加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民这样看来91前旧旧证的也要被切了吗?
prior to February 27, 2008 Citizenship and Immigration Canada is planning to refund fees and return stale applications from nearly all those applicants who applied under the dated criteria in existence before February 27, 2008.91是06年之前的吧,所有08年2月之前如果都切的话,那不是旧政也被割掉了啊?另外selection decision是指什么?DM吗
回复: 这样看来91前旧旧证的也要被切了吗?prior to February 27, 2008 Citizenship and Immigration Canada is planning to refund fees and return stale applications from nearly all those applicants who applied under the dated criteria in existence before February 27, 2008. 91是06年之前的吧,所有08年2月之前如果都切的话,那不是旧政也被割掉了啊? 另外selection decision是指什么?DM吗点击展开...要是在被切行列,最近旧旧证的还在补料,还在陆陆续续的收到PL
回复: 这样看来91前旧旧证的也要被切了吗?要是在被切行列,最近旧旧证的还在补料,还在陆陆续续的收到PL点击展开...CIC不是要我们忽略补料信吗?收到PL的实际上已经是DM了啊,不属于被割的行列
回复: 这样看来91前旧旧证的也要被切了吗?我是旧旧政,还在让我补料,更新工作证明啥的,应该木有被切吧,否则还补个啥。
慢慢来,一切都会好的。我是旧旧政,还在让我补料,更新工作证明啥的,应该木有被切吧,否则还补个啥。点击展开...我也刚被要求补料,但是今天的官方声明说即使要求被补料的也不用补了啊,担心中Some Skilled Worker applicants recently received a letter from this office requesting submission of full forms and supporting documentation. Our instruction pre-dates the announcement made by the Government of Canada on March 29, 2012. As a result, applicants who received this letter should ignore our previous instructions. Do not submit full forms and supporting documents. Your application will not be processed.
回复: 这样看来91前旧旧证的也要被切了吗?我是旧旧政,还在让我补料,更新工作证明啥的,应该木有被切吧,否则还补个啥。点击展开...还没有体检吗?老朋友
回复: 这样看来91前旧旧证的也要被切了吗?我也刚被要求补料,但是今天的官方声明说即使要求被补料的也不用补了啊,担心中 我是补料信寄丢了,要求他们补发的电子版。说是45天内让我补上。旧政的应该不在这范围内吧,可能主要是指S2补料吧。旧政材料是全的,只是可能有些过时或要更新。我就是更新。 反正不管,他让我补我就补,也没收到不让我补的信。点击展开...
慢慢来,一切都会好的。CIC不是要我们忽略补料信吗? 收到PL的实际上已经是DM了啊,不属于被割的行列点击展开...最近香港旧旧证的都是在3月29日之前收到的ME,要求45天之内体检好并且有的还要求补料并且交登陆费,难道现在还没有收到PL的也要被切吗?
回复: 这样看来91前旧旧证的也要被切了吗?还没有体检吗?老朋友点击展开...东方不败好,我还没体检呢,估计是我材料有点问题,让我重新更新和补点料。现在正在补。 好久不见,你还好吧。
回复: 这样看来91前旧旧证的也要被切了吗?我也刚被要求补料,但是今天的官方声明说即使要求被补料的也不用补了啊,担心中 你是旧旧政还是91的S2补料呀?让你补什么料呢?点击展开...
慢慢来,一切都会好的。我也刚被要求补料,但是今天的官方声明说即使要求被补料的也不用补了啊,担心中 你是旧旧政还是91的S2补料呀?让你补什么料呢?点击展开...我是91前的旧旧政,补的就是更新无犯罪记录这一项,然后就要求交登陆费点击展开...
回复: 这样看来91前旧旧证的也要被切了吗?作为旧旧政之一,上周三还收到使馆重新发送的电子ME(使馆说3月12号就发送过但是我没收到所以请他们补发),看不出会被切的迹象。
小李子 志气高想学剑仙登云霄日上三竿不觉晓每日梦里乐陶陶回复: 这样看来91前旧旧证的也要被切了吗?Under proposed legislation, CIC will close the files of FSW applicants who applied before February 27, 2008, and for whom an immigration officer has not made a decision based on selection criteria by March 29, 2012. This is expected to affect around 280,000 applicants, including their dependants. CIC will begin the process of returning the full amount of fees paid to the Department by these affected FSW applicants. For those who have passed the selection criteria stage approximately 20,000 people CIC will continue processing their applications until they are approved for entry into Canada or not.这是官方网copy下来的。我的理解是12年3月29日前还没有通过以前选择标准被选择的申请人的case(08年2月27日前申请的)将被一刀切,大概影响到30万人,其中2万人已经通过了选择的将继续审查,一直到结案为止
回复: 这样看来91前旧旧证的也要被切了吗?对于什么叫已经通过选择一关,可以继续审理的CIC是这样解释的:A "decision based on selection criteria" means that an immigration officer:has assessed your FSW application against the points grid, andhas made a decision on whether or not you meet the selection criteria of the program.Currently, the pass mark is 67 points out of a grid worth 100 points. The grid considers the person’s:ability in English and/or Frencheducationwork experienceagewhether they have a job already arranged in Canada (arranged employment), andhow well they might adapt to living in Canada (which awards points for things like previous work or study in Canada, spouse’s education and relatives in Canada).If your application is successful, you would move to the next phase (i.e. admissibility). At that point you would be checked against health, security and criminality requirements before being allowed to enter Canada. If you do not score at least 67 on the FSW points grid, your application would be refused and CIC would inform you of the decision.我的理解是,已经收到体检表的,说明已经通过了67分的选择的,就可以继续审理。(当然如果体检后还被拒的,将得不到一分钱的退款。)大家看看是否是这个意思。
回复: 这样看来91前旧旧证的也要被切了吗?这个指的应该不是91前的旧证,我们当时都提交的是FULL FORMS。Some Skilled Worker applicants recently received a letter from this office requesting submission of full forms and supporting documentation. Our instruction pre-dates the announcement made by the Government of Canada on March 29, 2012. As a result, applicants who received this letter should ignore our previous instructions. Do not submit full forms and supporting documents. Your application will not be processed.
回复: 这样看来91前旧旧证的也要被切了吗?这个还真不好说,我就怕体检了被窃那不是白花了体检费,只是目前看不出会被窃的迹象,但愿一切顺利吧
回复: 这样看来91前旧旧证的也要被切了吗?91是06年9月~08年2月之间的申请案,因国会已预算了,康尼用AEO雇主挑选废掉你,所以一刀切基本定了。实际有AEO不需要申请”技术移民“,一年后就能直接移民。
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