加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民BREAKING NEWS--- 刀落下来了


Special Edition: Canadian Government Slashes Backlog March, 2012 BREAKING NEWS The Government of Canada announced on 29 March 2012 a plan to reduce the backlog of Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) applications by returning all applications and government fees submitted prior to 27 February 2008. This will amount to a total of almost 300,000 returned applications, as well as approximately $130 million in refunded government processing fees.Approximately 160,000 FSW applications, submitted after 28 February 2008, will remain in queue for processing.The AnnouncementThis statement has been issued as part of the larger Federal Budget for 2012, which was released on 29 March. The budget includes information for reducing national deficit and creating more fiscally efficient government infrastructure, an integral part of which is tied to immigration policy and processing times. As part of this plan, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC), is expected to reduce its operating costs by $179 million over the next three years.The budget mentions that “Canada risks losing the global talent competition for the world’s best and brightest as potential immigrants choose to take their skills to other countries with more responsive immigration systems rather than remain in the queue to have their applications process in Canada”.With this in mind, the decision was reached to not only return the approximately 300,000 applications, but to focus on creating a system that would streamline processing and “reduce duplication and overlap” in the overall structure.Government RationaleThe applications being returned are currently only from the FSW program. No additional plans have yet been announced to address backlogs in other immigration categories.CIC hopes that reducing application numbers will allow it to streamline its programs in a way that will eliminate overhead costs currently incurred by dealing with the backlog. For instance, some visa offices devote significant amounts of time and money to processing pre-2008 applications. With these out of the way, visa officers will be free to devote time and energy to processing applications that have a higher likelihood of approval under current government standards.The decision is also part of a larger effort by CIC to “transition to a faster and more flexible economic immigration system”. This new system will be aimed at more accurately addressing Canadian labour market needs as well as better serving those applicants still in line to be processed. Currently, Canada is facing severe labour shortages, specifically in Western provinces where skilled tradespeople are in great demand.It is important to note that, despite widespread austerity measures being imposed on most government departments, CIC is one of only five that are being asked to reduce operating costs by less than six percent. In fact, proposed upgrades to the Canadian immigration system are likely to cost over $25 million in upcoming years.Advice for Returned ApplicantsThe promise of new, streamlined immigration systems is no comfort for the thousands of individuals and their families who have now seen their hopes for Canadian immigration come to an end.“This is such awful news for the people who have been waiting patiently in line,” says Attorney David Cohen, “Of course, they are free to submit a new application, but that will be of little solace at this time. I truly feel badly for them”.Applicants who will see their files returned but are still keen to come to Canada are by no means excluded from re-submitting an application, either through the FSW program or one of the over 60 other available Canadian immigration programs. As the government more thoroughly outlines its plans for immigration in the future, prospective applicants should make sure to keep abreast of new developments that may be of benefit to themselves and their unique skill sets.To find out if you are eligible for the over 60 Canadian immigration programs, please fill out our free online assessment. #dd_ajax_float{ background:none repeat scroll 0 0 #FFFFFF; border:1px solid #DDDDDD; float:left; margin-left:-120px; margin-right:10px; margin-top:10px; position:absolute; z-index:9999;}« Next Article: Recent Changes to Quebec Immigration: A Summary

回复: BREAKING NEWS--- 刀落下来了我这两天就递补料,既然都被返还,那我还用递吗?

回复: BREAKING NEWS--- 刀落下来了我这两天就递补料,既然都被返还,那我还用递吗?点击展开...的确上是这样,是否还要按照S2的要求去准备寄材料?上帝呀!给我们一个明确的答复吧!

回复: BREAKING NEWS--- 刀落下来了我这两天就递补料,既然都被返还,那我还用递吗?点击展开...我认为还是照递吧.....

回复: BREAKING NEWS--- 刀落下来了我这两天就递补料,既然都被返还,那我还用递吗?点击展开...明知故问, 哈哈. 尽人事, 听天命. 何况还没那么严重


2007.8.13 DHL HK2008.1.25 签发FN 2008.2.3 收到回复: BREAKING NEWS--- 刀落下来了我不是明知故问,我是说CIC既然要全退料,那还让我们补料做什么?要不就是CIC脑子有毛病了,要不就是他们的思维我们是猜不出来的。所以糊里糊涂的按照或者脑子有毛病,或者我们猜不出他们什么意思的人的指导去做吧。此时应该变得傻乎乎的哈!

回复: BREAKING NEWS--- 刀落下来了你这消息哪来的?怎么看着像中介网站上的文章?

回复: BREAKING NEWS--- 刀落下来了预算草案预留了退款(肯定会通过的,保守党是多数),下一步作废申请不知道会不会搞。

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]他们欺瞒上帝偷偷拨回时间They fool God secretly timing of the reversal回复: BREAKING NEWS--- 刀落下来了你们发信问问吧

人生如梦,一樽还酹江月Homelife New World Realty安省地产经纪+开发咨询[email protected]回复: BREAKING NEWS--- 刀落下来了省提名的也退?说了啊,可是全部227前的,而且29日已经宣布全部退回了哈。那省提名的不用忙着考了了。

回复: BREAKING NEWS--- 刀落下来了我不是明知故问,我是说CIC既然要全退料,那还让我们补料做什么?要不就是CIC脑子有毛病了,要不就是他们的思维我们是猜不出来的。所以糊里糊涂的按照或者脑子有毛病,或者我们猜不出他们什么意思的人的指导去做吧。此时应该变得傻乎乎的哈!点击展开...你再等等.

老赵传奇回复: BREAKING NEWS--- 刀落下来了好的,那我就再等等吧.

回复: BREAKING NEWS--- 刀落下来了CIC的官方网站没有这个消息呢?

回复: BREAKING NEWS--- 刀落下来了链接 _ 估计有些人打不开 http://www.cicnews.com/2012/03/canadian-government-slashes-backlog-031472.html

回复: BREAKING NEWS--- 刀落下来了迟早要发生的事情. 梦终于醒了.

回复: BREAKING NEWS--- 刀落下来了91就这样结束了~

只要凡事籍着祷告、祈求和感谢,将所要的告诉神,神所赐出人意外的平安,必在基督耶稣里,保守你们的心怀意念!回复: BREAKING NEWS--- 刀落下来了- 我强烈希望这仅仅只是NEWS;- 已经S2的同学,应该不受影响吧。- 9.1积压只有300,000吗??- $130 million/300,000, 好像金额不够哎~

回复: BREAKING NEWS--- 刀落下来了已经S2和准备参与省提名的应该不在退款之列,你们属于已经上了车的,我早说过,现在S2的HK九一童鞋是开往加国的唯一的一趟班车,现在还没有S2的和没有接到省提名邀请信的都做好接受退款的准备。

2007.07.09 FN VO:SKM  小鸡长大了就变成了鹅;鹅长大了,就变成了羊;羊再长大了,就变成了牛;等牛长大了,Visa就到了。Man proposes, God disposes.链接 _ 估计有些人打不开 http://www.cicnews.com/2012/03/canadian-government-slashes-backlog-031472.html点击展开...我看到了,这个CICNEWS网站是个官方的吗?要是的话,那真的不用递补料了. 说了29日已经宣布了一个计划要退还全部申请和费用的.

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