加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民好消息!CBC报道保守党有议员要对C38投反对票。
http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/story/2012/05/23/pol-david-wilks-budget-bill.html Tory MP backs off budget bill concerns Conservative MP David Wilks said Wednesday he does want his party's controversial budget bill passed, confirming his support for it in the face of a media report suggesting he'd be willing to vote against it. Wilks, the British Columbia MP for Kootenay?Columbia, posted a statement on his website that he said was intended to clarify his position on bill C-38. "I support this bill, and the jobs and growth measures that it will bring for Canadians in Kootenay-Columbia and right across the country," the statement says. It defends the budget and says it will ensure that natural resources are developed in a "responsible way that creates well-paying jobs while protecting our environment." "I look forward to supporting the bill and seeing it passed," Wilks says. But the statement doesn't explain what he meant when he told constituents at a meeting that was filmed and posted online that if they want to see the budget bill defeated they need to put pressure on a dozen more MPs besides him. The statement also doesn't deny a media report based on the same meeting that quoted Wilks saying, "I will stand up and say the Harper government should get rid of Bill C-38." The constituents he met with in Revelstoke this week told Wilks, a new MP who was elected last May, they are concerned about the sweeping changes to numerous policy areas contained in one single bill and that bill C-38 isn't getting the proper scrutiny in Parliament.'Barrage' of Tory MPs concerned about budget bill "I think you'll find a barrage of Conservatives that do hold your concerns, and I am one of them," Wilks said in the video, adding that he believes some parts of the bill could be separated out from C-38. The NDP tried and failed to convince the government to break the bill down into smaller parts. It has now passed second reading and is in the hands of multiple Senate committees and the Commons finance committee. A subcommittee has been established to study the changes to the environmental assessment regime. Wilks explains to the group that when a vote is whipped, it means MPs have to follow their party line, and that is the case on the budget bill. One woman asks at what point does he decide to break party loyalty and instead represent his constituents, and Wilks responds, "If you want me as an independent member, I'll do that." He tells the group that there is no behind-the-scenes debate in the Conservative caucus and he is asked if that worries him. "Certainly it concerns some of us backbenchers. The decisions are made predominately by cabinet and then they come back to us, informing us how this is going to move forward," he said. "At the end of the day, in my opinion, they've made up their mind, and this is how it's going to move forward and one person is not going to make a difference, one MP is not going to make a difference." Some members of the group tell Wilks it will make a difference if he takes the symbolic move of voting against the government on the budget bill. He replies by saying they would need to find 13 MPs to join the Liberals and NDP in their opposition to the budget bill in order to defeat it. "You collectively as people across Canada, have to find 13, not just me. Me doesn't mean anything, me doesn't change the budget ... if I stand up and say no, it still passes," he said. Wilks is told he is being filmed and is asked by the person behind the camera if his message can be broadcast online. The MP responds, "If Canadians want it changed, then enough Canadians have to stand to their MPs and say no."Calls and emails to Wilks' office were not returned. CBC News spoke to one of the concerned constituents who attended the meeting. Chris Selvig said some parts of the video are taken out of context and that his understanding is that Wilks generally supports the bill but has some concerns about some parts of it."I think he was just speaking his mind and I think he should be able to speak his mind candidly and unfortunately the video got out," said Selvig.
回复: 好消息!CBC报道保守党有议员要对C38投反对票。保守党内部出现分歧!这个保守党议员David Wilks走红啦!
回复: 好消息!CBC报道保守党有议员要对C38投反对票。保守党内部出现分歧!保守党内部只要有13个议员投反对票,C38就通不过啦!
回复: 好消息!CBC报道保守党有议员要对C38投反对票。保守党内部出现分歧!If Canadians want it changed, then enough Canadians have to stand to their MPs and say no." 快去游说更多议员Say No吧
回复: 好消息!CBC报道保守党有议员要对C38投反对票。保守党内部出现分歧!请注意看原文我用红色标出的部分。 实在没工夫去翻译了,大家仔细看看!
回复: 好消息!CBC报道保守党有议员要对C38投反对票。保守党内部出现分歧!我的神啊,让我们91的顺利通过吧
回复: 好消息!CBC报道保守党有议员要对C38投反对票。保守党内部出现分歧!只是部分议案,移民这一块怎么样?待会细看
2007.4.20FN HK VO:MAC只是部分议案,移民这一块怎么样?待会细看点击展开...嗯,人家主要反对的并不是移民政策这块。
All because of love!回复: 好消息!CBC报道保守党有议员要对C38投反对票。保守党内部出现分歧!不管哪块议案,只要C38不过就行
When submitted, pregnant, now he is 6.不管哪块议案,只要C38不过就行点击展开... 不奢望C38被阻止,只希望拖延到9月份 拖延到9月份,对我们起诉的非常利好 当然如果发生万分之一的奇迹,C38被否决了,就更好啦,当然这个概率只有万分之一。
回复: 好消息!CBC报道保守党有议员要对C38投反对票。保守党内部出现分歧!需要广大选民的力量啊
回复: 好消息!CBC报道保守党有议员要对C38投反对票。保守党内部出现分歧!根据上下文CBC也许有点捕风捉影的感觉这个议员的前后表态不一致但至少证明保守党内部对C38有不满的情绪
回复: 好消息!CBC报道保守党有议员要对C38投反对票。保守党内部出现分歧!http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/story/2012/05/23/pol-david-wilks-budget-bill.html Tory MP backs off budget bill concerns Conservative MP David Wilks said Wednesday he does want his party's controversial budget bill passed, confirming his support for it in the face of a media report suggesting he'd be willing to vote against it. Wilks, the British Columbia MP for Kootenay?Columbia, posted a statement on his website that he said was intended to clarify his position on bill C-38. "I support this bill, and the jobs and growth measures that it will bring for Canadians in Kootenay-Columbia and right across the country," the statement says. It defends the budget and says it will ensure that natural resources are developed in a "responsible way that creates well-paying jobs while protecting our environment." "I look forward to supporting the bill and seeing it passed," Wilks says. But the statement doesn't explain what he meant when he told constituents at a meeting that was filmed and posted online that if they want to see the budget bill defeated they need to put pressure on a dozen more MPs besides him. The statement also doesn't deny a media report based on the same meeting that quoted Wilks saying, "I will stand up and say the Harper government should get rid of Bill C-38." The constituents he met with in Revelstoke this week told Wilks, a new MP who was elected last May, they are concerned about the sweeping changes to numerous policy areas contained in one single bill and that bill C-38 isn't getting the proper scrutiny in Parliament.'Barrage' of Tory MPs concerned about budget bill "I think you'll find a barrage of Conservatives that do hold your concerns, and I am one of them," Wilks said in the video, adding that he believes some parts of the bill could be separated out from C-38. The NDP tried and failed to convince the government to break the bill down into smaller parts. It has now passed second reading and is in the hands of multiple Senate committees and the Commons finance committee. A subcommittee has been established to study the changes to the environmental assessment regime. Wilks explains to the group that when a vote is whipped, it means MPs have to follow their party line, and that is the case on the budget bill. One woman asks at what point does he decide to break party loyalty and instead represent his constituents, and Wilks responds, "If you want me as an independent member, I'll do that." He tells the group that there is no behind-the-scenes debate in the Conservative caucus and he is asked if that worries him. "Certainly it concerns some of us backbenchers. The decisions are made predominately by cabinet and then they come back to us, informing us how this is going to move forward," he said. "At the end of the day, in my opinion, they've made up their mind, and this is how it's going to move forward and one person is not going to make a difference, one MP is not going to make a difference." Some members of the group tell Wilks it will make a difference if he takes the symbolic move of voting against the government on the budget bill. He replies by saying they would need to find 13 MPs to join the Liberals and NDP in their opposition to the budget bill in order to defeat it. "You collectively as people across Canada, have to find 13, not just me. Me doesn't mean anything, me doesn't change the budget ... if I stand up and say no, it still passes," he said. Wilks is told he is being filmed and is asked by the person behind the camera if his message can be broadcast online. The MP responds, "If Canadians want it changed, then enough Canadians have to stand to their MPs and say no."Calls and emails to Wilks' office were not returned. CBC News spoke to one of the concerned constituents who attended the meeting. Chris Selvig said some parts of the video are taken out of context and that his understanding is that Wilks generally supports the bill but has some concerns about some parts of it."I think he was just speaking his mind and I think he should be able to speak his mind candidly and unfortunately the video got out," said Selvig.点击展开...
回复: 好消息!CBC报道保守党有议员要对C38投反对票。保守党内部出现分歧!给更多议员以及媒体发信,还有就是质问为什么法案还没有实施,却停止S2工作。英语好的朋友动起来,还有就是谁知道哪个是保守党的信箱再给大家贴一下啊?
回复: 好消息!CBC报道保守党有议员要对C38投反对票。保守党内部出现分歧!希望C38不要通过,拖延到9月通过也是好的。
回复: 好消息!CBC报道保守党有议员要对C38投反对票。保守党内部出现分歧!求议员邮箱地址,想发邮件给他们寻支持。
回复: 好消息!CBC报道保守党有议员要对C38投反对票。保守党内部出现分歧!给更多议员以及媒体发信,还有就是质问为什么法案还没有实施,却停止S2工作。英语好的朋友动起来,还有就是谁知道哪个是保守党的信箱再给大家贴一下啊?点击展开...北京大使馆跟香港使馆态度很不同啊在北京加拿大大使馆新浪官方微博上,还公然为肯尼叫好,下面还一大堆人叫嚣说支持肯尼,支持肯尼当总理呢http://weibo.com/2165090317/ykviusI8M#a_comment北京的朋友真的要找个渠道也反映下意见才行啊
回复: 好消息!CBC报道保守党有议员要对C38投反对票。保守党内部出现分歧!good news!
回复: 好消息!CBC报道保守党有议员要对C38投反对票。保守党内部出现分歧!今天一个好消息,一个坏消息,冰火两重天,真的受不了了
回复: 好消息!CBC报道保守党有议员要对C38投反对票。保守党内部出现分歧!今天一个好消息,一个坏消息,冰火两重天,真的受不了了点击展开...好消息,谢谢!坏消息是啥?
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