加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民加拿大反对党-自由党多元文化议员倡议大家赶紧


大家好:以下是议员的回信,感动中。反对党开始行动了, 为了我们的议题,我们现在站在一个战壕中,所以,赶快行动吧。网上签名http://jimkarygiannis.net/petition_and_action_requests/immigration_backlog关于理由栏,可以尽情写些东西。祝福我们大家好运吧! Dear Friend: Thank you for going on line and signing the petition against the unfairhandling of your immigration application. I have read very carefully your comments and as an immigrant to Canada Iagree with you fully. I am writing to ask that you please ask your friends and relatives in Canadato also sign the electronic petition that will help immensely. Also pleaseask other applicants around the world to also sign on. We will do what everwe can to stop this ill thought legislation. However we need your help to dothis. Please forward the message below to as many people as you know. Conservative government's announced that Citizenship and Immigration Canadawould close the files of Foreign Skilled Worker applicants who had appliedbefore February 27, 2008 and for whom an immigration officer has not made adecision by March 29, 2012. This decision was made so that the longstandingbacklog could be eliminated. This decision dashed the hopes and dreams of 300,000 applicants and theirfamilies. Many have applied to immigrate to Canada, followed all the proper steps andwaited your turn. Now they are being told that officials are refusing toeven look at your application. Now Stephen Harper and Jason Kenney are refusing to even look at yourapplication. It is time to tell Jason Kenney and Stephen Harper that thisdecision is unfair. Please visithttp://jimkarygiannis.net/petition_and_action_requests/immigration_backlogand sign the on-line Petition. Please get your friends and family in Canadato sign the petition as well. I would also ask them to circulate thepetition to their email lists. Sincerely, Hon. Jim Karygiannis P.C., M.P.Scarborough-Agincourt Liberal Critic of MulticulturalismConstituency Office3850 Finch Ave East Suite 206Scarborough OntarioM1T 3T6Tel: (416) 321 5454fax: (416) 321 [email protected]

回复: 加拿大反对党-自由党多元文化议员倡议大家赶紧网上签名他们代表大家提出抗议。去写

2007.4.20FN HK VO:MAC回复: 加拿大反对党-自由党多元文化议员倡议大家赶紧网上签名他们代表大家提出抗议。大家一起写!加油!

回复: 加拿大反对党-自由党多元文化议员倡议大家赶紧网上签名他们代表大家提出抗议。

回复: 加拿大反对党-自由党多元文化议员倡议大家赶紧网上签名他们代表大家提出抗议。大家可以看看这个网址, 联合国人权法。http://www.ohchr.org/CH/Pages/WelcomePage.aspx

回复: 加拿大反对党-自由党多元文化议员倡议大家赶紧网上签名他们代表大家提出抗议。刚签了

回复: 加拿大反对党-自由党多元文化议员倡议大家赶紧网上签名他们代表大家提出抗议。看看这篇文章。感到加国政府官员也不是很了解事情的来龙去脉, 所以对官员还是需要写信去教育。 加拿大30万技术移民申请案一刀削? 尚待国会定夺 2012-5-2 来源: 中国新闻网 中新网5月2日电据加拿大《星岛日报》报道,加拿大联邦移民部一位官员表示,联邦移民部长康尼确有意把2008年2月前的技术移民旧申请案一刀削去,但此案仍未在国会通过,因此,暂时继续审理所有技术移民案。 康尼日前宣布“不予审理”4年前申请技术移民的30万个申请者,加拿大驻香港总领事馆于4月17日贴出公告后,引起抗议声浪。移民部近日刊登通告,要求各地签证处继续审理技术移民案,直到“通过立法程序为止”。 一位移民部官员接受记者访问时证实,康尼确有意把30万技术移民旧申请案一刀削去,目的在避免人才浪费。但他指出,由于此案仍未在国会得到通过。因此,暂时继续审理所有的技术移民案。 这位官员说,目前等候技术移民的申请者,成功机率不高,因为移民部已订出新的技术移民申请条件,符合资格者都是2008年2月28日以后的申请人。他表示,如果让旧案申请者到加国,“要做回他们希望的工作,很困难,不如让他们拿回退款,再考虑申请现在加拿大需要的技术移民。” 这位官员说,因为康尼这个想法还未得国会通过,所以撤回先前通告,继续审理旧案,待国会通过再行实施。 加拿大30万技术移民申请案一刀削? 尚待国会定夺

回复: 加拿大反对党-自由党多元文化议员倡议大家赶紧网上签名他们代表大家提出抗议。签了

回复: 加拿大反对党-自由党多元文化议员倡议大家赶紧网上签名他们代表大家提出抗议。签了

2013年加拿大,我来了。回复: 加拿大反对党-自由党多元文化议员倡议大家赶紧网上签名他们代表大家提出抗议。签了

2008-01-05:递简表,2008-8-13 HK处理,2008-8-29FN到2009-07-11 ielts:4, 5, 5.5, 52009-09-05 ielts:4.5, 5.5, 6, 42009-11-07 ielts:?,?,?,?回复: 加拿大反对党-自由党多元文化议员倡议大家赶紧网上签名他们代表大家提出抗议。我分别用了自己和家人的邮箱签了两次,希望会用,人多力量大,大家都来签,反对新提案需要证据和数据来说话。

回复: 加拿大反对党-自由党多元文化议员倡议大家赶紧网上签名他们代表大家提出抗议。JUST SIGNED

回复: 加拿大反对党-自由党多元文化议员倡议大家赶紧网上签名他们代表大家提出抗议。我分别用了自己和家人的邮箱签了两次,希望会用,人多力量大,大家都来签,反对新提案需要证据和数据来说话。点击展开...完全同意,一会再用老公的名字登一下

回复: 加拿大反对党-自由党多元文化议员倡议大家赶紧网上签名他们代表大家提出抗议。我上周签过了,还要再签吗?

回复: 加拿大反对党-自由党多元文化议员倡议大家赶紧网上签名他们代表大家提出抗议。我分别用了自己和家人的邮箱签了两次,希望会用,人多力量大,大家都来签,反对新提案需要证据和数据来说话。点击展开...有心人!

回复: 加拿大反对党-自由党多元文化议员倡议大家赶紧网上签名他们代表大家提出抗议。signed. 有同鞋知道别的论坛的, 如印度的, 请转发这个链接.

回复: 加拿大反对党-自由党多元文化议员倡议大家赶紧网上签名他们代表大家提出抗议。已签过啦!

回复: 加拿大反对党-自由党多元文化议员倡议大家赶紧网上签名他们代表大家提出抗议。我刚刚发的。。。。Dear Mr. Kenny,You, as an official with such supreme power that allows you to decide the fate of hundreds of thousands principle applicants around the world, and many more if you include their family members, I, being a part of those whose applications may get closed after 4 long years of waiting, just because you consider it the only effective way to deal with backlogs, had expected that you could utilize your power wisely, decently and discreetly, and know clearly that any abuse of such power would have a long term adverse impact on the life of so many people financially, physically and mentally, and cause serious damage on the reputation of Canada itself.You, as a person who was brought up in a civilized society, that takes pride in its advocacy of democracy, equality and fairness, I would assume you know better than me that it is a fundamental quality of human being, whether it is a Canadian, or Chinese, or Indian, or whichever country that person comes from, that you should act upon your words as promised, that our files will be processed as long as we have followed all the requirements of CIC. We are not begging you to show mercy, as we are standing equally as human being although you seem possessing some kind of superiority due to the job you are having, at least for now. For many of us who applied for immigration to Canada, we chose to do so because we believe in and share the same values as Canadian people do, we believe in hard working, honesty and integrity, we believe that we could not only survive, but also thrive in this beautiful country with our own hands, and hope to bring up our children here and grant them a little more chances to pursue a better life. Do you really think it reasonable to deprive people of such an opportunity even? Do you really feel right about this proposal you are trying so hard to push through, when you look at yourself in the mirror in the morning?There is such a line in a song, “there will be miracles when you believe”. I don’t know whether it could apply to the current situation now. I am merely waiting patiently. Life still goes on whether we can go to Canada or not. It is a choice of life, but not a doom to life. However, if your proposal were passed eventually, Canada will no longer be the same wonderful country as many of us have perceived, thanks to you, and please be aware that the whole world is watching too. At that moment, I hope you can still feel good about what you have done. Best regards,

回复: 加拿大反对党-自由党多元文化议员倡议大家赶紧网上签名他们代表大家提出抗议。我上周签过了,还要再签吗?点击展开...不需要再签了, 因为已经在名录上, 如果是家人, 亲属可以多多签, 91的同学之外的人士也可以签名表示反对提案。多多号召签名。和转发帖子。大家共同努力, 只要有机会, 我们都愿意积极争取。

回复: 加拿大反对党-自由党多元文化议员倡议大家赶紧网上签名他们代表大家提出抗议。signed. 有同鞋知道别的论坛的, 如印度的, 请转发这个链接.点击展开...好主意,我也有同感。 帮忙转发吧,我知道印度的信息还不够。 此时我们尽可能多借印度人群的力量。因为他们人多而心齐,积极。

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