加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民魁北克省申请文件list


1. Correct processing fee for application for certificate of selection to quebec[FONT=宋体]交申请费。(怎么样使用信用卡付?登录费什么时候付的?)[/FONT] 2. Power of attorney appointing your consultant to represent you, if applicable (original)[FONT=宋体]是否要代理。DIY者免填[/FONT] 3. Application for Certificate of Selection (DSC)[A-0520-AA] and /or A-0520-CA](Original) & Appendix ?Declaration by spouse or de facto spouse, if applicable (original)[FONT=宋体]单身,故只填[/FONT]DSC [A-0520-AA][FONT=宋体]表[/FONT] 4. Application for Permanent Residence in Canada [IMM0008] (photocopy)[FONT=宋体]填[/FONT]IMM0008[FONT=宋体]表中的[/FONT]Application for Permanent Residence in Canada。但是guid中好像又要填schedule1、5。 5. Your passport (photocopy of the first 6 pages), Certificate of Identity (valid for at least 18 months), HK identity card or any other document proving your identity (photocopy)[FONT=宋体]护照前[/FONT]6[FONT=宋体]页复印件,身份证(至少[/FONT]18[FONT=宋体]个月内有效)复印件[/FONT] 6. Birth certificate, marriage certificate, proof of marital relationship for at least one year (for de facto spouse), adoption, divorce, child custody documents and / or death certificate, if applicable (photocopy)[FONT=宋体]出生证明(出世纸?没有怎么办?)[/FONT] 7. Register of households for China & Taiwan. (certified true copy)[FONT=宋体]户口公证(本人页和户主页的简接公证?即证明复印件真实?)[/FONT] 8. Offer of employment, if available (photocopy)[FONT=宋体]此处指在加拿大有雇主的吗?[/FONT] 9. Curriculum Vitae (photocopy)[FONT=宋体]指什么东西?在加拿大读过书的才要提交吧?[/FONT]10. Declaration of financial independence (D 21)[FONT=宋体]经济证明。(怎么做?需要定期[/FONT]3[FONT=宋体]个月後才能开证明吗?还是说要银行开户口上三个月的收支记录证明?)[/FONT] Provide one certified true copy of the originals. (the certified true copies must be issued by the Notary Public Office)11. Diplomas and educational certificates except for primary level[FONT=宋体]毕业证(除了小学)(其他培训证件需要吗?)[/FONT]12. Transcript of records for your post secondary education and above[FONT=宋体]高中及以上成绩单(高中也要?)[/FONT]13. Certificate / Diploma of French Language indicating level obtained and total number of hours of studies (if French is not your native language)[FONT=宋体]法语学习证书(无参加过法语培训,怎么办?)[/FONT]14. if you work in China, a notarized certificate of work history issued by the Notary Public Office, a government body in China[FONT=宋体]工作经历公证[/FONT]15. Employment certificates for the past 10 years. Employment certificates on company letterhead must clearly indicate the employer’s co-ordinates, must specify the position occupied and must provide a brief work description. They must also be signed and show the name and the position of the signer. For China:Company seal and signature on letter have to be certified by the Notary Public office[FONT=宋体]雇主信。(公司的章和签名是英文的也要公证吗?)[/FONT]16. Bank transaction statement and bankbooks indicating the transitions and the balance of your accounts for the pass three months.[FONT=宋体]过去三个月的银行记录。(如果我不只一个帐户,都要开出证明吗?怎么公证?)[/FONT] In the applicable case17. Declaration by an applicant in a profession governed by a professional order (D 02)N/A18. Declaration by a candidate practicing a regulated occupation (D 03)N/A(是指特殊受限职业?)19. Declaration by a graduate of a medical school outside Canada (D 04)N/A20. Declaration of relative or friend in Quebec (D 13)[FONT=宋体]虽然有朋友,但不想麻烦别人要找律师宣誓,想放弃此项[/FONT]N/A21. Declaration by an applicant who is a preschool, primary or secondary school teacher (D 19)N/A [FONT=宋体][FONT=宋体]疑问:[/FONT][FONT=宋体]1.高中及以上成绩单,初中以上毕业证,辅修证,大学学位证,都要清华认证吗?[/FONT][FONT=宋体]2.很奇怪的是没有要求无犯罪证明的?[/FONT][FONT=宋体]3.除了出生和户口,工作经历,雇主信,还有什么要公证?都是间接公证?去哪里办理?[/FONT][FONT=宋体]4.经济证明怎么开?[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]5.地址签怎么做?照片多少张也没讲,这个[/FONT]HK[FONT=宋体]的官方[/FONT]list[FONT=宋体]是不是不完整?[/FONT][/FONT]

如果我的帖子对你有帮助,请不要忘了给我加分分 赞反馈:钟爱保时捷, tao05, cgdOO7 和 3 其他人 2006-05-09#2 傻笨呆 101 $0.00 凡是certified true copies 都是要经过公证的吗?

如果我的帖子对你有帮助,请不要忘了给我加分分 1. Correct processing fee for application for certificate of selection to quebec[FONT=宋体]交申请费。(怎么样使用信用卡付?登录费什么时候付的?)[/FONT] 2. Power of attorney appointing your consultant to represent you, if applicable (original)[FONT=宋体]是否要代理。DIY者免填[/FONT] 3. Application for Certificate of Selection (DSC)[A-0520-AA] and /or A-0520-CA](Original) & Appendix ?Declaration by spouse or de facto spouse, if applicable (original)[FONT=宋体]单身,故只填[/FONT]DSC [A-0520-AA][FONT=宋体]表[/FONT] 4. Application for Permanent Residence in Canada [IMM0008] (photocopy)[FONT=宋体]填[/FONT]IMM0008[FONT=宋体]表中的[/FONT]Application for Permanent Residence in Canada。但是guid中好像又要填schedule1、5。 5. Your passport (photocopy of the first 6 pages), Certificate of Identity (valid for at least 18 months), HK identity card or any other document proving your identity (photocopy)[FONT=宋体]护照前[/FONT]6[FONT=宋体]页复印件,身份证(至少[/FONT]18[FONT=宋体]个月内有效)复印件[/FONT] 6. Birth certificate, marriage certificate, proof of marital relationship for at least one year (for de facto spouse), adoption, divorce, child custody documents and / or death certificate, if applicable (photocopy)[FONT=宋体]出生证明(出世纸?没有怎么办?)[/FONT] 7. Register of households for China & Taiwan. (certified true copy)[FONT=宋体]户口公证(本人页和户主页的简接公证?即证明复印件真实?)[/FONT] 8. Offer of employment, if available (photocopy)[FONT=宋体]此处指在加拿大有雇主的吗?[/FONT] 9. Curriculum Vitae (photocopy)[FONT=宋体]指什么东西?在加拿大读过书的才要提交吧?[/FONT]10. Declaration of financial independence (D 21)[FONT=宋体]经济证明。(怎么做?需要定期[/FONT]3[FONT=宋体]个月後才能开证明吗?还是说要银行开户口上三个月的收支记录证明?)[/FONT] Provide one certified true copy of the originals. (the certified true copies must be issued by the Notary Public Office)11. Diplomas and educational certificates except for primary level[FONT=宋体]毕业证(除了小学)(其他培训证件需要吗?)[/FONT]12. Transcript of records for your post secondary education and above[FONT=宋体]高中及以上成绩单(高中也要?)[/FONT]13. Certificate / Diploma of French Language indicating level obtained and total number of hours of studies (if French is not your native language)[FONT=宋体]法语学习证书(无参加过法语培训,怎么办?)[/FONT]14. if you work in China, a notarized certificate of work history issued by the Notary Public Office, a government body in China[FONT=宋体]工作经历公证[/FONT]15. Employment certificates for the past 10 years. Employment certificates on company letterhead must clearly indicate the employer’s co-ordinates, must specify the position occupied and must provide a brief work description. They must also be signed and show the name and the position of the signer. For China:Company seal and signature on letter have to be certified by the Notary Public office[FONT=宋体]雇主信。(公司的章和签名是英文的也要公证吗?)[/FONT]16. Bank transaction statement and bankbooks indicating the transitions and the balance of your accounts for the pass three months.[FONT=宋体]过去三个月的银行记录。(如果我不只一个帐户,都要开出证明吗?怎么公证?)[/FONT] In the applicable case17. Declaration by an applicant in a profession governed by a professional order (D 02)N/A18. Declaration by a candidate practicing a regulated occupation (D 03)N/A(是指特殊受限职业?)19. Declaration by a graduate of a medical school outside Canada (D 04)N/A20. Declaration of relative or friend in Quebec (D 13)[FONT=宋体]虽然有朋友,但不想麻烦别人要找律师宣誓,想放弃此项[/FONT]N/A21. Declaration by an applicant who is a preschool, primary or secondary school teacher (D 19)N/A [FONT=宋体][FONT=宋体]疑问:[/FONT][FONT=宋体]1.高中及以上成绩单,初中以上毕业证,辅修证,大学学位证,都要清华认证吗?[/FONT][FONT=宋体]2.很奇怪的是没有要求无犯罪证明的?[/FONT][FONT=宋体]3.除了出生和户口,工作经历,雇主信,还有什么要公证?都是间接公证?去哪里办理?[/FONT][FONT=宋体]4.经济证明怎么开?[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]5.地址签怎么做?照片多少张也没讲,这个[/FONT]HK[FONT=宋体]的官方[/FONT]list[FONT=宋体]是不是不完整?[/FONT][/FONT]点击展开...好多,就我知道的,一一回答你.我今天已经在家园了一天了.一次回答不完有空再答.你要到我推荐的网站上好好地潜水,不要指望我一下全回答完啊.因为我当初花了2500USD找的中介,现在也有很多不明白的.

1. Correct processing fee for application for certificate of selection to quebec交申请费。(怎么样使用信用卡付?登录费什么时候付的?)如果你没有卡可以到中信银行办汇票的.我不会用卡,你可去看贴:http://www.imm-diy.com/club/list.asp?boardid=12&topicmode=214. Application for Permanent Residence in Canada [IMM0008] (photocopy)填IMM0008表中的Application for Permanent Residence in Canada。但是guid中好像又要填schedule1、5。 我不会填表你可以找人问,很多人知道.5. Your passport (photocopy of the first 6 pages), Certificate of Identity (valid for at least 18 months), HK identity card or any other document proving your identity (photocopy)护照前6页复印件,身份证(至少18个月内有效)复印件这个不用再说,你应该会的.6. Birth certificate, marriage certificate, proof of marital relationship for at least one year (for de facto spouse), adoption, divorce, child custody documents and / or death certificate, if applicable (photocopy)出生证明(出世纸?没有怎么办?) 我们七十年代生的基本没这个东西,公证处自己知道怎么给你办,交给他们就是.7. Register of households for China & Taiwan. (certified true copy)户口公证(本人页和户主页的简接公证?即证明复印件真实?) 也是交给公证处,跟他们说做间接公证,他们就会.8. Offer of employment, if available (photocopy)此处指在加拿大有雇主的吗?    不是,一般人没有加拿大雇主,就是你工作过和工作着的雇主.只要级别比你大就行.当然越大越有说服力.

Curriculum Vitae (photocopy)指什么东西?在加拿大读过书的才要提交吧?  这个偶不懂10. Declaration of financial independence (D 21)经济证明。(怎么做?需要定期3个月後才能开证明吗?还是说要银行开户口上三个月的收支记录证明?)         存上接着开就行,但开的证明是写从开之日起冻结三个月.Provide one certified true copy of the originals. (the certified true copies must be issued by the Notary Public Office)11. Diplomas and educational certificates except for primary level毕业证(除了小学)(其他培训证件需要吗?)其它的除非是二学位,一般的人家不承认.12. Transcript of records for your post secondary education and above高中及以上成绩单(高中也要?)  只要大学以上的.

13. Certificate / Diploma of French Language indicating level obtained and total number of hours of studies (if French is not your native language)法语学习证书(无参加过法语培训,怎么办?) 递材料时就应该已经参加.没有要让学习班开一份开始学习的证明.最好是学完500课时再递,实在不行先递着,说已经在学.14. if you work in China, a notarized certificate of work history issued by the Notary Public Office, a government body in China工作经历公证15. Employment certificates for the past 10 years. Employment certificates on company letterhead must clearly indicate the employer’s co-ordinates, must specify the position occupied and must provide a brief work description. They must also be signed and show the name and the position of the signer. For China:Company seal and signature on letter have to be certified by the Notary Public office雇主信。(公司的章和签名是英文的也要公证吗?) 英文的雇主信不公证也可.16. Bank transaction statement and bankbooks indicating the transitions and the balance of your accounts for the pass three months.过去三个月的银行记录。(如果我不只一个帐户,都要开出证明吗?怎么公证?)都要开.银行给你开存款证明,本身是中英文的,不必公证.In the applicable case17. Declaration by an applicant in a profession governed by a professional order (D 02)N/A18. Declaration by a candidate practicing a regulated occupation (D 03)N/A(是指特殊受限职业?)19. Declaration by a graduate of a medical school outside Canada (D 04)N/A20. Declaration of relative or friend in Quebec (D 13)虽然有朋友,但不想麻烦别人要找律师宣誓,想放弃此项N/A  朋友可以加一分,很关键,有朋友最好找.回去可以去感谢.

mont 说:1. Correct processing fee for application for certificate of selection to quebec交申请费。(怎么样使用信用卡付?登录费什么时候付的?)如果你没有卡可以到中信银行办汇票的.我不会用卡,你可去看贴:http://www.imm-diy.com/club/list.asp?boardid=12&topicmode=21 ……quote] 非常感谢!已经给你加声望了!虽然声望不大。呵呵……点击展开...

如果我的帖子对你有帮助,请不要忘了给我加分分 2006-05-11#8 傻笨呆 101 $0.00 反 沉

如果我的帖子对你有帮助,请不要忘了给我加分分 2006-05-11#9 A
33,612 $0.00 好帖子。置顶了!

喂,请问是中国移动吗?我是中国联通,我的小灵通坏了,你们能派中国铁通来修一下吗?赞反馈:傻笨呆 2006-05-11#10 M 2,010 $0.00 有用,存着了。



2006-05-25#13 傻笨呆 101 $0.00 异曲同工罢了。都是去出Canada。看怎么申请自己优势多一些罗。

如果我的帖子对你有帮助,请不要忘了给我加分分 2006-05-31#14 G 260 $0.00 魁省的不能用信用卡,必须是有分行在加拿大的银行的汇票,(谣传中行的不能用是错误的,很多朋友用的中行的汇票,我们也是中行的,已经解付了!)我们就是用的信用卡,要求补的汇票!

Curriculum Vitae (photocopy)法语——简历(复印件)

newphoto 说:Curriculum Vitae (photocopy)法语――简历(复印件)点击展开...要的什么简历,能说明一下吗?学习简历?工作简历?还是复印件,越想越糊涂了

如果我的帖子对你有帮助,请不要忘了给我加分分 2006-06-20#17 N 76 $0.00 就是个人简历啊,包括你的个人基本情况、学习经历、工作经历等信息,网上应该有很多简历的范本,你不妨找来参考。魁省要求的是复印件,这个复印件我也有些搞不明白,简历如果是自己手写的,到还有复印件这一说,如果是打印的,应该就不存在原件和复印件的问题了吧,我是这么理解的哈,希望对你有帮助。另外,我也是准备申请魁省的,也有很多不懂的地方,希望多多交流。

newphoto 说:就是个人简历啊,包括你的个人基本情况、学习经历、工作经历等信息,网上应该有很多简历的范本,你不妨找来参考。魁省要求的是复印件,这个复印件我也有些搞不明白,简历如果是自己手写的,到还有复印件这一说,如果是打印的,应该就不存在原件和复印件的问题了吧,我是这么理解的哈,希望对你有帮助。另外,我也是准备申请魁省的,也有很多不懂的地方,希望多多交流。点击展开...打印的文凭没有区别,但是签了名以后就不一样了.所以复印件,应该就就是打好简历后,签上自己的名字,然后再复印.



  ·生活百科 Engie太阳能优势试验。
·生活百科 Esy Sunhome电池



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华人网入境中国难道只看中国护照吗?多年前从加直达国内边境还要看护照+枫叶卡。如此推论从香港入境,是不是也类似需要中国护照+通行证?加之中国护照乃加国领馆颁发,从香港入境无枫 ...



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