加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民2012预算案的全篇及涉及退款部分
预算案的全篇http://www.budget.gc.ca/2012/plan/toc-tdm-eng.html节选关于fsw的refundFederal Skilled Worker Fee RefundEconomic Action Plan 2012 proposes to return applications and refund up to $130 million in fees to certain federal skilled worker applicants who applied prior to February 27, 2008 and have been waiting for processing to be completed.Canada needs to select immigrants who are ready, willing and able to fully integrate into Canada’s labour market and fill gaps in our economy, particularly where we have existing skills shortages. Canada has a number of economic immigration programs, the largest one being the Federal Skilled Worker Program, which is the main avenue to permanent immigration to Canada.The large backlog of applications that has accumulated under the Federal Skilled Worker Program is impeding the responsiveness of Canada’s immigration system. The Government recognized the backlog problem several years ago and has taken actions to eliminate it through our 2008 Action Plan for Faster Immigration. Before the Action Plan was introduced, the backlog had swelled to over 640,000 applicants, many of whom faced wait times of up to seven years. Through the judicious use of measures introduced by the Action Plan, the backlog has been cut to less than 300,000 applicants since 2008―a reduction of more than 50 per cent. Wait times for new applicants are now closer to 18 months on average, with some applicants waiting as little as 6 to 12 months.Faster action is still required, however, in order to more immediately direct our efforts toward better addressing modern labour market realities. Canada risks losing the global talent competition for the world’s best and brightest as potential immigrants choose to take their skills to other countries with more responsive immigration systems rather than remain in the queue to have their application processed in Canada.Economic Action Plan 2012 therefore proposes to return applications and refund up to $130 million in fees, on a cash basis, paid by certain federal skilled worker applicants who applied under previous criteria established prior to February 27, 2008.
回复: 2012预算案的全篇及涉及退款部分这个预算案明显有很多地方有逻辑错误。真搞不懂这样一片逻辑混乱、颠倒是非,信口雌黄的预算案竟然可以堂而皇之的上议会?加拿大的政客就这点道德水平和拟文水平?
回复: 2012预算案的全篇及涉及退款部分。。
回复: 2012预算案的全篇及涉及退款部分。。。。。。
200711无语凝噎。。内牛满面。。蛋定依旧地等ME!有开的经过,花才更灿烂;有你有他有CANADA,我才更象活着。[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 2012预算案的全篇及涉及退款部分
回复: 2012预算案的全篇及涉及退款部分The Government recognized the backlog problem several years ago and has taken actions to eliminate it through our 2008 Action Plan for Faster Immigration. Before the Action Plan was introduced, the backlog had swelled to over 640,000 applicants, many of whom faced wait times of up to seven years. Through the judicious use of measures introduced by the Action Plan, the backlog has been cut to less than 300,000 applicants since 2008―a reduction of more than 50 per cent. 是不是这段话有什么问题?不知事实上相应的数据是怎么表现的?积案的减少不是C50推出导致的,是有充足配额导致的?C50的推出就是处理C50的,不处理pre C50的,怎么可能解决pre C50的积案?反而C50本身导致了增加16万新积案。是不是这样?
回复: 2012预算案的全篇及涉及退款部分Faster action is still required, however, in order to more immediately direct our efforts toward better addressing modern labour market realities. Canada risks losing the global talent competition for the world’s best and brightest as potential immigrants choose to take their skills to other countries with more responsive immigration systems rather than remain in the queue to have their application processed in Canada.这条也不必然导致要砍掉积案啊,C50推出后,faster action的审理速度既然已经如原文所述“Wait times for new applicants are now closer to 18 months on average, with some applicants waiting as little as 6 to 12 months.”因此加拿大根本不会因为pre C50积案而损失talent的申请。全球talent不愿意去加拿大是由于别的原因造成的比如气候恶劣,基础设施不足,物价高,接近磁极导致疾病概率上升,劳动力过少导致服务响应迟缓,人口过少导致市场需求不足,以及对保守党政府反感情绪等等???
回复: 2012预算案的全篇及涉及退款部分至少我的同学选择去美国的那是因为有排名靠前的大学和小孩的教育环境,气候没有加拿大那么寒冷,相信美国的制度安排对人公平公正。选择去澳洲的主要是因为气候,房价便宜,国小所以人口集中做生意成功概率高。顶尖脑子的没有因为排队时间过长而不选择去加拿大。最近还有在美国研究生物的同学说不选择加拿大是因为靠磁极太近,日照太少,得病几率可能会高很多(各种,自己搜一下),所以他们圈子里的人都不选择去加拿大。傻子都知道美国和加拿大,顶尖脑子的人会选择哪里。而且顶尖脑子的人,人家都比正常人有脑子,看看出的政策,一想就明白哪个国家以后出尔反尔对自己潜在危害的概率更高,不选择加拿大那是必然的。这个收不到顶尖脑子的不能赖在积案头上。
回复: 2012预算案的全篇及涉及退款部分我以前写得:1.康肥说它已经很努力清理积案了。清理个屁!荒谬之至!它拿C50法案来清理pre C50积案吗?这也叫清理积案吗?傻瓜都知道C50优先于pre C50,这也叫清理积案吗?拿一个永远优先的队列堵住积案,这也叫清理积案?这叫制造插队,制造积案!(09年北京走的一批91根本不是清理积案的结果,纯粹是因为08年底确定38类后,C50申请人材料真空期造成的。)2.康肥说它不能因为积案而让它需要的人等8年再给他答复能不能来。造谣栽脏之至!拜托,到底谁等了5年,6年,7年,8年?38类的29类的所谓它需要去建设经济的人有等过超过3年的吗?傻瓜都知道08年它要38类了,结果38类比所有积案都先走了。后来它又要29类了,结果29类比所有积案都先走了。到底谁挡着那些它要的人的道了?
回复: 2012预算案的全篇及涉及退款部分http://openparliament.ca/politicians/jinny-sims/ndp党还是在帮我们发声音的,找他们,然后,抨击保守党,提政府不信任案
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