加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民****不可思议**康尼公开回应1923排华法案了,强调


这是我们的抗议标语 CIC官网刚发布康尼声明: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/statements/2012/2012-05-14.asp Statement Minister Kenney issues statement marking the anniversary of the Repeal of The Chinese Immigration Act Ottawa, May 14, 2012 The Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, rose in the House of Commons today and made the following statement marking the anniversary of the repeal of The Chinese Immigration Act:Mr. Speaker, I rise today to commemorate an important anniversary in the history of our Parliament and of the pioneer Chinese-Canadian community.​Sixty five years ago today, Parliament repealed the Chinese Immigration Act, also known as the Chinese Exclusion Act. In doing so, it brought an end to generations of discrimination against people of Chinese origin. The Chinese Immigration Act was introduced in 1923 to prevent anyone from China from immigrating to Canada. The Act was passed despite the fact the Government had collected $23-million in head tax revenues from Chinese immigrants over 38 years.This unjust law prevented anyone from China from immigrating to Canada. Chinese men who had already faced two decades of stigma remained separated from their families and were denied the rights of subjects of the Crown. This was unworthy of our country, considering that many of these men had helped unite the Dominion in building one of the most dangerous sections of the CPR through the Rockies.Despite these injustices, Chinese immigrants remained steadfastly loyal. During the Second World War, a patriotic generation of Chinese-Canadians volunteered for the Canadian military. Serving bravely, they were generally not put into action until, late in the war, the British recruited them into the Special Operations Executive. They served with honour overseas in defending freedom and defeating fascism and Japanese imperialism.One of those outstanding volunteers was Douglas Jung. Thanks in part to the service of men like Jung, the Dominion Government could no longer maintain its unjust policies. On May 14, 1947, the Chinese Immigration Act was repealed.Today is the 65th anniversary of that historic achievement. On June 22, 2006, our Government helped bring a final end to that sad period, with the Prime Minister’s formal apology for the head tax and his expression of deep regret.Since then, the Government has issued ex gratia symbolic payments to living head taxpayers, and widows of head taxpayers. Through the Community Historical Recognition Program, our Government has also approved over $4.5-million of projects in recognition of the injustice that Chinese-Canadians faced through the Head Tax and the Chinese Immigration Act.In June of 1957, Douglas Jung became the first Canadian Member of Parliament of Asian and Chinese origin. He subsequently represented Canada at the United Nations.We pay tribute to his spirit, and to the spirits of all those who rose up with dignity and overcame decades of discrimination against people of Chinese and Asian origin. A federal building in Vancouver was named the Douglas Jung Building in 2007.In his maiden speech in the House of Commons, Douglas Jung said:‘I am sure that honourable members on both sides will rejoice that we in this country have a system of government that does not extol its virtues by fanfare, but by expressing our belief in our principles by deeds and not words.’On this 65th anniversary of the repeal of the Chinese Immigration Act, let us all call to mind those who overcame adversity to help build a Canada that is a nation of freedom, democracy and equality of opportunity for all.​

回复: 不可思议康尼公开回应1923排华法案了,强调加拿大已为此道歉,并鼓吹中国人勤劳正直多伦多星报 明报 世界日报 The Link 等等加拿大媒体最近在前赴后继不断重提1923年排华法案,并把作废Pre-C50旧案与此相提并论,康尼显然坐不住了,马上发表声明了!

回复: 不可思议康尼公开回应1923排华法案了,强调加拿大已为此道歉,并鼓吹中国人勤劳正直我们反对的声音显然被听到了!

回复: 不可思议康尼公开回应1923排华法案了,强调加拿大已为此道歉,并鼓吹中国人勤劳正直康尼太狡猾了,他在发动宣传机器强调加拿大已废除该排华法案,并鼓吹中国人对加拿大作的贡献,鼓吹中国人勤劳,善良,正直。

回复: ****不可思议**康尼公开回应1923排华法案了,强调加拿大已为此道歉,并鼓吹中国人勤劳正直最近一直在疑惑,印度人的声音呢?还有菲律宾人?(不因为黄岩岛事件对其有陈见)二十八万人中印度人可是大头,中国人只占了三万, 如果中国拿1923排华法案说事,并造成舆论影响,那印度人更可重提19xx年印度难民几百人坐船在加拿大港口被拒绝登岸,返回本国后与英印军警发生冲突早成血案? ,印度人的集会游行和人数是我们的数倍啊,理因有更大的影响。

回复: ****不可思议**康尼公开回应1923排华法案了,强调加拿大已为此道歉,并鼓吹中国人勤劳正直最近一直在疑惑,印度人的声音呢?还有菲律宾人?(不因为黄岩岛事件对其有陈见)二十八万人中印度人可是大头,中国人只占了三万, 如果中国拿1923排华法案说事,并造成舆论影响,那印度人更可重提19xx年印度难民几百人坐船在加拿大港口被拒绝登岸,返回本国后与英印军警发生冲突早成血案? ,印度人的集会游行和人数是我们的数倍啊,理因对加媒体有更大的影响。点击展开...

回复: ****不可思议**康尼公开回应1923排华法案了,强调加拿大已为此道歉,并鼓吹中国人勤劳正直印度人的声音当然也在此起彼伏的发出,但是印度人不可能上家园网来报道吧。 印度人的动作更大,已经和他们的外交部长会谈了,将通过外交部给加拿大施加压力。 印度人也在寻求加拿大为1914年的事件道歉。

回复: ****不可思议**康尼公开回应1923排华法案了,强调加拿大已为此道歉,并鼓吹中国人勤劳正直印度人在加拿大的媒体都是英文的,所以他们的影响更大

回复: ****不可思议**康尼公开回应1923排华法案了,强调加拿大已为此道歉,并鼓吹中国人勤劳正直勤劳正直,不如大赦我们算了.

回复: ****不可思议**康尼公开回应1923排华法案了,强调加拿大已为此道歉,并鼓吹中国人勤劳正直勤劳正直,不如大赦我们算了.点击展开... 他是在拉拢加拿大的华人,分化我们

回复: ****不可思议**康尼公开回应1923排华法案了,强调加拿大已为此道歉,并鼓吹中国人勤劳正直最近一直在疑惑,印度人的声音呢?还有菲律宾人?(不因为黄岩岛事件对其有陈见)二十八万人中印度人可是大头,中国人只占了三万, 如果中国拿1923排华法案说事,并造成舆论影响,那印度人更可重提19xx年印度难民几百人坐船在加拿大港口被拒绝登岸,返回本国后与英印军警发生冲突早成血案? ,印度人的集会游行和人数是我们的数倍啊,理因有更大的影响。点击展开... 与其疑惑,不如上facebook注册一个帐号,那里可以看到印度人的动向

回复: ****不可思议**康尼公开回应1923排华法案了,强调加拿大已为此道歉,并鼓吹中国人勤劳正直c 38 二读149-132通过

回复: ****不可思议**康尼公开回应1923排华法案了,强调加拿大已为此道歉,并鼓吹中国人勤劳正直c 38 二读149-132通过点击展开...cao,已经通过了?

FN(BJ) 16/01/2008变5 24/02/2010s2妥投 10/06/2010变12 18/06/2010回复: ****不可思议**康尼公开回应1923排华法案了,强调加拿大已为此道歉,并鼓吹中国人勤劳正直只是二读,下一步送到下议院。 http://www.vancouversun.com/technology/Opposition+promises+more+roadblocks+budget+bill/6618551/story.html

回复: ****不可思议**康尼公开回应1923排华法案了,强调加拿大已为此道歉,并鼓吹中国人勤劳正直只是二读,下一步送到下议院。 http://www.vancouversun.com/technology/Opposition+promises+more+roadblocks+budget+bill/6618551/story.html点击展开...谁记得保守党占多少个席位? 我记得一个帖子说了,但是找不到了.这赞成反对的人都是什么成分?

FN(BJ) 16/01/2008变5 24/02/2010s2妥投 10/06/2010变12 18/06/2010回复: ****不可思议**康尼公开回应1923排华法案了,强调加拿大已为此道歉,并鼓吹中国人勤劳正直道歉有什么用,他能停下一刀切吗?我觉得他只是形式上稳定大家的情绪,然后该怎么做还怎么做

回复: ****不可思议**康尼公开回应1923排华法案了,强调加拿大已为此道歉,并鼓吹中国人勤劳正直勤劳正直,不如大赦我们算了.点击展开...应该大赦!已经浪费了91那么多年的光阴!而且加拿现在也那么缺人!想尽各种办法,扩大影响!我就不信!一定可以推翻对91一刀切的法案!邪不胜正!!!胜利属于勇敢的91同学们!先祝福你们!但切记要团结!

回复: ****不可思议**康尼公开回应1923排华法案了,强调加拿大已为此道歉,并鼓吹中国人勤劳正直TX,努力!

2011年3月24日PL 2011年4月18日收到VISA毕业2011年4月19日,一个伟大的日子诞生了MER+DM 道不行,乘桴浮于海。应该大赦! 已经浪费了91那么多年的光阴! 而且加拿现在也那么缺人! 想尽各种办法,扩大影响! 我就不信! 一定可以推翻对91一刀切的法案! 邪不胜正!!! 胜利属于勇敢的91同学们! 先祝福你们! 但切记要团结!点击展开...

FN: 2007.6.8VO:ISKIELTS:7,7.5,5.5,5.5谁记得保守党占多少个席位? 我记得一个帖子说了,但是找不到了.这赞成反对的人都是什么成分?点击展开...共308个议席,还有一些人弃权了还是没参加?

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