加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民将要出台的恶法将赋予康尼一手遮天的权力!


Division 54 of Part 4 amends the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and the Budget Implementation Act, 2008 to provide for the termination of certain applications for permanent residence that were made before February 27, 2008. This Division also amends the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act to, among other things, authorize the Minister of Citizenship and Immi- gration to give instructions establishing and governing classes of permanent residents as part of the economic class and to provide that the User Fees Act does not apply in respect of fees set by those instructions. Furthermore, this Division amends the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act to allow for the retrospective application of certain regulations and certain instructions given by the Minister, if those regulations and instructions so provide, and to autho- rize regulations to be made respecting requirements imposed on employers in relation to authorizations to work in Canada.这还是一个民主国家吗?愤怒!

回复: 将要出台的恶法将赋予康尼一手遮天的权力!这个。。。什么时候的?出处?

FN:0705HK. 怎一个等字了得这个。。。什么时候的?出处?点击展开...本次的预算案

回复: 将要出台的恶法将赋予康尼一手遮天的权力!预算案通过了吗?

回复: 将要出台的恶法将赋予康尼一手遮天的权力!看来就是这个无耻的预算案让Kenny肆无忌惮地说,随便来告吧

回复: 将要出台的恶法将赋予康尼一手遮天的权力!Division 54 of Part 4 amends the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and the Budget Implementation Act, 2008 to provide for the termination of certain applications for permanent residence that were made before February 27, 2008. This Division also amends the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act to, among other things, authorize the Minister of Citizenship and Immi- gration to give instructions establishing and governing classes of permanent residents as part of the economic class and to provide that the User Fees Act does not apply in respect of fees set by those instructions. Furthermore, this Division amends the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act to allow for the retrospective application of certain regulations and certain instructions given by the Minister, if those regulations and instructions so provide, and to autho- rize regulations to be made respecting requirements imposed on employers in relation to authorizations to work in Canada.这还是一个民主国家吗?愤怒!点击展开...已在楼主的个人主页留言并给你悄悄话了,请看看哦。 楼主还没有ME吗?

回复: 将要出台的恶法将赋予康尼一手遮天的权力!今天又有人收到S2了,http://forum.iask.tv/showthread.php?t=569887 我想楼主的ME肯定在路上了,帮吼吼!

回复: 将要出台的恶法将赋予康尼一手遮天的权力!

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