加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民Omni粤语频道今晚9点将播出起诉CIC专题,有采访
主持人是Anita Chow。 给有条件观看的人作个预告。
回复: Omni粤语频道今晚9点将播出起诉CIC专题,有采访Jason Kenny和Tim Leahy该电视台不是所有节目都会上网,所以如果错过了就可能看不到了。
回复: Omni粤语频道今晚9点将播出起诉CIC专题,有采访Jason Kenny和Tim Leahy麻烦楼主给个网址,晚上九点看
北京2007.8.29FN,08.12.6考雅思,7,6.5,6.5,6。2009.8.21S2,2009.10.25递料,2009.10.29变12,2009.12.2变6,2010.2.8变12,2011.7.5日地址栏第一次消失,7月23日地址栏恢复。参加TIM的诉讼了,2012-8-31ME回复: Omni粤语频道今晚9点将播出起诉CIC专题,有采访Jason Kenny和Tim Leahy不在网上直播,所以我发帖叫在加拿大有条件看的人注意看
回复: Omni粤语频道今晚9点将播出起诉CIC专题,有采访Jason Kenny和Tim Leahy国内怎么才能看到?这时间是加时还是北京时间?
When submitted, pregnant, now he is 6.主持人是Anita Chow。 给有条件观看的人作个预告。点击展开...Update:1) It was in the Cantonese news, 3 mins in total. not 专题2) Tim Leahy mentioned that his litigants should be processed right away, other people in class-action lawsuit will take turn. 3) Kenney said they are confident the bill will withstand a legal challenge. He also said applicants are welcome to reapply under any other immigration stream. So, nothing new...
回复: Omni粤语频道今晚9点将播出起诉CIC专题,有采访Jason Kenny和Tim LeahyUpdate:1) It was in the Cantonese news, 3 mins in total. not 专题2) Tim Leahy mentioned that his litigants should be processed right away, other people in class-action lawsuit will take turn. 3) Kenney said they are confident the bill will withstand a legal challenge. He also said applicants are welcome to reapply under any other immigration stream. So, nothing new...点击展开... his litigants should be processed right away, other people in class-action lawsuit will take turn. 再次证明了TIM被人搅局了
回复: Omni粤语频道今晚9点将播出起诉CIC专题,有采访Jason Kenny和Tim Leahy专题就不是今晚的吧,Anita Chow邮件我了,我也回邮了
回复: Omni粤语频道今晚9点将播出起诉CIC专题,有采访Jason Kenny和Tim LeahyTim Leahy mentioned that his litigants should be processed right away, other people in class-action lawsuit will take turn. 为什么Tim这么说呢?因为其他的class-action lawsuit的人要把Tim也拖进来,他们不满Tim的官司是在CIC宣布一刀切法案之前开始的。
回复: Omni粤语频道今晚9点将播出起诉CIC专题,有采访Jason Kenny和Tim Leahyhis litigants should be processed right away, other people in class-action lawsuit will take turn. 再次证明了TIM被人搅局了点击展开...NO! I've talked to Tim back to April and he did mentioned we have two options:1) be his litigants2) wait for class-action lawsuit Tim has his own good but please be fair to other lawyers too.
回复: Omni粤语频道今晚9点将播出起诉CIC专题,有采访Jason Kenny和Tim LeahyNO! I've talked to Tim back to April and he did mentioned we have two options:1) be his litigants2) wait for class-action lawsuit Tim has his own good but please be fair to other lawyers too.点击展开... 别的律师可能不让我们做选择了,让我们只有2一个选项
回复: Omni粤语频道今晚9点将播出起诉CIC专题,有采访Jason Kenny和Tim Leahy别的律师可能不让我们做选择了,让我们只有2一个选项点击展开...Not really. We may only have this option at the first place. Anyway, Good luck to all of us.
回复: Omni粤语频道今晚9点将播出起诉CIC专题,有采访Jason Kenny和Tim Leahy好,等着看,虽然听不懂粤语!
回复: Omni粤语频道今晚9点将播出起诉CIC专题,有采访Jason Kenny和Tim Leahy没有看懂,为什么TIM被搅局了?
FN:2007-07-21;VO:TCW;没有看懂,为什么TIM被搅局了?点击展开... 你不要和我一起操心吧。 谋事在人,成事在天。
回复: Omni粤语频道今晚9点将播出起诉CIC专题,有采访Jason Kenny和Tim Leahy怎么这么复杂?
2011年3月24日PL 2011年4月18日收到VISA毕业2011年4月19日,一个伟大的日子诞生了MER+DM 道不行,乘桴浮于海。NO! I've talked to Tim back to April and he did mentioned we have two options:1) be his litigants2) wait for class-action lawsuit Tim has his own good but please be fair to other lawyers too.点击展开...顶!
When submitted, pregnant, now he is 6.[/color][/size]顶!点击展开... 你刚才不是发帖要活跃一下气氛吗? 原来挑起这个也是活跃气氛啊
回复: Omni粤语频道今晚9点将播出起诉CIC专题,有采访Jason Kenny和Tim Leahy刚才是活跃气氛,现在是维持秩序
When submitted, pregnant, now he is 6.刚才是活跃气氛,现在是维持秩序点击展开... bobosong是维持秩序的吧
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