加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民建议给国会议员邹至蕙及反对党各主流媒体写信
邹至蕙: 新民党前党魁夫人, 著名华裔议员,她在公开媒体上已经明确表示反对一刀切了, 哪位英文好的TX写封信给她表达我们全体91心声,坚决阻止一刀切法案在国会通过,可透露91TX4月30日将前往香港领事馆示威抗议一刀切,同时给各大媒体还有加国总理也同时发一封,表达我们的想法。邹至蕙个人主页: www.oliviachow.ca 她的联系方式:http://www.oliviachow.ca/contact/并有各大媒体邮箱:http://www.oliviachow.ca/action-centre/加拿大总理邮件地址::http://www.oliviachow.ca/action-centre/ 自由党党首:Bob Rae自由党主页: http://www.liberal.ca/联系邮箱: http://www.liberal.ca/contact/自由党MP 在上述主页上有,可每人发一封,特别是 Bob Rae 新民党党首: Thomas Mulcair新民党主页: http://www.ndp.ca/联系邮箱: http://www.ndp.ca/contact新民党41位国会议员: http://www.ndp.ca/ourcaucus 可每人发一封 保守党党首: Stephen Harper保守党主页:http://www.conservative.ca/联系邮箱:http://www.conservative.ca/footer/contact_us保守党国会议员: http://www.conservative.ca/team/our_MPs/ 大家也可给保守党总理议员表达我们的意见,提供他们解决积案的建议而不是一刀切 paradiseunderthesun leewaye, 慢慢来 等高手拜托了大家能统一写 封信可以,可以从法理上分析,如违反C50法案,解决积案的建议而不是一刀切等。或者有意表达意见的人分别写和发都可以,总之要表达我们的愤怒之情,让主流媒体都知道。
回复: 建议给国会议员邹至蕙及各主流媒体写信表达我们的呼声支持 是的
2007.4.20FN HK VO:MAC回复: 建议给国会议员邹至蕙及各主流媒体写信表达我们的呼声Totally agreed! We can post the complaints to her blog/ facebook/ tweeter too!
回复: 建议给国会议员邹至蕙及各主流媒体写信表达我们的呼声今天加广中文台qq回复说已报告给领导。2012-3-30 我发的消息:尊敬的先生/女士 您好, 我写信想请你们关注4月30日将在香港的加拿大领事馆前面举行的一次集体**活动。我们是在2008年2月之前递交加拿大技术移民申请的华人。我们希望加拿大移民部按时间顺序审理我们的申请。加拿大移民部2008年推出了新的移民政策,导致我们的申请被停止处理。去年我们已经进行过一次抗议活动,这次参加抗议活动的人数预计超过100人。昨天加拿大财政部做出的预算计划,还提到要把我们的申请作废,用1.5亿加元来退还申请费。我们感觉到这种做法非常不公平,让我们感觉到加拿大政府也缺乏诚信。如果您对该话题有兴趣,我们将非常感激,并且愿意提供详细信息。谢谢!
Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第一!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian回复: 建议给国会议员邹至蕙及各主流媒体写信表达我们的呼声支持
回复: 建议给国会议员邹至蕙及各主流媒体写信表达我们的呼声邹姐是香港人,13岁移民过去的,应该看得懂中文的吧~
回复: 建议给国会议员邹至蕙及各主流媒体写信表达我们的呼声我已经写了封声情并茂的中文信给邹姐了,等她回音了,各位可各自写信,中英文均可,表达91的心声,也可分别给各大媒体写信,信中说明要求阻止一刀切法案在国会通过。 各位,此时不写更待何时? 要为自己的权益做最后的抗争,别老是等别人写啊!
回复: 建议给国会议员邹至蕙及各主流媒体写信表达我们的呼声很好! 我也在她的网页留言了!!
回复: 建议给国会议员邹至蕙及各主流媒体写信表达我们的呼声又要锻炼我的英文写作能力啊,好,我来花点心思写!
回复: 建议给国会议员邹至蕙及各主流媒体写信表达我们的呼声LZ有她在公开媒体发表的相关文章的连接吗?
回复: 建议给国会议员邹至蕙及各主流媒体写信表达我们的呼声LZ有她在公开媒体发表的相关文章的连接吗?点击展开...谢谢moi ,这次和CIC干到底了,另外有另一些反对党如自由党党首和其他议员的联络方式吗?最好有个加拿大国会议员通讯名单,每人都群发一份。 邹至蕙在公开媒体的反对新闻 http://oversea.stnn.cc/toronto/201204/t20120401_1723011.html http://canbbs.com/forums/p/985816/1000799.aspx 邹至蕙昨透露,将在4月9日与其他国会议员组团前往北京、上海、厦门和杭州,吸引更多中国留学生来加拿大学习。这可是个好机会,在上述地点同学可以向她当面陈述不公正待遇。
回复: 建议给国会议员邹至蕙及反对党各主流媒体写信表达我们的呼声上哪能找到保守党党魁及诸议员的联系方式?一刀切可能符合加拿大的利益,但毕竟违反了公平正义等普世价值,即使有一丝希望也不能放弃。在上次香港散步的时候,领事馆的人认为加国对我们申请人没有承诺和责任(大意如此),而克林顿总统曾为没能阻止卢旺达大屠杀道歉,试问美国对他国内政有什么承诺和责任呢?
回复: 建议给国会议员邹至蕙及反对党各主流媒体写信表达我们的呼声转贴境外印度人写的催泪信, 大家可以稍作修改, 希望各位TX能踊跃发往三大党的国会议员及各大媒体,邮箱见顶楼,会有所影响的。 ok guys we did a sample for our compaint which we have to send to every person you think could help us in this issue you don't need to copy and paste exactly if you want to add or edit some phrases it will be good. I am writing to you this letter to complain and ask for help .I am among the thousands of oppressed people who applied for emigration as a FSW by 2008 and will destroy their lives and their dreams in the case of approval of the closure of their filesin this unfair step. In the beginning, the most important reasons for our choice of immigration to Canada is our belief asa country dominated by the values of justice,equalityand a human rights. and we sacrificedwith a lotof effort and money and time in order to prepare our files, hoping to start a new life and future for us and for our children in Canada, and we accept to wait until completion of the thousands of files, which made for Migration after us years as if we were punished on the speed of our sponsorship immigration applicationsand then be surprised, after waiting for more than 6 years of the Government's decision to slash our files without the slightest sense of responsibility for the destruction of the lives of thousands of familiesby thisunfair decision , which reflectsdefinitelythe absence of respecting ourhumanity and our rights of dealing with our files equally like others, and without respect to the agreement between us and the government ,I ask you to imagine how much damage the physical and psychological effect on us and our families from the destruction of our lives and the loss of many opportunities and effort and years waiting for the start of ourlivesin Canada, what can make up all of that ?and is it required from us to start again aftertheloss of all these years ? the law may pass by the strong majority in the government, but how to pass from the punishment of God for the injustice and the destruction of the lives of these families, I hope you can help us in the delivery of our voices to all shades of Canadian society and I am sure that such a decision gives voice about the value and harm the reputation of Canada's more than good and we are ready to provide any additional guarantees or wait until the processing our files until 2017, but please do not damage our livesand thelivesof our children by this tough and unfair decision. and here are the Name of all parliament's member click on its name and find the contact e-mail and send it.
回复: 建议给国会议员邹至蕙及反对党各主流媒体写信表达我们的呼声写作水平一般,供参考,请大家补充 To whom it may concern,I'm writing to complain about the recent decision that CIC made to trash all pre-C50 FSW applications.When they created C50, they claimed that the new process would reduce the backlogs. Yet they had never worked on the backlogs. With the minister instruction, the FSW applications have been sleeping in the closet for over 4 years.We didn't say anything but waited and waited, having belief in justice and fairness, which has always been the universal value in Canada. Until several days earlier, the minister decided to slap on our face and scratch all the files waiting in the queue. In these many years of waiting, we have been preparing to start a new life in Canada. Many of us now don't have another chance, after giving up many opportunities to move to another country. We trusted CIC, that we could move to Canada eventually.I'm writing to ask that CIC could respect humanity and fairness. We don't care about the waiting time. Please just give us back the hope.Sincerely,
回复: 建议给国会议员邹至蕙及反对党各主流媒体写信表达我们的呼声[FONT=宋体]建议积案受害人要坚持每人一天不少于[/FONT]10[FONT=宋体]封的投诉信发给相关人士和媒体,揭露肥康的丑恶嘴脸。先发起一场网络上的[/FONT]“[FONT=宋体]非暴力不合作[/FONT]”[FONT=宋体]运动![/FONT]
2007.10.1递北京;2009.10.16 S2邮件;2010.1.19日S2补料寄北京。(补充:之前状态5)2010.1.29变12;2010年12月CAIPS无果;2011年7月CAIPS查询74分.2011.11.7地址栏消失了几天。2012.3.10Litigation.回复: 建议给国会议员邹至蕙及反对党各主流媒体写信表达我们的呼声The law may pass by the strong majority in the government, but how to pass from the punishment of God for the injustice and the destruction of the lives of these families.印度兄弟太有才了,建议大家伙发邮件都把这句带上。
回复: 建议给国会议员邹至蕙及反对党各主流媒体写信表达我们的呼声感谢大家的努力。移友们,奋起一搏吧。起诉、散步、写信、各种方式,一起上吧。这是最后的机会了,大厦XX,如果不能登上加国的诺亚方舟,我们将来的命运,无法想象。为了我们的孩子能够自由地、心智健全地成长,为了我们自己能够掌握命运,fighting!
回复: 建议给国会议员邹至蕙及反对党各主流媒体写信表达我们的呼声转帖:请大家千万注意不要用国内的邮箱发信,大多数加拿大政府邮件会屏弊来自中国的邮箱的,请尽量使用例如GMAIL, HOTMAIL,FACEBOOK等,否则写了也发不进去,例如:263,新浪,搜狐等邮箱。
回复: 建议给国会议员邹至蕙及反对党各主流媒体写信表达我们的呼声建议在facebook上建一个统一的群,与其他印度、台湾等国家地区的91、旧政们互动国内上不了是否能委托香港tx帮忙。另外用iphone的tx好像也能上的很多议员都有FB帐号,大家可以在上面发出呼声,借助好友圈的影响力,让更多人、更多媒体知道我们的情况,引起外国的舆论反应
回复: 建议给国会议员邹至蕙及反对党各主流媒体写信表达我们的呼声刚给新民党41位议员发了电邮,并向邹女士表达谢意。
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