加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民印度人也在为华人受歧视叫屈。热心的印度人P
这篇新闻稿的主要意思是我们众所周知的,91如何被插队,现在又要被直接作废,非常不公平之类。其中一个最大的亮点是提到1923年的排华法案,该法案在当时把中国人彻底阻挡在加拿大国门外。因此现在要让加拿大知道,那段丑恶卑鄙的历史不能再上演。 1923年的法案名字就是很直接的 中国人排挤案 1923 21世纪的今天,这个法案卷土重来,但不是明目张胆的排挤中国人法案,而是很隐蔽的表面上不针对中国人,其实就是更加厉害的排挤中国人的非常阴险的移民法。 Ref: Canadian Immigration Minister Jason Kenney’s proposal to scrap 3,00,000 Federal Skilled Worker Applications for Permanent Residence. Unfair Legislating away of PR applications applied as early as 2004 by the Canadian Government. [Hong Kong, China, April 30, 2012: The history of Canadian Law, the “Chinese Exclusion Act of 1923” is being repeated once again by the Canadian Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism who has introduced a proposal to retrospectively scrap all the immigration applications that were filed before 27th February 2008 under Federal Skilled worker category numbering more than 3,00,000 and applied as early as 2004. This proposal if implemented would crash the plans and dreams of millions of families world over who sought to make a new home in Canada, a major part of which comprises of Chinese patiently waiting for their turn for the last eight years. ‘The Canadian Back Loggers Pre 2008 Association’ strongly condemns this proposal and demands its withdrawal as this is a fraud played upon the trust for Canadian policies these applicants had and is an infringement of their Human Rights. [/font][FONT='Calibri','sans-serif']The applicants, seeking immigration to Canada, world over including in Pakistan are agitated and offended by this proposal of the Canadian Government. The applicants who followed all the rules, did everything Canadian immigration department asked of them, were kept waiting since 2004 being assured that their file were under process and were kept in dark by the Canadian Immigration authorities by concealing information or providing misinformation. Canadian Government made false promise that the processing of their files was being done on first come first serve basis and would be speeded up but instead the waiting period was increased to almost three times i.e. to a good eight years. After 28th February 2008 the applications received before 27th February 2008 were sent to the warehouse and their processing was stopped or slowed to a sickening pace and the doctrine of first come first serve was trashed. The new policy essentially allowed those who applied for immigration after 28th February 2008 to jump ahead of those who had applied before them. The proposal introduced by Mr. Jason Kenney, ignoring the recommendations of the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration Canada on how to address the backlog of applications in the budget and the proposal to scrap all the applications filed before 27th February 2008, retrospectively, without processing, for no fault of these applicants is inhumane and an infringement of their Human Rights who wasted their golden years of their life and other available opportunities, waiting patiently, planning and preparing themselves for their turn to make Canada their new home, believing in the fairness of the Canadian Government and its commitment to its announced policies. This decision reminds the historical incident and the Chinese Exclusion Act, 1923designed to keep out immigrants of Asian origin. If implemented, this proposal will push the world back to the horror of Racism and Slavery through commoditization of prospective immigrants.‘The Canadian Back Loggers Pre 2008 Association’ champions the cause of these applicants and appeals to all the Human Rights Organizations, Political Parties, and the Governments (including Government of China and Governments of other countries) to protect such applicants who are not just 3,00,000 applicants but their families numbering into more than a million, from being condemned in this inhuman way by the Canadian Government and raise this issue at every forum. This is not 1914 but 21st century, the age of Globalization.Our association would be submitting a memorandum against this proposal to the United Nations Human Rights Council at Hague, Prime Minister of Canada, the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism and the High Commissioner of Canada in China and Hong Kong.30th April 2012 is being observed as the world protest day and protest rallies are being organized across the globe, Including India, Pakist Press Contact:an and the United Kingdom. We will also hold a protest and Rally against the Canadian Govt. on that day in Hong Kong, asking for withdrawal of their unholy proposal. Slogans such as “Reject of Select us, but don’t Trash us” and “Unfair Canada” will be raised to create awareness of the distrustful policies of Canada.
回复: 印度人也在为华人受歧视叫屈。热心的印度人Preet为我们抗议准备的新闻稿初稿想到一条标语: Chinese Exclusion Act 2012
回复: 印度人也在为华人受歧视叫屈。热心的印度人Preet为我们抗议准备的新闻稿初稿接下来除了抗议信和新闻稿要完成,还有标语横幅T恤要制作,无数媒体要去联系。这些事情90%以上由我一个人来做。 给旧政捣乱的提个醒:我没有时间去应付你们的捣乱,想继续添乱的,我也绝对不会饶过你们! 如果你们想和那个什么猫一样被拉出来示众,享受一下被批评让1000多人看,就来吧,虽然很忙,痛打落水狗的工作也绝不放过!
回复: 印度人也在为华人受歧视叫屈。热心的印度人Preet为我们抗议准备的新闻稿初稿想到一条标语: Chinese Exclusion Act 2012点击展开...先赞谈一下兄敏捷的思路!那印度和菲律宾移友该怎么说? 其他地区的移友又该怎么说?还不如这样来得更接近事情的本来面目: 91SAP Applicants Exclusion Act 2012兄以为如何?
回复: 印度人也在为华人受歧视叫屈。热心的印度人Preet为我们抗议准备的新闻稿初稿接下来除了抗议信和新闻稿要完成,还有标语横幅T恤要制作,无数媒体要去联系。这些事情90%以上由我一个人来做。给旧政捣乱的提个醒:我没有时间去应付你们的捣乱,想继续添乱的,我也绝对不会饶过你们!如果你们想和那个什么猫一样被拉出来示众,享受一下被批评让1000多人看,就来吧,虽然很忙,痛打落水狗的工作也绝不放过!点击展开... 楼主,我可以天天上网,需要帮忙吱一声
回复: 印度人也在为华人受歧视叫屈。热心的印度人Preet为我们抗议准备的新闻稿初稿印度人鼓励我们打出自己受歧视的口号。 印度人不会因为我们说中国人受歧视了,他们就把问题想歪了。 印度人的思路是,我们中国人说中国人受歧视,印度人说印度人受歧视,最后的目的是联合起来向加拿大施加压力。
回复: 印度人也在为华人受歧视叫屈。热心的印度人Preet为我们抗议准备的新闻稿初稿这个标题赞,,
回复: 印度人也在为华人受歧视叫屈。热心的印度人Preet为我们抗议准备的新闻稿初稿印度人鼓励我们打出自己受歧视的口号。 印度人不会因为我们说中国人受歧视了,他们就把问题想歪了。 印度人的思路是,我们中国人说中国人受歧视,印度人说印度人受歧视,最后的目的是联合起来向加拿大施加压力。点击展开...那样一来,正好掉到康尼“分化”的陷阱中。没有印度人,没有中国人,只有91SAP的受害人。
回复: 印度人也在为华人受歧视叫屈。热心的印度人Preet为我们抗议准备的新闻稿初稿楼主,我可以天天上网,需要帮忙吱一声点击展开... 你能帮我做饭吗?我一日三餐都是自己动手咧
回复: 印度人也在为华人受歧视叫屈。热心的印度人Preet为我们抗议准备的新闻稿初稿先赞谈一下兄敏捷的思路! 那印度和菲律宾移友该怎么说? 其他地区的移友又该怎么说? 还不如这样来得更接近事情的本来面目: 91SAP Applicants Exclusion Act 2012 兄以为如何?点击展开...Pre-C50 Applicants Exclusion Act of 2012 Chinese Exclusion Act of 1923
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]London Ontario[FONT=楷体]中国人对现实里很多不公平有一种难以理解的接受能力,然后成为社会的规则,最后成为文化的一部分。[/FONT][FONT=楷体]三个要饭的故事[/FONT][FONT=宋体][FONT=楷体]看一个社会的好坏有一个很简单的办法:富人是否大量移民。[/FONT][/FONT]Pre-C50 Applicants Exclusion Act 2012点击展开...
回复: 印度人也在为华人受歧视叫屈。热心的印度人Preet为我们抗议准备的新闻稿初稿想到一条标语: Chinese Exclusion Act 2012点击展开...又怎么样了 人家叫act 就是法律 要修改 几十 年后了 几十年后 你多少岁了 ?
Let an Englishman go where he will, he carries so much of law and liberty with him, as the nature of things will bear.Sir Richard West回复: 印度人也在为华人受歧视叫屈。热心的印度人Preet为我们抗议准备的新闻稿初稿paradiseunderthesun,anxioustogetmoving,pandaca,加声望~
FN:0705HK. 怎一个等字了得又怎么样了 人家叫act 就是法律 要修改 几十 年后了 几十年后 你多少岁了 ?点击展开...你要玩自己的生殖器,到一边儿去,别跟这儿!除非你是暴露僻。江河湖海沟,装13的多了去了,再多你一个又何妨!
回复: 印度人也在为华人受歧视叫屈。热心的印度人Preet为我们抗议准备的新闻稿初稿你要玩自己的生殖器,到一边儿去,别跟这儿!除非你是暴露僻。江河湖海沟,装13的多了去了,再多你一个又何妨!点击展开...又开始骂人咯 慢慢骂
Let an Englishman go where he will, he carries so much of law and liberty with him, as the nature of things will bear.Sir Richard West又开始骂人咯 慢慢骂点击展开...要不你也刁钻地骂回来? 你智商够吗?
回复: 印度人也在为华人受歧视叫屈。热心的印度人Preet为我们抗议准备的新闻稿初稿要不你也刁钻地骂回来? 你智商够吗?点击展开...和你对骂 哈哈 我做不到 你继续
Let an Englishman go where he will, he carries so much of law and liberty with him, as the nature of things will bear.Sir Richard West又怎么样了 人家叫act 就是法律 要修改 几十 年后了 几十年后 你多少岁了 ?点击展开... 你滚开行不行? 你就是要等加拿大来一次排华运动,你们这些人才见到棺材死了心。
回复: 印度人也在为华人受歧视叫屈。热心的印度人Preet为我们抗议准备的新闻稿初稿你滚开行不行? 你就是要等加拿大来一次排华运动,你们这些人才见到棺材死了心。点击展开...我说的是事实 我有乱说话?
Let an Englishman go where he will, he carries so much of law and liberty with him, as the nature of things will bear.Sir Richard West我说的是事实 我有乱说话?点击展开... 你说这个“事实”是什么意思? 叫你滚开就滚开! 和你这种人不值得浪费1秒钟时间
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