http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/story/2012/05/17/pol-immigration-backlog-deleted.html "I seriously don't understand why this could happen, you know?"Over the phone, Kathy Sun describes how she's been waiting in Canada's immigration queue for 4½ years, since fall of 2007.The senior IT manager lives in Shanghai with her husband, who is a manager at an engineering firm, and their young child.Sun says she and her husband want to emigrate so they can raise their son in an open society and give him a better education.And she has another, even more personal reason: she wants a second child, which under Chinese law is forbidden."There's no way we can get another one [in China]," she says of their plight. "For me, I love kids. I want to have more."Sun says time is running out ― she's 40, and now her application to come to Canada is about to be thrown out, and her fee refunded. Under the budget implementation bill, Canada has created the legal ability for the government to delete the applications of some 280,000 people who asked to come here as federal skilled workers before 2008.The government has promised to return application fees and applicants can re-apply under the new rules. But their files will not be fast-tracked, no matter how long they have already waited.Appearing at a Senate committee hearing Thursday on Bill C-38, the omnibus budget implementation bill, Citizenship and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney defended his government's plan."It's simply not in Canada's interests to deal with a large backlog of cases that's seven or eight years old. And nor is it in the interests of immigrants."Kenney said trying to process the outstanding files from pre-2008 would take until 2017-18 and would slow down attempts to get the system working faster."I regret for those who have been sitting patiently in the backlog that their applications are going to come back to them with their fees," he told the committee."But we are doing ourselves significant reputational damage around the world by telling people they can make an application to Canada and we would get back in touch with them in seven or eight years." Signs of hope dashed Until the budget came down, Sun had reason to hope that her application would soon be approved.In 2009, Canadian visa officers signalled they had opened her file and they asked her family to submit the necessary mountain of documents. Sun and her husband set to work gathering certificates of identity, police checks, English test results ― and sent them in. They even had their employers fill out immigration certificates, something which Sun says damaged her husband's prospects for advancement within his company.Then the budget tabled on March 29 put an end to her hopes."We spent a lot of time and effort on that and suddenly they tell us, you'll be wiped out," she says. "I can't express how I feel. It's like, the end of the world."According to Bill C-38, people such as Sun, whose applications were submitted before Feb. 27, 2008, and for whom an immigration officer had not made a decision based on the selection criteria by March 29, will see their applications deleted. Even though Sun's file was being processed, a final decision had not yet been made.Sun had told Canadian visa officers more than once over the years that her time to have a second child is running out. She says she repeatedly asked whether she should be applying under a different immigration stream, or under the new rules for foreign skilled workers that took effect in 2008."We were even telling them this was impacting our family plan for the second child. We did it several times. All the answer we got from the visa officer was that our application is still in queue to be reviewed and they asked us to wait patiently for our turn to come."In August of last year, Sun received a letter of reassurance from Canada's immigration officials."Even in that letter it states very clearly, please stay assured that your application is not forgotten. You will be processed."Class action suit launched Sun says if she had known two years ago what she knows now, she would have reapplied under the new stream, or applied to another country like Australia or New Zealand.Instead, she has decided to take the Canadian government to court.She's joined by about 40 other litigants from China and Hong Kong in the suit. It will try to stop the government from implementing the provision to delete the backlog.Lorne Waldman, an immigration lawyer based in Toronto, says a promise was broken to applicants who followed all the necessary steps to come to Canada."They've been waiting in the queue for years and years, and now Jason Kenney is saying, 'Yeah we told you to wait in the queue, we told you that was the right way, but that's too bad. Now we've changed our mind and there's no longer going to be a queue for you.'"I think that's immoral," Waldman said.As for Sun, she says she still has faith that Canada will change its mind ― that her legal appeal will win."I'm very sure that we will eventually get the justice ― it's on our side," she says. "We didn't do anything wrong. We did everything according to the policy ― the process. We didn't do anything wrong. So we are not the ones to be punished."
回复: CBC报道了我们的坛友Ksun_1234 Immigration changes leave Chinese woman's dreams dashed这个报道在Facebook上引起了强烈共鸣!
回复: CBC报道了我们的坛友Ksun_1234 Immigration changes leave Chinese woman's dreams dashed加拿大媒体环境对我们越来越有利了
回复: CBC报道了我们的坛友Ksun_1234 Immigration changes leave Chinese woman's dreams dashed最近看着我的小宝宝那么可爱,我也想生第2个宝宝了。
回复: CBC报道了我们的坛友Ksun_1234 Immigration changes leave Chinese woman's dreams dashed最近看着我的小宝宝那么可爱,我也想生第2个宝宝了。点击展开... 你在欧洲的吧,想生就生啊
回复: CBC报道了我们的坛友Ksun_1234 Immigration changes leave Chinese woman's dreams dashed谢谢分享,这个链接里面还有一个非常精彩的9分钟采访视频:http://www.cbc.ca/video/watch/News/TV Shows/Power & Politics with Evan Solomon/ID=2236337451 移民部长康尼接受CBC电视台采访,因被记者严厉质询移民政策修改是否合法和公平,采访结尾处有一个非常明显和夸张的挤出笑容动作

回复: CBC报道了我们的坛友Ksun_1234 Immigration changes leave Chinese woman's dreams dashed第2个孩子在国内上户口是比较难的。
回复: CBC报道了我们的坛友Ksun_1234 Immigration changes leave Chinese woman's dreams dashed谢谢分享,这个链接里面还有一个非常精彩的9分钟采访视频:http://www.cbc.ca/video/watch/News/TV Shows/Power & Politics with Evan Solomon/ID=2236337451 移民部长康尼接受CBC电视台采访,因被记者严厉质询移民政策修改是否合法和公平,采访结尾处有一个非常明显和夸张的挤出笑容动作

回复: CBC报道了我们的坛友Ksun_1234 Immigration changes leave Chinese woman's dreams dashed谢谢分享,这个链接里面还有一个非常精彩的9分钟采访视频:http://www.cbc.ca/video/watch/News/TV Shows/Power & Politics with Evan Solomon/ID=2236337451 移民部长康尼接受CBC电视台采访,因被记者严厉质询移民政策修改是否合法和公平,采访结尾处有一个非常明显和夸张的挤出笑容动作

回复: CBC报道了我们的坛友Ksun_1234 Immigration changes leave Chinese woman's dreams dashedcbc是左派,没有理由不刁难Jason Kenny
回复: CBC报道了我们的坛友Ksun_1234 Immigration changes leave Chinese woman's dreams dashed看的出来,康尼这个人的性格是相当的偏执,从某种程度上来讲,他和本.拉登是很相似的,他的信念是异常坚定的(权且不管他的信念是正义的还是邪恶的)。
回复: CBC报道了我们的坛友Ksun_1234 Immigration changes leave Chinese woman's dreams dashed要睡觉去了,明天一觉醒来,Facebook上应该热烈响此报道了。 我把最近来ME的消息放在Facebook,跟帖90多了,他们好像比我们还振奋激动,印度好几年都没见过ME了。
回复: CBC报道了我们的坛友Ksun_1234 Immigration changes leave Chinese woman's dreams dashed看的出来,康尼这个人的性格是相当的偏执,从某种程度上来讲,他和本.拉登是很相似的,他的信念是异常坚定的(权且不管他的信念是正义的还是邪恶的)。点击展开...Facebook上有人这样说康尼: we are ready but not down we will fight and if at any stage we get a chance to enter Canada Kenney will not be able to find a place to hide kenney is the one which can assist us bring new international laws regarding the protection of prospective immigrants and describe their rights and also some watchdog to protect them I am after it bro' we know what is needed and who the enemy is. oh ho I know what he is I am very fond of literature and have read a lot including Tolstoy he is behaving like a ............. wronged by his own father that is why he has no respect for humanity he is very infamous noweven in Canada yeah it can be measured from the fact that he has to go marketing to sell his fucking policy carboned from the newzealanders who fucked him first then the australians but now he might have contacted AIDS so we shouild desist there is nothing to know about him. He is a figure which will be forgotten as soon he turns his ass hole because even there is nothing except shit
回复: CBC报道了我们的坛友Ksun_1234 Immigration changes leave Chinese woman's dreams dashed康尼在小的时侯啊,会不会是被非白人移民给欺负过吧?所以长大了这么仇恨移民。
回复: CBC报道了我们的坛友Ksun_1234 Immigration changes leave Chinese woman's dreams dashed哇,你比印度人的爆料还要猛啊
回复: CBC报道了我们的坛友Ksun_1234 Immigration changes leave Chinese woman's dreams dashed如有属实,那可是纯属巧合!
回复: CBC报道了我们的坛友Ksun_1234 Immigration changes leave Chinese woman's dreams dashed难以相信,这也太漂亮了:http://6park.com/news/messages/75792.html
回复: CBC报道了我们的坛友Ksun_1234 Immigration changes leave Chinese woman's dreams dashed巧合挺多的,我正在聊天的印度人把康尼比作希特勒,我马上上传了那张把康比做希特勒的画像。 其实中国人还是挺有才的,这次全面发动加拿大媒体大部分是中国人的努力,中国人火速请了三个律师。这些我们都领先了,呵呵
回复: CBC报道了我们的坛友Ksun_1234 Immigration changes leave Chinese woman's dreams dashed菲律宾的积压也有至少七八万吧,始终没看到动静
回复: CBC报道了我们的坛友Ksun_1234 Immigration changes leave Chinese woman's dreams dashed只是推测啊,如有属实,那可是纯属巧合!点击展开... 康尼也在这里潜水,小心把他鼻子气歪了
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