
姜一鸣表示,移民部千方百计想堵死中国技术移民前来加拿大一条路,连上诉机会都不给,让人失望透顶。 除了这个,我还说了很多表示愤慨的话
回复: 明报加西咨询专家后表示:上诉联合国人权组织没用姜的名字,已经传遍加国了!
靠家里,你可能会当上公主。靠男人,你可能当上王妃。但靠自己,才能当上女王。回复: 明报加西咨询专家后表示:上诉联合国人权组织没用我们并不指望上诉联合国这一条路,联合印度人上诉联合国是为了扩大影响,让加拿大的名声受到玷污
回复: 明报加西咨询专家后表示:上诉联合国人权组织没用我们并不指望上诉联合国这一条路,联合印度人上诉联合国是为了扩大影响,让加拿大的名声受到玷污点击展开...没有玷污,只是露出本来的面目而已。
回复: 明报加西咨询专家后表示:上诉联合国人权组织没用没有玷污,只是露出本来的面目而已。点击展开... 对。这样表达更准确!
回复: 明报加西咨询专家后表示:上诉联合国人权组织没用这是Facebook上的人用google翻译的这篇报道: Expert: "non-rights of the immigrants is difficult to appeal the violation of human rightsCut 30 million immigrants in past cases of legislation to ban the complainant[Ming Pao] Department of Immigration will be 30 million skilled immigrants past cases of"indiscriminate" motion, joined the details of the person "to be cut no complaint or claimrights, and bundled and Budget (C-38 motion), and even the University of British Columbiaimmigration law experts and professors believe that this legislation, "highly unusual", Ibelieve the Department of Immigration has to feel "one size fits all" follow-up will leadto waves of litigation, the legal provision on "strengthen", trying to avoid possiblelitigation., Catherine Dauvergne, University of British Columbia immigration law expert, said sheknew that "one size fits all" affect the applicant will be very angry and frustrated. Foroverseas applicants for skilled migration claims to the United Nations complaints from theCanadian Department of Immigration violations of human rights, she thinks little chance ofsuccess.Refugees have human rights problemsShe said that the international community only to apply for refugee only when the issue ofhuman rights; apply to emigrate to, not because of human rights issues to make animmigration application, neither the human rights issues, the United Nations that is, noway to interfere with.She explained that international law does not protect people's freedom of immigrants, madethe decision to allow immigrants to any country, are of that country to give immigrantsthe "license" (privilege), rather than the immigrant applicant has the right (right).The applicant is unable to challenge the privileges of the immigrants "She said that since it is a "privilege" or "Chartered", that is, by the Government anddecided to give or not give the applicant can not challenge.Launched last week to the demonstration in front of the Canadian Consulate in Hong KongJiang Yiming claimed that the legislation of the Department of Immigration, theapplicant's prospects for litigation more confused, he said, his Canadian lawyer, had sentthe e-mail to tell him, has the Federal Court require the Department of Immigrationsuspension of "one size fits all" legislation, but the success is still unknown.Petitions are filed to suspend legislationJiang Yiming, said the Department of Immigration trying so hard blocked Chinese immigrantscome to Canada one way, and even the chance to appeal not to the people disappointed.
回复: 明报加西咨询专家后表示:上诉联合国人权组织没用我们并不指望上诉联合国这一条路,联合印度人上诉联合国是为了扩大影响,让加拿大的名声受到玷污点击展开...加拿大名声受损了,对一刀切受害者有什么帮助呢?
回复: 明报加西咨询专家后表示:上诉联合国人权组织没用没什么帮助,纯粹报复行不?
回复: 明报加西咨询专家后表示:上诉联合国人权组织没用加拿大名声受损了,对一刀切受害者有什么帮助呢?点击展开...如果在乎名声就取消一刀切,不在乎受损了也无所谓。有一点你要清楚,名声受损完全是自找的。
回复: 明报加西咨询专家后表示:上诉联合国人权组织没用没什么帮助,纯粹报复行不?点击展开...要注意投入与产出啊。与其纯粹报复,不如做一些对结果有帮助的事情。纯粹报复的行为也是有成本的。
回复: 明报加西咨询专家后表示:上诉联合国人权组织没用要注意投入与产出啊。与其纯粹报复,不如做一些对结果有帮助的事情。纯粹报复的行为也是有成本的。点击展开...那帮出出主意呗
回复: 明报加西咨询专家后表示:上诉联合国人权组织没用那帮出出主意呗点击展开...想不到啊。
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