加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民Reply to: I support the Bill. Nations interest always come


• To Mr. Charya: I can understand that the Nation’s interest always come first. I just wonder if the policy stands rght for the nation’s interest. If it was clear and could be accepted by the most Canadians why dose it needs to be hided in an enormous bill? Secondly Reforming Immigration system maybe was the only way out for Canada’s immigration tradition but the 300,000 people are not victims. We are in 2012 not 1939. Mr. Adolf Hitler believed he did all for Germany. I am convinced that there is a thing named justice in Canada. I love her due to I have faith in it. The word “sorry” we have heard from the Honorable Minister Mr. Kenny. That is not enough. It could not injury many families’ dream to say a ‘SORYY’. So called “ REPLY UNDER NEW CRITERIA’ is joking. Some of us may be eligible but we could not back to five years ago. Do you know the age has more proportion in new criteria? Then CIC limits the upper acceptance as 10,000 a year. So if CIC only accepted us I mean there was no others, and we all could be eligible, the final batch would get to Canada in 2040? 300,000 are people not numbers. We can not be erased without any trace.

06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧回复: Reply to: I support the Bill. Nations interest always come first.得到助拳:Tim Sorry, Aaron, but, before endorsing the Minister's unethical behaviour, you should look behind the false assertions he has been making.1. If CIC had processed files at the 2009 rate, there would be no backlog. In fact, over 30,000 more files would have been processed. Instead, in 2011, CIC processed half of what it had processed in 2009.2. Even at the 2011 rate, all FSW files on hand on January 6th would be finalized in 34 months if, as with parents and entrepreneurs, CIC ceased accepting new files. At the 2009 rate, it would be eliminated in 17 months.3. Of the 29 occupations on the Occupation List, 18 require licensing. So, how, pray tell, will those requiring licensing address "urgent labour market demands"?4. CIC has produced absolutely no evidence -- and has not in my litigation either -- that the 29 occupations have greater demand than those excluded. My research has proven that others are, in point of fact, in greater demand than the 29 -- significantly greater.5. CIC studies show that only 36% of immigrants following their "intended occupation". So, how does this micro-managing solve any problem?This sorry episode is not aimed at improving Canada's immigration program but at boosting the Minister's image as the "Great Administrator". First he creates the backlog then, by slight of hand, he eliminates it -- at the expense of 300,000 people and the reputation of Canada.So, sorry, Aaron, the Minister has duped you. Just hope that you have enough in your bank account to purchase the Brooklyn Bridge when he offers it to you. Trust me, it's a real beauty! You'll love owning it. And, if you don't believe, just as the Minister.

06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧回复: Reply to: I support the Bill. Nations interest always come first.希特勒屠杀600万犹太人也说是为了德国国家利益;萨达姆侵略科威特也是说为了国家利益。侩子手们说法跟康尼惊人一致!

回复: Reply to: I support the Bill. Nations interest always come first.希特勒屠杀600万犹太人也说是为了德国国家利益;萨达姆侵略科威特也是说为了国家利益。侩子手们说法跟康尼惊人一致!点击展开...康尼说法跟刽子手们惊人一致!

回复: Reply to: I support the Bill. Nations interest always come first.不可思议

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