是副申:2011-04-03妥投;2011-05-04扣款;2011-06-13 FN;2011-07-20 IP;2011-08-27接到补料通知;2011-10-18完成补料;2012-01-09ME ;2012-01-18体检;2012-02-17MER;2012-05-09电子PL;2012-05-17地址栏变加拿大地址;2012-05-19DM;2012-05-23收到大信封4句IP,和5句话IP的区别!点击展开...五句话才是正版吗?
是副申:2011-04-03妥投;2011-05-04扣款;2011-06-13 FN;2011-07-20 IP;2011-08-27接到补料通知;2011-10-18完成补料;2012-01-09ME ;2012-01-18体检;2012-02-17MER;2012-05-09电子PL;2012-05-17地址栏变加拿大地址;2012-05-19DM;2012-05-23收到大信封回复: 什么是正版IP,什么是山寨IP呢那是以前的事情了,现在不用这样区分。只要进入IP状况,你就会按照法定时间有进度,比如通知体检ME,体检托收MER,以及做出裁决DM,每一个状态都会在IP中增加一句话。进入IP 状态后如果到了规定期限你的状态没变化,就应该给CIC写信问。
3月长登 赏

5,867 $0.00 回复: 什么是正版IP,什么是山寨IP呢楼上说的都是老黄历了,现在几句话的都有,但是根本标志是We started processing your application on Month day, Year.有这句的都是正版的,否则都是山寨的。评论
test楼上说的都是老黄历了,现在几句话的都有,但是根本标志是 We started processing your application on Month day, Year. 有这句的都是正版的,否则都是山寨的。点击展开...我的是这句不知是不是:Your application was reviewed and we started processing on July 20, 2011.
是副申:2011-04-03妥投;2011-05-04扣款;2011-06-13 FN;2011-07-20 IP;2011-08-27接到补料通知;2011-10-18完成补料;2012-01-09ME ;2012-01-18体检;2012-02-17MER;2012-05-09电子PL;2012-05-17地址栏变加拿大地址;2012-05-19DM;2012-05-23收到大信封我的是这句不知是不是:Your application was reviewed and we started processing on July 20, 2011. 点击展开...恭喜,正版,可以盼me了
test回复: 什么是正版IP,什么是山寨IP呢We received your application for permanent residence on March 8, 2010. We reviewed your application and sent you a letter on April 16, 2010. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. Your application and supporting documents were received by the New York office. They are pending review. We transferred your application to the New York office on May 4, 2010. The New York office may contact you. We transferred your application to the New York office on November 16, 2011. The New York office may contact you. 搞了半天老子的还是山寨IP!!!
回复: 什么是正版IP,什么是山寨IP呢We received your application for permanent residence on March 8, 2010. We reviewed your application and sent you a letter on April 16, 2010. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. Your application and supporting documents were received by the New York office. They are pending review. We transferred your application to the New York office on May 4, 2010. The New York office may contact you. We transferred your application to the New York office on November 16, 2011. The New York office may contact you. 搞了半天老子的还是山寨IP!!!点击展开...很多句,不过关键的好像没有啊,真是山寨啊,by the way,你的vo很罗嗦,这是我见过的正版ip前最长的版本,牛
是副申:2011-04-03妥投;2011-05-04扣款;2011-06-13 FN;2011-07-20 IP;2011-08-27接到补料通知;2011-10-18完成补料;2012-01-09ME ;2012-01-18体检;2012-02-17MER;2012-05-09电子PL;2012-05-17地址栏变加拿大地址;2012-05-19DM;2012-05-23收到大信封那是以前的事情了,现在不用这样区分。只要进入IP状况,你就会按照法定时间有进度,比如通知体检ME,体检托收MER,以及做出裁决DM,每一个状态都会在IP中增加一句话。进入IP 状态后如果到了规定期限你的状态没变化,就应该给CIC写信问。点击展开...嗯知道了,多谢提醒!
是副申:2011-04-03妥投;2011-05-04扣款;2011-06-13 FN;2011-07-20 IP;2011-08-27接到补料通知;2011-10-18完成补料;2012-01-09ME ;2012-01-18体检;2012-02-17MER;2012-05-09电子PL;2012-05-17地址栏变加拿大地址;2012-05-19DM;2012-05-23收到大信封楼上说的都是老黄历了,现在几句话的都有,但是根本标志是We started processing your application on Month day, Year.有这句的都是正版的,否则都是山寨的。点击展开...
God gives answers in three ways: He says yes and gives you what you want. He says no and gives you something better. He says wait and gives you the best.We received your application for permanent residence on March 8, 2010. We reviewed your application and sent you a letter on April 16, 2010. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. Your application and supporting documents were received by the New York office. They are pending review. We transferred your application to the New York office on May 4, 2010. The New York office may contact you. We transferred your application to the New York office on November 16, 2011. The New York office may contact you. 搞了半天老子的还是山寨IP!!!点击展开...你这个是够多的,我的只有三句。
是副申:2011-04-03妥投;2011-05-04扣款;2011-06-13 FN;2011-07-20 IP;2011-08-27接到补料通知;2011-10-18完成补料;2012-01-09ME ;2012-01-18体检;2012-02-17MER;2012-05-09电子PL;2012-05-17地址栏变加拿大地址;2012-05-19DM;2012-05-23收到大信封We received your application for permanent residence on March 8, 2010. We reviewed your application and sent you a letter on April 16, 2010. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. Your application and supporting documents were received by the New York office. They are pending review. We transferred your application to the New York office on May 4, 2010. The New York office may contact you. We transferred your application to the New York office on November 16, 2011. The New York office may contact you. 搞了半天老子的还是山寨IP!!!点击展开... --------------------哈哈! 可是看上去,真的不像山寨IP。怎么看,都像正版的。那么多! VO对你偏爱。给你多一句话。
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