加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民《thestar星报》加国清案犯众怒


Immigration applicants upset at Ottawa’s plan to wipe out backlog Published On Sun Apr 22 2012 Songqiao Xu was only a year old when his parents applied to come to Canada in 2006. Today, Songqiao is almost 8 ― and his mother and father are still waiting for their immigration visas to be approved. SUPPLIED PHOTO Nicholas Keung Immigration Reporter Little Songqiao Xu was only a year old when his parents applied to come to Canada in 2006. Today, Songqiao is almost 8 ― and his mother and father are still waiting for their immigration visas to be approved. Their wait, in an immigration backlog that today includes 300,000 other skilled workers and their families, will soon be over. But the outcome is not what they had hoped. The door to Canada will soon be shut for them with the Conservative government’s recent announcement it plans to return all skilled worker applications received before 2008 and wipe out the lengthy backlog. “It is absolutely unfair,” said Songqiao’s mother Yan Xu, a high school English teacher in Suzhou, China. “What we lost is not only money, but our youth, our life and our dreams.” The applicants, many from China, India and the Philippines, wonder why those who patiently followed the rules and queued up for their rightful turn to come to Canada are now being unfairly punished. Ottawa says they can re-apply under the new skilled immigration program implemented after Feb. 27, 2008, where new regulations limit applications to a small number of occupations in need of highly skilled labour. But the new qualifying job fields are so narrowly defined that many affected applicants, like Xu, will automatically be shut out. “First-come-first-served is a universal value,” said Yun Li, another frustrated applicant who has been waiting in the backlog since 2007. “The Canadian government let latecomers jump the queue and told the applicants in the backlog to wait for further processing, and finally slashed all of us without mercy,” said Li, who has a master’s degree in packaging technology. “What the Canadian government has done is draconian.” A demonstration is planned next week in front of the Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong, with applicants from other regions expected to follow suit. Since Ottawa’s plan was revealed, immigration lawyers and consultants have been frantically answering calls from disillusioned clients overseas. The Canadian Bar Association has struck a subcommittee to examine the proposed changes and investigate whether the government has the legal authority to stop processing the applications and have them refunded and returned. “People have been calling, distraught. They just cannot believe it,” said Toronto immigration lawyer Mario Bellissimo, who chairs the subcommittee. “This is a wrong message to be sent by a government purported not to reward queue-jumpers.” The plan has also created havoc for some lawyers with clients looking for a refund of the thousands of dollars in consulting fees, he added. But Immigration Minister Jason Kenney said the move, while understandably unpopular, is necessary. “I can understand their frustration and I regret the fact that they waited patiently in the queue only to find out that we’re returning their applications,” Kenney told the Star. “If we don’t decisively deal with the old backlog, we’ll be carrying it well into the future. With this reimbursement of fees, we will be able to get to what we call ‘working inventory’ or a ‘just-in-time’ system by the first quarter of 2014.” Regrets are not enough for affected applicants, however, many of whom put their lives on hold and worked around their immigration plans. Maurice Xuanjin Zhu says he was hesitant about getting married and having children after he applied in 2006 as a chemist from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, fearing any change in status would jeopardize his position in the queue. “Too many nights, I woke up in bed thinking of the next stage of processing . . . But I believe I am not the only one who gave up a lot of things and opportunities for a ‘better future,’ ” said Zhu, 31, who works in Shanghai. “We need to question what integrity means to Citizenship and Immigration Canada. Immigration may be relieved from the heavy burden of the backlog, but Canada is going to lose in the future, for generations to come. “No one will be willing to go there because it’s not a system we can trust.” Yuanyuan Dong, another applicant, delayed plans to buy a new house and turned down job offers while waiting for the processing of her application, filed in 2007. “I feel disappointed with Canada,” said Dong, 32, an electronic automation engineer from Shenzhen, who applied on behalf of her husband Hengjun Wang and son Changrui. “We are not numbers. We are people. We are not backlogs. We are assets.” Some applicants said they are considering legal action against the government in a déjà vu of a 2002 class action lawsuit, which saw Ottawa lose after changing the immigration system to reduce the backlog.

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]他们欺瞒上帝偷偷拨回时间They fool God secretly timing of the reversal赞反馈:popiston, 故乡的云, YYMA 和另外1个人 2012-04-23#2 P
回复: 《thestar星报》加国清案犯众怒“I feel disappointed with Canada,” said Dong, 32, an electronic automation engineer from Shenzhen, who applied on behalf of her husband Hengjun Wang and son Changrui. “We are not numbers. We are people. We are not backlogs. We are assets.” 这个深圳的人是谁? 不会是anxioustogetmoving吧

回复: 《thestar星报》加国清案犯众怒现在开始媒体开始有些反应了,大家继续努力!顶起来,大家继续发邮件,发出声音!加油!

回复: 《thestar星报》加国清案犯众怒这是目前为止,我看到的对一刀切最正面的报道!顶起来!91,加油!

回复: 《thestar星报》加国清案犯众怒“I feel disappointed with Canada,” said Dong, 32, an electronic automation engineer from Shenzhen, who applied on behalf of her husband Hengjun Wang and son Changrui. “We are not numbers. We are people. We are not backlogs. We are assets.” 这个深圳的人是谁? 不会是anxioustogetmoving吧点击展开...不要模糊焦点。 集中精力干正经事。

回复: 《thestar星报》加国清案犯众怒顶起

fn:07-3-7 HK QQ:28694783VO:LSL FN:[email protected];[email protected]回复: 《thestar星报》加国清案犯众怒ding

回复: 《thestar星报》加国清案犯众怒这是家园网上的91们努力的结果。 beifeng1995联系星报的成果。

回复: 《thestar星报》加国清案犯众怒看来舆论开始有效果了。。如果你一直盯着黑暗看,也许最后真的可以看见一丝光明

俺是91滴尾巴。。。俺不知道是幸运还是不幸。。俺就等着罗。。。回复: 《thestar星报》加国清案犯众怒很好,媒体监督作用很强大.康尼估计有点坐不住了(如果还有点人性的话).

老赵传奇很好,媒体监督作用很强大.康尼估计有点坐不住了(如果还有点人性的话).点击展开... 你们来这里投支持票! http://forum.canadameet.co/showthread.php?t=559271

回复: 《thestar星报》加国清案犯众怒唉。。。。

200711无语凝噎。。内牛满面。。蛋定依旧地等ME!有开的经过,花才更灿烂;有你有他有CANADA,我才更象活着。​[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]​回复: 《thestar星报》加国清案犯众怒感谢北风姐姐!感谢大家一切的努力!顶!

FN:2007-07-21;VO:TCW;回复: 《thestar星报》加国清案犯众怒感谢beifeng,感谢多伦多星报...

回复: 《thestar星报》加国清案犯众怒感动,好大的成果!问一下,星报是影响力多大的报纸?

回复: 《thestar星报》加国清案犯众怒感谢beifeng,感谢多伦多星报...点击展开...


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