加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民大家觉得这个Me信里要求补无刑了吗?
看到有同学提到一句话“ Please note that police certificates and passports must be originals”,看了一下自己的补料清单里面没有,但是后面的确也有这么一句,大家是怎么理解的?用不用补呢?多谢//////This is in reference to your application for permanent residence in Canada. In order for us to continue the processing of your application, a visa officer requires the following information and documents. Please submit your documents as a single package. In order for us to match your package with your application, please include a copy of this letter in the package.Valid passport or travel document for yourself, and all family members. This must be received at this office by: xx/xx/2012Complete or provide proof of completion of the Immigration medical examination for yourself, and all family members. This must be received at this office by: xx/xx/2012Pay the Right of Permanent Residence fee yourself and Spouse/Common-law partner. This must be received at this office by: xx/xx/2012Proof of funds for yourself. This must be received at this office by: 04/xx/2012Please present this letter to the doctor as well as your original passport. Upon completion of the examination you will be provided with proof that you have taken the examination, you need to return this proof to the embassy with your original passport.Documents should be photocopies of the originals and should be accompanied by either an English or a French translation. Notarized statements are not adequate substitutes. Please note that police certificates and passports must be originals.
回复: 大家觉得这个Me信里要求补无刑了吗?这封me信奇怪,我的里面没有这句话。写信问使馆吧,或者如果无刑好弄就直接弄上。
回复: 大家觉得这个Me信里要求补无刑了吗?这封me信奇怪,我的里面没有这句话。写信问使馆吧,或者如果无刑好弄就直接弄上。点击展开...好主意
回复: 大家觉得这个Me信里要求补无刑了吗?我也有这句话,但我认为不需要,因为需要的东东都在后面,最后一段是个概述,LZ看下你的ME信,是不是有两个点点后面是空白,这封信应该是模板,VO在模板上修改的,第一条,第二条不需要就删掉了,但是概述的这段没有改
2013.02 DM 回复: 大家觉得这个Me信里要求补无刑了吗?我的信跟你的差不多,都有那些模板语言。问了一些TX后,都觉得没有提出就不要补。
71 BJ 111026妥 -> 120105扣款 -> 120117PER -> 120216ME -> 120319MER -> 130105DM -> 130118Visa&LP我也有这句话,但我认为不需要,因为需要的东东都在后面,最后一段是个概述,LZ看下你的ME信,是不是有两个点点后面是空白,这封信应该是模板,VO在模板上修改的,第一条,第二条不需要就删掉了,但是概述的这段没有改点击展开...我也是这么理解的,但是为了安全起见还是办了吧,也不费事,万一vo给忘了写进去了呢,毕竟无刑证明已经一年了。
回复: 大家觉得这个Me信里要求补无刑了吗?信里要什么给什么. 别画蛇添足,自寻烦恼.
回复: 大家觉得这个Me信里要求补无刑了吗?没要~~~
回复: 大家觉得这个Me信里要求补无刑了吗?LZ需要提供的东西是: 1. ME信2. 护照原件3. ME 检查回执4. 登陆费回执5. 资金证明仅此而已,不要画蛇添足. 每个人的情况不一样,需要提供的文件除了基本几项外,也有不同,所以只要照ME要求来就好. 祝好运!
Hold fast to dreams, for when dreams go, life is a barren field, frozen with snow.LZ需要提供的东西是: 1. ME信2. 护照原件3. ME 检查回执4. 登陆费回执5. 资金证明仅此而已,不要画蛇添足. 每个人的情况不一样,需要提供的文件除了基本几项外,也有不同,所以只要照ME要求来就好. 祝好运!点击展开...thanks
回复: 大家觉得这个Me信里要求补无刑了吗?如果忘记放ME信后果严重么?
NOC1111/10.5.12 BJ 初表/8.11扣款/10.28RN/12.22鸭子/11.1.23补料/5.25FN/9.27南南出生/12.2.9me/2.13IP四句/ 2.15体检/12.2.20补料妥投/12.3.6IP五句话MER/4.5汇票解付/9.25dm/waiting for v如果忘记放ME信后果严重么?点击展开...我觉得不严重, 就是VO 归档起来费劲儿点. 肯定不会像老师批试卷, 没写名字, 零分处理.
Hold fast to dreams, for when dreams go, life is a barren field, frozen with snow.回复: 大家觉得这个Me信里要求补无刑了吗?要什么给什么,后面那段话纯粹是模板,统一告诉你一些要提供原件的东西。你护照要求了,那就护照提供原件,无刑没要求,不用。我个人觉得是这样的,我的里面也有这句。
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