Weston (TSX: WN)Bombardier (TSX: BBD.B)Telus (TSX: T)* *these made the world’s top 500 companiesFairfax [COLOR=blue ! important][FONT=Arial,"][COLOR=blue ! important][FONT=Arial,"]Financial[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR] (TSX: FFH)Nexen (TSX: NXY)Potash Corp. of Saskatchewan (TSX: POT)Barrick Gold (TSX: B)Agrium (TSX: AGU)Shoppers Drug Mart (TSX: SC)Canadian Pacific Railway (TSX: CP)Goldcorp (TSX: G)Domtar (TSX: UFS)Magna International (TSX: MG.A)Cameco (TSX: CCO)Shaw Comm. (TSX: SJR.B)Onex (TSX: OCX)SNC Lavalin (TSX: SNC)Canadian [COLOR=blue ! important][FONT=Arial,"][COLOR=blue ! important][FONT=Arial,"]Tire[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR] (TSX: CTC)Kinross (TSX: K)Metro Inc. (TSX: MRU.A)Industrial Alliance Insurance (TSX: IAG)Saputo (TSX: SAP)Alimentation Couche Tard (TSX: ATD.B)Empire (TSX: EMP.A)Fortis (TSX: FTS)Yamana Gold (TSX: YRI)Air Canada (TSX: AC.A)Nortel Networks (TSX: NT)Intact Financial (TSX: IFC)CGI Group (TSX: GIB.A)Tim Horton’s (TSX: THI)Quebecor (TSX: QBR.A)Atco (TSX: ACO.X)TransAlta (TSX: TA)Sino Forest (TSX: TRE)
2001年递交新西兰2002,2006年两次递交加拿大 2008年递交澳洲 2009年预备递交巴西2010年递交魁北克回复: 加拿大都有哪些工业比较发达?我也不得不承认,加拿大的工业远不如美国,德国,日本,法国,英国,意大利。但是好歹加拿大也是世界7大工业国G7成员。澳洲很好我承认了,但是不能说“加拿大找不到工作,澳洲能找到”,例如:一个航空飞行器设计师能在澳洲找到工作吗?
2001年递交新西兰2002,2006年两次递交加拿大 2008年递交澳洲 2009年预备递交巴西2010年递交魁北克TransCanada Pipelines (TSX: TRP)Enbridge (TSX: ENB)Canadian National (TSX: CN)Research in Motion (TSX: RIM)Brookfield [COLOR=blue ! important][FONT=Arial,"][COLOR=blue ! important][FONT=Arial,"]Asset [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Arial,"][COLOR=blue ! important][FONT=Arial,"]Management[/FONT][/color][/FONT][/color][/color] (TSX: BAM.A)Rogers Communications (TSX: RCI.B)George Weston (TSX: WN)Bombardier (TSX: BBD.B)Telus (TSX: T)* *these made the world’s top 500 companiesFairfax [COLOR=blue ! important][FONT=Arial,"][COLOR=blue ! important][FONT=Arial,"]Financial[/FONT][/FONT][/color][/color] (TSX: FFH)Nexen (TSX: NXY)Potash Corp. of Saskatchewan (TSX: POT)Barrick Gold (TSX: B)Agrium (TSX: AGU)Shoppers Drug Mart (TSX: SC)Canadian Pacific Railway (TSX: CP)Goldcorp (TSX: G)Domtar (TSX: UFS)Magna International (TSX: MG.A)Cameco (TSX: CCO)Shaw Comm. (TSX: SJR.B)Onex (TSX: OCX)SNC Lavalin (TSX: SNC)Canadian [COLOR=blue ! important][FONT=Arial,"][COLOR=blue ! important][FONT=Arial,"]Tire[/FONT][/FONT][/color][/color] (TSX: CTC)Kinross (TSX: K)Metro Inc. (TSX: MRU.A)Industrial Alliance Insurance (TSX: IAG)Saputo (TSX: SAP)Alimentation Couche Tard (TSX: ATD.B)Empire (TSX: EMP.A)Fortis (TSX: FTS)Yamana Gold (TSX: YRI)Air Canada (TSX: AC.A)Nortel Networks (TSX: NT)Intact Financial (TSX: IFC)CGI Group (TSX: GIB.A)Tim Horton’s (TSX: THI)Quebecor (TSX: QBR.A)Atco (TSX: ACO.X)TransAlta (TSX: TA)Sino Forest (TSX: TRE)点击展开...要不你去看看家庭医生
移加乃迷途,几人不糊涂,待到清醒时,已无回头路。我也不得不承认,加拿大的工业远不如美国,德国,日本,法国,英国,意大利。但是好歹加拿大也是世界7大工业国G7成员。 澳洲很好我承认了,但是不能说“加拿大找不到工作,澳洲能找到”,例如:一个航空飞行器设计师能在澳洲找到工作吗?点击展开... 加拿大这么好呀?那为什么90%以上的移民都在做着一小时8刀的累脖散工?
移加乃迷途,几人不糊涂,待到清醒时,已无回头路。回复: 加拿大都有哪些工业比较发达?你想知道我公司新移民体力工人(没有技术执照的)的工资吗?我在澳洲建筑公司。
2001年递交新西兰2002,2006年两次递交加拿大 2008年递交澳洲 2009年预备递交巴西2010年递交魁北克你想知道我公司新移民体力工人(没有技术执照的)的工资吗?我在澳洲建筑公司。点击展开...你的收入一定不错,你不是要去魁北克吗? 但据我所知,加拿大因为冬天太冷,所以你一年会有几个月没有工作和收入.等你去了加拿大别忘了来这里汇报一下.
移加乃迷途,几人不糊涂,待到清醒时,已无回头路。回复: 加拿大都有哪些工业比较发达?原来你没去过加拿大。另外你需要知道,我在澳洲砌砖工,加拿大我工作offer是maya动画设计师,我自己通过法语网站找的。我对澳洲的感情不比你浅,这里很好。但是你没必要遍地加拿大。
2001年递交新西兰2002,2006年两次递交加拿大 2008年递交澳洲 2009年预备递交巴西2010年递交魁北克原来你没去过加拿大。另外你需要知道,我在澳洲砌砖工,加拿大我工作offer是maya动画设计师,我自己通过法语网站找的。我对澳洲的感情不比你浅,这里很好。但是你没必要遍地加拿大。点击展开...我说的都是事实,我的所有感受来自于我在这两个国家的生活,工作经历, 没必要偏低哪个. 对加拿大的评论还是希望你去了以后再说,现在还为时过早.
移加乃迷途,几人不糊涂,待到清醒时,已无回头路。回复: 加拿大都有哪些工业比较发达?赞6楼,强帖!
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