加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民5月末香港再次补料信的回复


同样收到了来自香港领事馆的再次补料信。香港领事馆在信中正式确认该领事馆4月份发出的终止审理的指令,是依照CIC NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS发出的根据部长的终止审理的决定做出的指示。该指示,随后已被CIC NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS更改撤销。按照目前的法律规定,所有SAP的申请仍然将会被按照现有的排序继续审理。出于好意,该领事馆提醒申请人,该馆无法保证继续补料的案子能够在新法案生效前被审理到。众所周知,按照现行的法律,部长先生absolutely没有权利终止pre c50的案件审理。所以在4月份做出终止审理的指示,是个违法行为。鉴于香港领事馆如此坦诚地进行了这样的安排和沟通,我认为收到再次补料通知的同学,可以有条件的相信香港领事馆的移民官是基于其职业精神而做出的特殊决定。 我决定利用剩下的时间,按照最初补料信的要求进行补料。我已正式函告香港领事馆,对于他们的正直与坦诚表示了诚挚的谢意。同时保留对由于他们违法行为可能造成我的损失的追究的权利。对于通过北京、东京、马尼拉领事馆递交了SAP申请,并完成了补料的同学,如果面对同样的问题,请向相关的领事馆正式提出要求,责成他们立即停止现有的违法行为,继续审理你们的案子,并通知他们你们将保留对他们追责的权利。同时联络你们的律师,寻找合适的司法救济措施。我的回函内容如下,供各位参考,Dear Sir,Thanks for your letter dated May 24 2012, in which you confirmed that I might choose to perfect my application before the BIA bill coming into force as law. Please also accept my great thanks for your professional attitude and fabulous honesty to confirm the facts below, Your instruction of not processing my SAP application in your letter dated Apr, was as per the decision of the Minister to terminate processing of pre-C50 applications which had not received a selection decision as of March 29, 2012.The not processing instructions were from the CIC National Headquarters, who changed their instructions later again.The FSW terminating proposal will be of no legal effect until the BIA bill is enacted and comes into force. My application might be processed prior to the date the FSW terminating proposal becomes law. According to the law valid, the Minister has absolutely no power to terminate the processing of pre-C50 SAP applications before the BIA bill becomes law. I am so glad that you are not lost basing on your good professional principles, though Honourable Mr. Jason Kenny argued toughly and confidently in public with his absolutely legal logics.Since you are the guys knowing what the right thing is, my decision is to use the insufficient time left to submit the supporting documents to my application. The waste of my time before May 24, 2012 by your mistakes and breach of the law, will lead to irreparable harm if my application failed be processed before the BIA bill coming into force. C38 as law might be able to stop the compensation claim against Her Majesty from those applicants whose cases would be terminated by the operation of law only. But I am so sorry that it could not cover the breach of law mention above. It will be a topic for my lawyer, in which I have absolutely no interests but have to. Besides taking this chance to show my great appreciation to your frankness, bravery, profession, and kind arrangements, I would like to get you kindly informed that you would be hold responsible for your possible failure to process my application before the BIA bill coming to law. Your choice would also be mine.行动吧。

回复: 5月末香港再次补料信的回复香港领馆怎么回信的,也贴一下吧

回复: 5月末香港再次补料信的回复和这个一样的.http://forum.canadameet.cc/showthread.php?t=569407Date: May 21,2012 Dear Sir/Madam, This message is further to our earlier letters this yr regarding ur SAP Fedral Skilled Worker application you submitted in 2006 or 2007. The first letter dated either Jan, Feb or March asked you to perfect ur application. Our 2nd letter, dated April, informed you of the decision of the Minister to terminate processing of pre-C50 applications which had not received a selection decision as of March 29,2012, and instructed you not to perfect ur SAP application, Since then, this office has received changed instructions frm CIC National Headquarters. Budget 2012(Economic Action Plan 2012) proposes to eliminate the backlog in the Federal Skilled Worker(FSW) program by terminating certain applications made prior ro Feb 27, 2008. Applicants whose applications would be terminated as a result will have the fees paid to CIC returned to them. The FSW proposal to terminate certain FSW applications announced as part of the March 2012 Budget may be enacted by amendments to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act(IRPA) through the Budget Implementation Act(BIA) bill. The FSW proposal will be of no legal effect until the BIA bill is enacted and comes into force. The BIA has now been introduced, However, the coming into force date, if the bill becomes law, is not yet known. As a result, until such time as the FSW proposal becomes law, this office will continue to make selection decisions on pre-C50 applications, subject to exsiting priorities established under ministerial instructions. You may continue to perfect your application if you think it is in your interest to do so. You can also choose to withdraw ur application now, if you think it is ur best interest to do so. If you choose to perfect ur application, we cannot guarantee that ur application will processed merely because it has been prior to the date the FSW proposal becomes law. Yours truly. Hong Kong Visa Office点击展开...

回复: 5月末香港再次补料信的回复Dear Sir, Thanks for your letter dated May 24 2012, in which you confirmed that I might choose to perfect my application before the BIA bill coming into force as law. Please also accept my great thanks for your professional attitude and fabulous honesty to confirm the facts below, Your instruction of not processing my SAP application in your letter dated Apr, was as per the decision of the Minister to terminate processing of pre-C50 applications which had not received a selection decision as of March 29, 2012. The not processing instructions were from the CIC National Headquarters, who changed their instructions later again. The FSW terminating proposal will be of no legal effect until the BIA bill is enacted and comes into force. My application might be processed prior to the date the FSW terminating proposal becomes law. According to the law valid, the Minister has absolutely no power to terminate the processing of pre-C50 SAP applications before the BIA bill becomes law. I am so glad that you are not lost basing on your good professional principles, though Honourable Mr. Jason Kenny argued toughly and confidently in public with his absolutely legal logics. Since you are the guys knowing what the right thing is, my decision is to use the insufficient time left to submit the supporting documents to my application. The waste of my time before May 24, 2012 by your mistakes and breach of the law, will lead to irreparable harm if my application failed be processed before the BIA bill coming into force. C38 as law might be able to stop the compensation claim against Her Majesty from those applicants whose cases would be terminated by the operation of law only. But I am so sorry that it could not cover the breach of law mention above. It will be a topic for my lawyer, in which I have absolutely no interests but have to. Besides taking this chance to show my great appreciation to your frankness, bravery, profession, and kind arrangements, I would like to get you kindly informed that you would be hold responsible for your possible failure to process my application before the BIA bill coming to law. Your choice would also be mine. 行动吧。点击展开...写的很好。东门,那你准备回国补料了?

回复: 5月末香港再次补料信的回复写的太好了,我也准备写信问候他们一下!

-->IELTS L8 S6 R6.5 W6 self-assess:70 points -->2006.09.14 HK -->2007.02.16 FN:B050535***VO:unknown -->2009.01.20 Confirmation Letter -->2012.03.21 S2 -->2012.05.18 S2 submitted -->2012.06.06 S2 resubmmited -->2012.06.19 ME写的很好。东门,那你准备回国补料了?点击展开...不用回了. 有部分分数直接放弃处理.

回复: 5月末香港再次补料信的回复不用回了. 有部分分数直接放弃处理.点击展开...什么意思啊?

回复: 5月末香港再次补料信的回复什么意思啊? 点击展开...(我)不用回(国补料)了. (我的)有部分分数(因缺材料,只能做)直接放弃处理.

回复: 5月末香港再次补料信的回复东门怎么还在线?英国现在几点了?

回复: 5月末香港再次补料信的回复东门怎么还在线?英国现在几点了?点击展开...减8个小时吧,早上7、8点钟。。。。

回复: 5月末香港再次补料信的回复减8个小时吧,早上7、8点钟。。。。点击展开... 懂了。谢谢

回复: 5月末香港再次补料信的回复再补料通知没有说为之前浪费的时间延期吗?我6月10日就是最后期限了,抓紧补料中!

2006.8.31HK签收2006.9.21申请费划款2006.10.11签发FN (VO:ISK)自评分:68再补料通知没有说为之前浪费的时间延期吗?我6月10日就是最后期限了,抓紧补料中!点击展开...你是拿到了再补料通知吗? 6-10补得齐吗? 你拿到过先前的中止审理通知没?如果你是拿到了中止审理通知,但还没收到再补料通知,你在补料的同时,立即用注册的邮箱去要你的再补料通知。告诉他们在c38生效前中止审理你的案子是违法行为,要求他们立即纠正。给你延长充分的时间来补料。或者,如果你是拿到了再补料通知,请注意以下问题:请立即用所注册的邮件,正是通知香港。由于他们的违法行为和错误, 导致你浪费掉的时间,必须由他们负责,而最后交文件的期限因此要延长至哪一天。你保留追究他们责任的权利。可参照我前面的帖子。无论哪一种情况,如果你不能在6-10前备齐文件,看一下是那些文件做不到,写一个解释,列明可以备齐的时间,把这个解释随其他文件一并在6-10前寄走。 例如,清华认证,我们组有清华认证来不及的,因为暑假前清华认证已经没有加急了。 注意把他的中止审理通知和你发给他保留追责权利的邮件也给他放进去。我个人倾向于6-10日前寄出,这样把握更大一些。6-10的最后期限,当以投递日为准。以上供参考。

回复: 5月末香港再次补料信的回复TO 东门谢谢你的回复,我没有收到再补料通知,6月10日是S2通知的最后期限,公证材料8号可以出来,基本上可以赶上,就是小孩的护照赶不上了,准备附个公安局的受理单和说明信。

2006.8.31HK签收2006.9.21申请费划款2006.10.11签发FN (VO:ISK)自评分:68回复: 5月末香港再次补料信的回复我没有S2,使馆给了我相同的信我要不要补一下呢

06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧我没有S2,使馆给了我相同的信 我要不要补一下呢点击展开... 北风,我也收到过类似的信,没有S2,信的前大半都是一样的,只是最后有一句话不一样,我用大号字标出,你看看你是哪种情况? [FONT='Arial','sans-serif']As a result, until such time as the FSW proposal becomes law, this office will continue to make selection decisions on pre C-50 applications, subject to existing priorities established under ministerial instructions. We doubt, though, that we will be asking you to perfect your application before the bill comes into law. You may choose to withdraw your application now, if you think it is your best interest to do so. [/FONT]

When submitted, pregnant, now he is 6.回复: 5月末香港再次补料信的回复谢小熊妹~~呵呵,这个贴我今天才凑热闹,是开个玩笑的,ANYWAY,谢谢这么认真的帮助~~~ 抱抱抱

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