加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民省提名技术移民 - 萨省补材料清单,大家帮个忙
我的大致情况如下,1:11年4月份按萨省要求递交省提名材料2:11年12月份因存款证明半年刚好过期,要求补存款证明材料及雅思成绩3:12年2月14日要求的补材料清单如下:To further verify the work experience documents submitted with this file, you mustsubmit a clear copy of Personal Account of Old-Age Insurance with record ofpayment from your employer and yourself for the period of your stated employment( 基本养老保险个人账户及兑账单) and one of the following documents within 45 days ofthe date of this letter: 1,Work Book (工作证); issued by the local Municipal Labour and Social SecurityBureau ( 劳动和社会保障局) with record of registration information of your, employment and labour contract or the termination of your employnent and labour contract (就业和劳动合同签订情况记载 ) ., 2, Medical Insurance (医疗保险)insured number your name, your employer's name, and record of premium payment from employer and employee for the periodsof your stated work experience. 3, Any personnel documents ( 人事文件)from the human resources department ofyour current and/or previous employer showing your work history. Please note, if you fail to provide the documents as requested, your application will be assessed based on information you have provided. This may result in yourapplication being refused.Thank you for your application to the SINP.目前我的情况是因为在私人酒店工作,一直以来都没有签订劳动合同,社保公司有帮我交,但没有交医保,望有能人帮忙指点下我要怎么补这些材料给萨省,小弟在此先谢啦!
回复: 萨省补材料清单,大家帮个忙关注!
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 萨省补材料清单,大家帮个忙帮顶!
2011.9签约,2011.11鸭熟,2011.12递料,中*介*暗*箱*中,2012.4.20签收,2012.5.17FN1039,萨省其实应该叫做傻省,就是你等的都傻了提名也不一定会来。回复: 萨省补材料清单,大家帮个忙顶一下
人生就是一趟旅行。努力工作,享受人生!回复: 萨省补材料清单,大家帮个忙之前没有递交语言培训证明的吗
回复: 萨省补材料清单,大家帮个忙我的大致情况如下,1:11年4月份按萨省要求递交省提名材料2:11年12月份因存款证明半年刚好过期,要求补存款证明材料及雅思成绩3:12年1月要求的补材料清单如下:To further verify the work experience documents submitted with this file, you mustsubmit a clear copy of Personal Account of Old-Age Insurance with record ofpayment from your employer and yourself for the period of your stated employment( 基本养老保险个人账户及兑账单) and one of the following documents within 45 days ofthe date of this letter: 1,Work Book (工作证); issued by the local Municipal Labour and Social SecurityBureau ( 劳动和社会保障局) with record of registration information of your, employment and labour contract or the termination of your employnent and labour contract (就业和劳动合同签订情况记载 ) ., 2, Medical Insurance (医疗保险)insured number your name, your employer's name, and record of premium payment from employer and employee for the periodsof your stated work experience. 3, Any personnel documents ( 人事文件)from the human resources department ofyour current and/or previous employer showing your work history. Please note, if you fail to provide the documents as requested, your application will be assessed based on information you have provided. This may result in yourapplication being refused.Thank you for your application to the SINP.目前我的情况是因为在私人酒店工作,一直以来都没有签订劳动合同,社保公司有帮我交,但没有交医保,望有能人帮忙指点下我要怎么补这些材料给萨省,小弟在此先谢啦![/quo楼主,帮好多人问,你2011年4月份有递交英语培训证明吗?你2011年11月补的是培训证明还是雅思?点击展开...
回复: 萨省补材料清单,大家帮个忙我的大致情况如下,1:11年4月份按萨省要求递交省提名材料2:11年12月份因存款证明半年刚好过期,要求补存款证明材料及雅思成绩3:12年1月要求的补材料清单如下:To further verify the work experience documents submitted with this file, you mustsubmit a clear copy of Personal Account of Old-Age Insurance with record ofpayment from your employer and yourself for the period of your stated employment( 基本养老保险个人账户及兑账单) and one of the following documents within 45 days ofthe date of this letter: 1,Work Book (工作证); issued by the local Municipal Labour and Social SecurityBureau ( 劳动和社会保障局) with record of registration information of your, employment and labour contract or the termination of your employnent and labour contract (就业和劳动合同签订情况记载 ) ., 2, Medical Insurance (医疗保险)insured number your name, your employer's name, and record of premium payment from employer and employee for the periodsof your stated work experience. 3, Any personnel documents ( 人事文件)from the human resources department ofyour current and/or previous employer showing your work history. Please note, if you fail to provide the documents as requested, your application will be assessed based on information you have provided. This may result in yourapplication being refused.Thank you for your application to the SINP.目前我的情况是因为在私人酒店工作,一直以来都没有签订劳动合同,社保公司有帮我交,但没有交医保,望有能人帮忙指点下我要怎么补这些材料给萨省,小弟在此先谢啦!点击展开...楼主,帮好多人问,你2011年4月份有递交英语培训证明吗?你2011年11月补的是培训证明还是雅思?
回复: 萨省补材料清单,大家帮个忙帮顶
2011.9签约,2011.11鸭熟,2011.12递料,中*介*暗*箱*中,2012.4.20签收,2012.5.17FN1039,萨省其实应该叫做傻省,就是你等的都傻了提名也不一定会来。回复: 萨省补材料清单,大家帮个忙2011年11月补的是雅思
回复: 萨省补材料清单,大家帮个忙2011年11月补的是雅思点击展开...是补料信要求必须是雅思还是说其他的英语成绩也可?
2011.9签约,2011.11鸭熟,2011.12递料,中*介*暗*箱*中,2012.4.20签收,2012.5.17FN1039,萨省其实应该叫做傻省,就是你等的都傻了提名也不一定会来。回复: 萨省补材料清单,大家帮个忙工作合同比较容易补, 先去打印一些你们酒店的名头纸, 再做一份雇佣合同, 然后签署以前的日期, 再盖单位的印章, 至于其他的保险没有, 就写一封信, 向移民局解释, 这只是个私人的企业, 所以很多福利都没有, 希望他们可以理解。
回复: 萨省补材料清单,大家帮个忙补料信中没有强制要求有雅思,只是要求提供相关语言证明,我刚好考了雅思,所以就交雅思了.点击展开...谢谢您的回复,帮不上你什么,只能帮顶让更多的人看见
2011.9签约,2011.11鸭熟,2011.12递料,中*介*暗*箱*中,2012.4.20签收,2012.5.17FN1039,萨省其实应该叫做傻省,就是你等的都傻了提名也不一定会来。回复: 萨省补材料清单,大家帮个忙恭喜!听说今天提名了!
2011.9签约,2011.11鸭熟,2011.12递料,中*介*暗*箱*中,2012.4.20签收,2012.5.17FN1039,萨省其实应该叫做傻省,就是你等的都傻了提名也不一定会来。回复: 萨省补材料清单,大家帮个忙补了二次材料,提名花了快一年 还行
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