[email protected]@international.gc.ca 这两个地址到底哪个是对的哦?我是两个都发过,貌似都回了,但这次发的是第一个,不知道对没有?
BJ :2011.4.7 妥投, 5.12FN,9.5电子ME , 9.15护照登陆费妥投,11.18地址栏消失,第二天恢复,IP至今三句话。。2012.1.28地址栏消失,无mer、无dm,2012.2.5收到大信封。2012.2.6cic变dm,同时有mer.回复: 使馆邮箱地址到底是哪个?大家都发对了么?求发信和回信原文
test求发信和回信原文点击展开...我11月11日上午10:10发信内容如下:Dear Sir/Madam, My name is XXXX,I was born on XX/XX/XXXX,my UCI No. is 1234-4321. I got your email asking for ME on 5th Sep,2011,and I mailed our passports,landing fee receipt and medical examination report,as well as files you asked between 13th Sep and 15th Sep.But I can not get any information from the website "check my application status". I wanna know whether you get my things or not.I am eager to know the status. With warm regards and thanks,XXXX 使馆回信是11月15号下午3:45,内容如下:Dear XYXX:(把我的名字拼错了)At this time all the documents that we require have been received, your application has been sent to a Visa Officer for final review. Please be patient.To monitor your application please go to the on-line case status page.https://services3.cic.gc.ca/ecas/?app=ecas&lang=enYours sincerely,Visa and Immigration SectionCanadian Embassy, Beijing19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang DistrictBeijing, 100600, People's Republic of ChinaWeb site: www.beijing.gc.caEmail: [email protected]Consent & Disclaimer:By supplying your email address (in your enquiry or previously in your application), you are initiating an email communication with CIC, and CIC is thereby authorized to use the email address provided by you for communication with you including the transmission of personal information on your file/case. When you supply your email address to CIC, it is also understood that you are aware that this channel may not be a secure channel. CIC is not liable for the disclosure of personal information to a third party where CIC has taken reasonable means to ensure the identity of the party. CIC is also not liable for the misuse of this information by a third party. 由于我当时是用新邮箱发的,所以,有最下面那段话。。。所以,我昨天没hold住,就用原来留的邮箱重新发了一遍。目前还没得到回复。

BJ :2011.4.7 妥投, 5.12FN,9.5电子ME , 9.15护照登陆费妥投,11.18地址栏消失,第二天恢复,IP至今三句话。。2012.1.28地址栏消失,无mer、无dm,2012.2.5收到大信封。2012.2.6cic变dm,同时有mer.回复: 使馆邮箱地址到底是哪个?大家都发对了么?个人理解,第一个是自动回复信箱,第二个是正常信箱。
回复: 使馆邮箱地址到底是哪个?大家都发对了么?应该是自动回复,不过这个回复说明也很快了,for final review
test回复: 使馆邮箱地址到底是哪个?大家都发对了么?大家仔细看一下呢,我以前都是用qq邮箱给使馆写信的,实际上我留的是gmail的邮箱,那段时间gmail老是打不开,我怕误事,就用qq邮箱发了,但是我没有特别说明这点。然后使馆给我回的信里就有最下面那些内容,大概就是说我原来留的邮箱和这个不一样,泄密啊什么就和他们没有关系。。。。这个不会影响什么吧?!
BJ :2011.4.7 妥投, 5.12FN,9.5电子ME , 9.15护照登陆费妥投,11.18地址栏消失,第二天恢复,IP至今三句话。。2012.1.28地址栏消失,无mer、无dm,2012.2.5收到大信封。2012.2.6cic变dm,同时有mer.大家仔细看一下呢,我以前都是用qq邮箱给使馆写信的,实际上我留的是gmail的邮箱,那段时间gmail老是打不开,我怕误事,就用qq邮箱发了,但是我没有特别说明这点。然后使馆给我回的信里就有最下面那些内容,大概就是说我原来留的邮箱和这个不一样,泄密啊什么就和他们没有关系。。。。这个不会影响什么吧?!点击展开...这个没事 正常邮件一样有的
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