加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民这次中文媒体反应过激,重读了康尼的讲话和英
又读了一次康尼3月7号的报告,这个一刀切还没有最终确定。 We welcome all creative ideas that will help us eliminate the backlog better and faster. Again, we are open to all creative suggestions about the best way to do it. 强调两次了,要求提供建议。他提到新西兰一刀切的历史好像也是举个例子,并没有马上和加拿大的情况对号入座。接下来到底怎么处理还是要投票决定的吧。中文媒体的口气这么强硬,乍一看强撤正在进行了。 The Star的immigration专栏http://www.thestar.com/topic/immigration 有一篇文章A new immigration point system for Canada starts in 2012 http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/a...starts-in-2012提到Under the new grid, to be introduced by the end of the year。 原来这个改进的打分系统要到年底才引进!不是7月1号啊,要是7月1号就不是 By the end of the year了。这大半年,很难宁静了! 2012,注定是很诡异的一年了! http://www.parl.gc.ca/Content/HOC/Co...MM_Rpt02-e.pdf 针对减少积案采取措施,在争吵中,详细内容,上面PDF文件有 有人要求按原计划不变,继续慢慢处理,因为对于积案的处理时效没有法律责任 有人要求短期内限制新来的,以处理积压为主,迅速处理完 有人建议给积压的人发劝退信 还有人建议先给积压的人发工作签证 还有更多处理意见
自愿参加HK请愿的请到这里报名http://forums.canadameet.me/showthread.php?t=547494 ,时间定在4月30号。请给我悄悄话留下电话。请抓紧时间办好港澳通行证!回复: 这次中文媒体反应过激,重读了康尼的讲话和英文媒体的报道,语气没那么激烈等不到年底,太难熬了,咨询了中介现在都不办AEO,不知道还有什么办法可以去了
回复: 这次中文媒体反应过激,重读了康尼的讲话和英文媒体的报道,语气没那么激烈等不到年底,太难熬了,咨询了中介现在都不办AEO,不知道还有什么办法可以去了点击展开...是吗,那以前AEO收费多少呢?又不是非要找移民中介,出国劳务中介不行吗,能够获得临时工签移民也没有白费
自愿参加HK请愿的请到这里报名http://forums.canadameet.me/showthread.php?t=547494 ,时间定在4月30号。请给我悄悄话留下电话。请抓紧时间办好港澳通行证!回复: 这次中文媒体反应过激,重读了康尼的讲话和英文媒体的报道,语气没那么激烈之前康胖代表CIC吹的风,无论语气激烈与否,全都实现了。
回复: 这次中文媒体反应过激,重读了康尼的讲话和英文媒体的报道,语气没那么激烈之前康胖代表CIC吹的风,无论语气激烈与否,全都实现了。点击展开... 如果这样,那些所谓的辩论都是摆设了,和天朝的开会一样了,终于被民主打击了
自愿参加HK请愿的请到这里报名http://forums.canadameet.me/showthread.php?t=547494 ,时间定在4月30号。请给我悄悄话留下电话。请抓紧时间办好港澳通行证!回复: 这次中文媒体反应过激,重读了康尼的讲话和英文媒体的报道,语气没那么激烈http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/story/2012/03/07/pol-immigration-backlog-kenney.html"Kenney, the minister of citizenship and immigration, wouldn't rule out an option used in New Zealand, where the government legislated away the backlog clearing it by eliminating the files. "Asked how seriously he's looking at that option, Kenney said the department is looking at all options for dealing with the backlog."
回复: 这次中文媒体反应过激,重读了康尼的讲话和英文媒体的报道,语气没那么激烈如果这样,那些所谓的辩论都是摆设了,和天朝的开会一样了,终于被民主打击了点击展开...你自己回头看,1:投资移民设限2:减少商业移民3:父母团聚移民暂停,推出超级签证4:夫妻团聚开始执行新政策,被担保人5年之内不得担保他人入境(很可能在近期就要推出2年临签政策)5:已申请的父母团聚移民加速处理哪一个不是在吹完风之后很快就实施了?
回复: 这次中文媒体反应过激,重读了康尼的讲话和英文媒体的报道,语气没那么激烈all options包括新西兰的option,也不排除别的option,政客的圆滑语言。这个坛子快变成小众人的吧,香港进度北京进度两大版块,离散伙倒计时了。无限惆怅中啊
自愿参加HK请愿的请到这里报名http://forums.canadameet.me/showthread.php?t=547494 ,时间定在4月30号。请给我悄悄话留下电话。请抓紧时间办好港澳通行证!回复: 这次中文媒体反应过激,重读了康尼的讲话和英文媒体的报道,语气没那么激烈楼上转贴嘛,还是转全点。。。康康也只是说 wouldn't rule out 并没说 would .....he government is considering all options for clearing a backlog of hundreds of thousands of applications from people who want to immigrate to Canada, Jason Kenney said Wednesday. Kenney, the minister of citizenship and immigration, wouldn't rule out an option used in New Zealand, where the government legislated away the backlog clearing it by eliminating the files. Asked how seriously he's looking at that option, Kenney said the department is looking at all options for dealing with the backlog. "We owe it to newcomers to do that. So we haven’t made any decisions, we’re still consulting, we’re looking at all the options, but I do think that we can’t continue to tell people that they’re going to wait for eight years for a decision on whether they can come to Canada," he said.
回复: 这次中文媒体反应过激,重读了康尼的讲话和英文媒体的报道,语气没那么激烈在大陆的等候者的英语又不比谁差。康康啥意思,大家一看就明白了。没必要不停恐吓。。。就像领导讲话,今年形势很好,很好。。。。。。。但是,如何。。。。你却故意删减成今年形势很好,很好。意思都差很远了。味道也完全不一样了。
回复: 这次中文媒体反应过激,重读了康尼的讲话和英文媒体的报道,语气没那么激烈上面某楼转贴的片段,其全文如下:The government is considering all options for clearing a backlog of hundreds of thousands of applications from people who want to immigrate to Canada, Jason Kenney said Wednesday. Kenney, the minister of citizenship and immigration, wouldn't rule out an option used in New Zealand, where the government legislated away the backlog clearing it by eliminating the files. Asked how seriously he's looking at that option, Kenney said the department is looking at all options for dealing with the backlog."We owe it to newcomers to do that. So we haven’t made any decisions, we’re still consulting, we’re looking at all the options, but I do think that we can’t continue to tell people that they’re going to wait for eight years for a decision on whether they can come to Canada," he said.Canada's backlog is around 300,000 applications and could take until 2017 to clear. That's unfair to the applicants and inefficient for employers looking to fill gaps for skilled labour, Kenney said, since after five or six years people's skills may be outdated for what the market requires. Canada's immigration system must function faster and be more responsive to changing needs, he said. Kenney has already made major changes to the refugee and family reunification systems, in both cases offering compromises on some issues while taking a hard line overall. For example, last fall the department temporarily stopped taking new applications for family reunification but started offering a super visa, valid for 10 years, that allows visitors to stay longer than before. Although he floated the idea of eliminating old files to kill the backlog, Kenney also offered the option of letting provincial and territorial governments go through current applications and pull out the ones that match their needs with what the applicants seek. "We are launching a pilot project that will allow provinces and territories to 'mine the backlog' in other words, to review the applications in the backlog and nominate those applicants they think their economies need now. We are also informing some applicants stuck in the federal skilled workers backlog about possible opportunities under the provincial nominee program," he said. The provincial nominee program lets the provinces select and recommend immigrants to fill sectors where they're most needed. The federal government then processes the applications.Using immigration to help the economyCritics have accused the government of focusing Canada's immigration system too narrowly on economic factors and limiting the opportunities to, for example, bring in aging relatives. Kenney says statistics show highly skilled people with prearranged jobs do well when they come to Canada, earning an average annual salary of $79,000. "What we are going to be encouraging prospective immigrants to do more and more is try to get a job lined up before they get to Canada. And that will allow us to help bring them in very quickly in the future. So the doors are always going to be open," he said. The government has talked in the past about how Canada will have to rely on immigration to supplement an aging workforce. Prime Minister Stephen Harper said in a January speech in Davos, Switzerland, that Canada is looking at ways to modernize its immigration system.
回复: 这次中文媒体反应过激,重读了康尼的讲话和英文媒体的报道,语气没那么激烈在大陆的等候者的英语又不比谁差。康康啥意思,大家一看就明白了。没必要不停恐吓。。。就像领导讲话,今年形势很好,很好。。。。。。。但是,如何。。。。你却故意删减成今年形势很好,很好。意思都差很远了。味道也完全不一样了。点击展开...有些人是有目的的,呵呵!
QQ: 1904036001, 加拿大那些事情,都可以聊聊!回复: 这次中文媒体反应过激,重读了康尼的讲话和英文媒体的报道,语气没那么激烈家园之星是这个坛子背后的人吗?上了几年这个坛子不大懂图像下面的标签
自愿参加HK请愿的请到这里报名http://forums.canadameet.me/showthread.php?t=547494 ,时间定在4月30号。请给我悄悄话留下电话。请抓紧时间办好港澳通行证!回复: 这次中文媒体反应过激,重读了康尼的讲话和英文媒体的报道,语气没那么激烈很明显,康康的意思是,会考虑一切可能。不排除新西兰模式。但他觉得这么做对不起等候者,所以还并未做出决定,还在征求意见。而不少在加的华人们,却纷纷奉劝大家,投降吧,没戏了。。。。不知是何居心??!!如果等候者真的相信这些华人,认为康康的所作所为是理所当然,是大势所趋的,而放弃抗争,那大家是真的没戏了。。。在加的华人要的就是让大家没戏。。。中国人的劣根性,大家可以看看所有参与此类讨论最积极的几个给大家泄气,不停用各种被删减或串改的证据来打击大家的马甲,他们大都是已经移民加拿大的中国人。。如果大家坚决不服,坚决要求集体起诉或抗议。。。。大家才有戏。。。。如果被害者都沉默了,那凶手当然只会更加变本加厉。。。本来只是试探抢钱的,最后就会真的杀人了。康康的意思已经很明确了,看大家的反应。。。如果大家没啥反应,就真的强拆。如果反应强烈,就不敢动手。。。。这和国内强拆是一个道理。。。坚决抵制低价拆迁的,坚持到最后的,绝大部分都比那些软蛋拿的拆迁费多的多。。。。
回复: 这次中文媒体反应过激,重读了康尼的讲话和英文媒体的报道,语气没那么激烈你自己回头看,1:投资移民设限2:减少商业移民3:父母团聚移民暂停,推出超级签证4:夫妻团聚开始执行新政策,被担保人5年之内不得担保他人入境(很可能在近期就要推出2年临签政策)5:已申请的父母团聚移民加速处理哪一个不是在吹完风之后很快就实施了?点击展开...完全同意这个看法。因为A:“如果坏事情有可能发生,不管这种可能性多么小,它总会发生,并引起最大可能的损失。” 因为B:“在同一表象下,比较简单的那个理论更可能是正确的那一个。”“山雨欲来风满楼。” 风刮过了,自然就到雨了。
回复: 这次中文媒体反应过激,重读了康尼的讲话和英文媒体的报道,语气没那么激烈是吗,那以前AEO收费多少呢?又不是非要找移民中介,出国劳务中介不行吗,能够获得临时工签移民也没有白费点击展开...两年前问过一次要十几万人民币,楼主有好的劳务中介推荐吗?
回复: 这次中文媒体反应过激,重读了康尼的讲话和英文媒体的报道,语气没那么激烈很明显,康康的意思是,会考虑一切可能。不排除新西兰模式。但他觉得这么做对不起等候者,所以还并未做出决定,还在征求意见。而不少在加的华人们,却纷纷奉劝大家,投降吧,没戏了。。。。不知是何居心??!!如果等候者真的相信这些华人,认为康康的所作所为是理所当然,是大势所趋的,而放弃抗争,那大家是真的没戏了。。。在加的华人要的就是让大家没戏。。。中国人的劣根性,大家可以看看所有参与此类讨论最积极的几个给大家泄气,不停用各种被删减或串改的证据来打击大家的马甲,他们大都是已经移民加拿大的中国人。。如果大家坚决不服,坚决要求集体起诉或抗议。。。。大家才有戏。。。。如果被害者都沉默了,那凶手当然只会更加变本加厉。。。本来只是试探抢钱的,最后就会真的杀人了。康康的意思已经很明确了,看大家的反应。。。如果大家没啥反应,就真的强拆。如果反应强烈,就不敢动手。。。。这和国内强拆是一个道理。。。坚决抵制低价拆迁的,坚持到最后的,绝大部分都比那些软蛋拿的拆迁费多的多。。。。点击展开...,高人那!
两年前问过一次要十几万人民币,楼主有好的劳务中介推荐吗?点击展开... 没有,我根本不知道有这回事,我在想也许应该有吧,我只知道有去新加坡的,加拿大不知道有没有
自愿参加HK请愿的请到这里报名http://forums.canadameet.me/showthread.php?t=547494 ,时间定在4月30号。请给我悄悄话留下电话。请抓紧时间办好港澳通行证!说得委婉些,实际上就在磨刀霍霍!点击展开...肯定是在磨刀了。。。要是不反抗,就只有等刀子了。。。这个时候,只有傻瓜才不反抗。。。可笑的是少部分家伙,不停给大家灌输放弃的想法。。。
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