加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民保守党修改移民法让CIC强制作废91有了法理基础,
CIC这次有恃无恐的作废91,从放风到CIC官网发布作废的详细细节,不到1个月时间,CIC的做法让所有人都感到措手不及,包括加拿大的律师行都感到意外。为什么CIC2003年在法庭上吃了一次大亏,这次却敢作出如此嚣张猖狂的史无前例的无耻举动呢? 答案就在保守党成为多数党之后,修改了移民法。 这是律师TIM援引的相关移民法: 87.3 (1) This section applies to applications for visas or other documents made under subsection 11(1), other than those made by persons referred to in subsection 99(2), sponsorship applications made by persons referred to in subsection 13(1), applications for permanent resident status under subsection 21(1) or temporary resident status under subsection 22(1) made by foreign nationals in Canada and to requests under subsection 25(1) made by foreign nationals outside Canada. Attainment of immigration goals(2) The processing of applications and requests is to be conducted in a manner that, in the opinion of the Minister, will best support the attainment of the immigration goals established by the Government of Canada. (7) Nothing in this section in any way limits the power of the Minister to otherwise determine the most efficient manner in which to administer this Act. 法律规定,移民部长能够对所有的移民申请按照他认为在符合加拿大政府的利益的前提下作出任何他想做的行动。 没有什么能够限制移民部长按照他的意思来任意处置移民申请,只要是移民部长认为是最有效的手段都可以不受约束的去做。 保守党成为多数党之后马上把移民法修改,赋予移民部长的随意量裁权,这就是康胖子能够胡作非为的法理基础! 康胖子在2012年之前对其他的移民类目进行大规模清理,如果说暂停投资移民,暂停家庭团聚是痛下杀手,这次就是惨绝人寰了! 康胖子的下一个目标,也许就是对227开刀了,227的14万人将按照新政来审理。不除227的14万人,新的移民政策也无法畅通无阻的进行。
回复: 保守党修改移民法,让CIC强制作废91有了法理基础,这是律师给的相关条文,请懂法的进来讨�律师最新邮件: Good day, The following link reveals that yesterday, effective the day before, the Minister cancelled all the files in the backlog save the 20,000 which had already been positively assessed.http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/releases/2012/2012-03-30a.asp How this decision will affect our litigation, I do not know. However, I expect DoJ to move to have the litigation dismissed on the grounds that the relief we are seeking cannot be granted because all of the files have been cancelled. How the Court will respond to such a motion, I do not know. At a minimum, we would have to reframe our argument, including the assertion that the Minister's fiat is illegal (and I believe it to be, but it is a constitutional issue). Undoubtedly it will evoke a class-action lawsuit. Time will tell. CIC is, however, under a court order to serve its written arguments on April 10th. We will have to wait to see whether they do so or whether the Court sanctions them for failing to do so. Yes, it is very bad news but, as Churchill said at the height of the Blitz: "This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But, it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.". Regards, Tim
回复: 保守党修改移民法,让CIC强制作废91有了法理基础,这是律师给的相关条文,请懂法的进来讨律师现在要修改当时的诉讼请求,要控诉康胖子违法! 根据Tim的意思,还是有争取的空间!
回复: 保守党修改移民法让CIC强制作废91有了法理基础,法庭和CIC的较量即将拉开序幕!GOD BLESS通过研读Bill C-50,发现该法案对91同学是没有影响的。该法案的(过渡性条款)明确规定:120. Section 87.3 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act applies only to applications and requests made on or after February 27, 2008. SO,康胖无权retained, returned or otherwise disposed of 91同学的申请案。 这不是依据吗?奇怪上次星星点点TX去信询问,他也没有正面回答,只是说CIC LIE TO THE PUBLIC。。。http://forum.canadameet.org/showpost.php?p=7929192&postcount=6http://forum.canadameet.org/showpost.php?p=7936176&postcount=14
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]他们欺瞒上帝偷偷拨回时间They fool God secretly timing of the reversal回复: 保守党修改移民法让CIC强制作废91有了法理基础,法庭和CIC的较量即将拉开序幕!GOD BLESS多伦多星报的报道http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/politics/article/1153793--federal-budget-2012-immigration-reforms-to-speed-entry-of-economic-immigrants Federal budget 2012: Immigration reforms to speed entry of economic immigrants OTTAWAThe federal government is wiping out a waiting list of more than 200,000 foreign workers and returning the $130 million they paid in processing fees as it begins an ambitious overhaul of the country’s immigration system.Hopeful immigrants who applied before Feb. 27, 2008, to come to Canada as skilled workers will have their fees returned and be told to apply again under new programs that put greater emphasis on their work skills. The news has already created shockwaves among immigration lawyers and consultants, who anticipated myriad legal actions against the government. “It is another example of the lack of integrity and shortsightedness of this government,” said Toronto lawyer Tim Leahy, who filed a class action lawsuit earlier this year on behalf of more than 300 immigration applicants over delayed processing. “What does it say about the integrity of Canada? We can refund the processing fee, but how are you going to refund six years of lives of these applicants?” Calling the plan “unprecedented,” lawyer Robin Seligman said the government should have first stopped the intake to clear the backlog. Prospective migrants might now think twice before applying to Canada, she added. “How can you trust this government?” The drastic move is meant to eliminate a backlog that means skilled workers have had to wait upwards of eight years to get into Canada.
回复: 保守党修改移民法让CIC强制作废91有了法理基础,法庭和CIC的较量即将拉开序幕!GOD BLESS现在加拿大有影响的人物中也许只有律师TIM一个人在为我们叫屈 我们能够退回这些申请人的费用,我们怎么退回他们六年的时光?
回复: 保守党修改移民法让CIC强制作废91有了法理基础,法庭和CIC的较量即将拉开序幕!GOD BLESS这是我更早的时候给他的Email感谢他的话: I am very grateful for your work. You are not afriad of millions of foreign immigrants coming to Canada, and you are fighting for their rights too. 一个白人律师可以为身为异族的准移民争取权利,到处奔走相告,让那些为CIC作废政策叫好正在得意忘形的华人老移民情何以堪!这些人最近在论坛本版活动,按耐不住内心的喜悦,用各种形式来软磨硬泡劝大家死心。
回复: 保守党修改移民法让CIC强制作废91有了法理基础,法庭和CIC的较量即将拉开序幕!GOD BLESS支持,我报名,加拿大政府无耻至极,天人共怒!
回复: 保守党修改移民法让CIC强制作废91有了法理基础,法庭和CIC的较量即将拉开序幕!GOD BLESS楼主的分析文章和与TIM的每封通信我都在关注,TIM是位好律师,2002和这次都是他第一个发起和CIC的诉讼,不知另一位mr.Waldm 律师对"一刀切"的看法如何? 我现在担心91的阵营分化了,北京的91准备单独组成category委托 mr.Waldm 起诉,而他们的诉求和把握性似乎比香港的更有说服力,因为全部S2并有相当部分已打分,是属于2万人内,而香港91却大部分没s2,是属于明确被切的人群。而我们同样为了考雅和其他工作付出了大量的金钱和精力,只是CIC的原因早成了香港91的停滞。如此看来香港91的命运危险了。
回复: 保守党修改移民法让CIC强制作废91有了法理基础,法庭和CIC的较量即将拉开序幕!GOD BLESS楼主的分析文章和与TIM的每封通信我都在关注,TIM是位好律师,2002和这次都是他第一个发起和CIC的诉讼,不知另一位mr.Waldm 律师对"一刀切"的看法如何? 我现在担心91的阵营分化了,北京的91准备单独组成category委托 mr.Waldm 起诉,而他们的诉求和把握性似乎比香港的更有说服力,因为全部S2并有相当部分已打分,是属于2万人内,而香港91却大部分没s2,是属于明确被切的人群。而我们同样为了考雅和其他工作付出了大量的金钱和精力,只是CIC的原因早成了香港91的停滞。如此看来香港91的命运危险了。点击展开... 这个不用担心,S2已经补料的和没有S2的确实要分开来告,因为这样对CIC打击最大,相当于多了一个罪名,混在一起只能有一个指控,分开来告会让CIC更头痛! 给CIC罪名越多,它越难应付!
回复: 保守党修改移民法让CIC强制作废91有了法理基础,法庭和CIC的较量即将拉开序幕!GOD BLESSMr.Waldman 这次没有Tim活跃,但是更多的律师参与进来更好,因为2003年那次把CIC搞臭告垮就是一群律师的杰作!
回复: 保守党修改移民法让CIC强制作废91有了法理基础,法庭和CIC的较量即将拉开序幕!GOD BLESS 我们人越多,律师也会越来越多的。 感谢lz对tim的介绍,非常感谢这位白人律师,为他的行为感动,并致敬。 以前我还觉得他不怎么给力呢,呵呵,不好意思。
我们人越多,律师也会越来越多的。 感谢lz对tim的介绍,非常感谢这位白人律师,为他的行为感动,并致敬。 以前我还觉得他不怎么给力呢,呵呵,不好意思。点击展开...3月7号康猪头讲话后的第三天,TIM马上要求法庭禁止CIC用2012年的打分系统来审理起诉者,并且马上通告媒体,曝光CIC无耻插队政策的谎言
回复: 保守党修改移民法让CIC强制作废91有了法理基础,法庭和CIC的较量即将拉开序幕!GOD BLESS 支持
回复: 保守党修改移民法让CIC强制作废91有了法理基础,法庭和CIC的较量即将拉开序幕!GOD BLESS 大家团结起来,向胖子要回公道!
回复: 保守党修改移民法让CIC强制作废91有了法理基础,法庭和CIC的较量即将拉开序幕!GOD BLESS通过研读Bill C-50,发现该法案对91同学是没有影响的。该法案的(过渡性条款)明确规定:120. Section 87.3 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act applies only to applications and requests made on or after February 27, 2008. SO,康胖无权retained, returned or otherwise disposed of 91同学的申请案。 这不是依据吗?奇怪上次星星点点TX去信询问,他也没有正面回答,只是说CIC LIE TO THE PUBLIC。。。http://forum.canadameet.org/showpost.php?p=7929192&postcount=6http://forum.canadameet.org/showpost.php?p=7936176&postcount=14点击展开...C50法案没有针对91,不代表2012年的新法案也不针对91,这次官司与C50无关。这次官司能不能赢,现在还捏把汗! 现在的争论是,CIC把91全部废掉到底合不合法,C50已成为过去时!
回复: 保守党修改移民法让CIC强制作废91有了法理基础,法庭和CIC的较量即将拉开序幕!GOD BLESS"保守党修改移民法,让CIC强制作废91有了法理基础,这是律师给的相关条文" 他引述的不都是C50吗? 新法未立,何来法理基础?
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]他们欺瞒上帝偷偷拨回时间They fool God secretly timing of the reversal回复: 保守党修改移民法让CIC强制作废91有了法理基础,法庭和CIC的较量即将拉开序幕!GOD BLESS 同意moi,waldman 看到大陆这么多人花钱,一定会打起精神,一告到底。
fn:07-3-7 HK QQ:28694783VO:LSL FN:[email protected];[email protected]"保守党修改移民法,让CIC强制作废91有了法理基础,这是律师给的相关条文" 他引述的不都是C50吗? 点击展开... 如果你研读了C50就是的吧 现在CIC的动作与引述的部分不矛盾 引述的部分其实很空泛的,移民部长能按照他的意思想怎么做怎么做,只要符合加拿大政府的利益,但是申请人自身难道也没有权益?所以官司肯定是有的打,康胖子这次如果输了,就会变得臭名昭著。
回复: 保守党修改移民法让CIC强制作废91有了法理基础,法庭和CIC的较量即将拉开序幕!GOD BLESS同意moi,waldman 看到大陆这么多人花钱,一定会打起精神,一告到底。点击展开...只有群里的人知道谁是MOI MOI是jesuimajeur也是paradiseunderthesun
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