加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民想从Buffalo转到北京,邮件问询得到回复,请教对
AEO 的,月初PER了,因为人在加拿大,所以当时递的Buffalo, 但是看到现在北京ME的进度很快(很多人PER后一个月左右就ME了),而悲催的Buffalo竟然没有动静,所以想转到北京,因为没有收到RBVO,不 知道档案到了VO没有,就同时发了邮件给CIC和Buffalo的VO问询,刚刚收到Buffalo的回复,全文如下:This refers to your application for permanent residence in Canada and your request to have your file transferred.Visa offices are not required to transfer applications upon the request of an applicant or their designated representative, but will transfer files only if that transfer would enhance program integrity. You have the option of withdrawing your application at our office and re-applying for a permanent resident visa to a visa office where you have been lawfully admitted for at least one year or to the visa office that is responsible for your country of nationality. Canadian Consulate General BuffaloImmigration Sectionwww.buffalo.gc.ca不太明白几点:1, 到底能转不能转?是不是证明了能enhance program integrity,就能转?如果是, 怎样证明呢?2, 如果不能转,是应该撤案走北京还是继续等Buffalo? 如何选择更reasonable?3, 如果继续等Buffalo, 还用不用在写封信专门说一下,说我不折腾了,就等你们了,还是什么都不用说就可以了?小弟是新手,各位高手能赐教的话,不胜感激。
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