加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民4月23日下议院关于移民问题的辩论


ImmigrationOral Questions April 23rd, 2012 / 2:55 p.m. NDP Jinny Sims Newton―North Delta, BC :Mr. Speaker, the F-35s and the prisons agenda are not the only places that we are seeing wild improvisation from the government. The Conservatives have decided to hit the delete button on the files of 300,000 people in the federal skilled worker program. In that group are potential new Canadians who followed the rules and are simply being punished because of years of government inaction and inadequacy. What happened to fairness when it comes to our immigration system and why this colossal betrayal of trust?Calgary Southeast AlbertaConservative Jason Kenney Minister of Citizenship :Mr. Speaker, I commend the member on her appointment as the immigration spokesman for the official opposition. I look forward to working with her, although I suspect from time to time I will not agree with her. On this matter, we simply have to move beyond the legacy backlogs that the Liberal government left. An hon. member That you created. : No, Mr. Speaker. When we came to office, 840,000 people were waiting up to eight years in the backlog thanks to a decade of Liberal mismanagement. We are fixing the problems we inherited and, thanks to this difficult but necessary decision, within 18 months we will have a real time immigration system where we will be admitting people who have applied within months rather than years.NDP Sadia Groguhé Saint-Lambert, QC :Mr. Speaker, that is far from a satisfactory answer. All these people have put their lives on hold and spent thousands of dollars to file their applications. When it comes to immigration, the Conservatives improvise or change the rules in the middle of the game. That is not the way to reduce the backlog of files, which will increase under this government. What kind of message are the Conservatives sending to the entire world? And how will this unfair decision bolster people's confidence in our immigration system? Jason Kenney Minister of Citizenship :I congratulate the hon. member on being reappointed as immigration critic for the official opposition. It was not in the interests of Canada or of potential immigrants to wait for seven or eight years because of backlogs or processing times. The system was broken. It did not work. We have to reform the system in order to accept applicants within a few months rather than several years, and in order to have a system that works for the Canadian economy and guarantees the success of newcomers.

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]他们欺瞒上帝偷偷拨回时间They fool God secretly timing of the reversal赞反馈:Bye 2012-04-27#2 A 1,296 $0.00 回复: 4月23日下议院关于移民问题的辩论纯粹各说各话。没什么回应啊。

回复: 4月23日下议院关于移民问题的辩论这哪儿来的?真的么?康尼太他妈扯了吧?全怪到之前的政府和制度上?还腆着脸说自己是加快了处理进度。

FN(BJ) 16/01/2008变5 24/02/2010s2妥投 10/06/2010变12 18/06/2010回复: 4月23日下议院关于移民问题的辩论全然不说加队和他拖着91不处理的事儿。

FN(BJ) 16/01/2008变5 24/02/2010s2妥投 10/06/2010变12 18/06/2010回复: 4月23日下议院关于移民问题的辩论这个网住可以经常关注

回复: 4月23日下议院关于移民问题的辩论ImmigrationOral Questions April 23rd, 2012 / 2:55 p.m. NDP 肥康满嘴喷狗屎!Jinny Sims Newton―North Delta, BC :Mr. Speaker, the F-35s and the prisons agenda are not the only places that we are seeing wild improvisation from the government. The Conservatives have decided to hit the delete button on the files of 300,000 people in the federal skilled worker program. In that group are potential new Canadians who followed the rules and are simply being punished because of years of government inaction and inadequacy. What happened to fairness when it comes to our immigration system and why this colossal betrayal of trust?Calgary Southeast AlbertaConservative Jason Kenney Minister of Citizenship :Mr. Speaker, I commend the member on her appointment as the immigration spokesman for the official opposition. I look forward to working with her, although I suspect from time to time I will not agree with her. On this matter, we simply have to move beyond the legacy backlogs that the Liberal government left. An hon. member That you created. : No, Mr. Speaker. When we came to office, 840,000 people were waiting up to eight years in the backlog thanks to a decade of Liberal mismanagement. We are fixing the problems we inherited and, thanks to this difficult but necessary decision, within 18 months we will have a real time immigration system where we will be admitting people who have applied within months rather than years.NDP Sadia Groguhé Saint-Lambert, QC :Mr. Speaker, that is far from a satisfactory answer. All these people have put their lives on hold and spent thousands of dollars to file their applications. When it comes to immigration, the Conservatives improvise or change the rules in the middle of the game. That is not the way to reduce the backlog of files, which will increase under this government. What kind of message are the Conservatives sending to the entire world? And how will this unfair decision bolster people's confidence in our immigration system? Jason Kenney Minister of Citizenship :I congratulate the hon. member on being reappointed as immigration critic for the official opposition. It was not in the interests of Canada or of potential immigrants to wait for seven or eight years because of backlogs or processing times. The system was broken. It did not work. We have to reform the system in order to accept applicants within a few months rather than several years, and in order to have a system that works for the Canadian economy and guarantees the success of newcomers.点击展开...

When submitted, pregnant, now he is 6.这哪儿来的?真的么?康尼太他妈扯了吧?全怪到之前的政府和制度上?还腆着脸说自己是加快了处理进度。点击展开...那是他在4年前诈骗了全世界申请人的钱用来加快处理速度!!

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