加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民Tim诉讼组最新进展:没有S2的人将在9个月内完成
A number of you have written -- often asking the same question. So, rather than writing the same answer over and over again, I will try to answer the questions which have come in. If your question was not answered, please ask it again -- but change the subject line so that it does not get lost. First, I notified each of the 36 litigants whose files had been assessed. If I did not notify you, please don't ask me again if you are one of the 36. Second, I do not know what CIC will do with respect to the 900 other litigants. The decision only came out Thursday at 5:24pm, after DoJ's closing hours. What I do know is that our agreement is that CIC will be "guided by" the decision. I will be writing to the DoJ counsel, asking how their client intends to proceed and proposing my suggestion. They are not able to speak for their client but must wait for their handlers to discuss amongst themselves what will happen next. Quite frankly, I would be pleasantly surprised if we get a substantive reply by the end of the week. What I will be proposing is:1. The 36 files be processed in the same time-frame as for the lead case; i.e., finalized by October 14th; because they are at the medical stage. However, the background checks expired long ago and will have to be redone, and the applicants will have to submit new police clearances from where they are living. For the Chinese, that should not be an issue, but for the Persians, it could be. 2. The other Class I litigants have their files assessed within two months of receipt of new forms and supporting documentation and processed expeditiously thereafter with the expectation that they will be finalized within nine months of receipt of the up-dated forms, etc. In this regard, you might want to work on the forms and putting together the documents so that you will be able to submit everything right away.
回复: Tim诉讼组最新进展:没有S2的人将在9个月内完成S2,ME和DM。Tim建议现在可开始准备材料太好了!沙发!胜利 !
回复: Tim诉讼组最新进展:没有S2的人将在9个月内完成S2,ME和DM。Tim建议现在可开始准备材料Fifth, the decision is final because, in the legal apartheid of immigration law, there is no appeal to the Federal Court of Appeal unless the deciding judge certifies a question for appeal. The judge refused to certify the questions DoJ proposed after I wrote last Friday, stating why they do not meet the requirements for certification. The judge and I were on the same page in this regard, too. Sixth, agreeing to assess your file does not mean that the officer will approve it. CIC has routinely been refusing MI 1 files, claiming that the officer is so analytically-challenged that s/he cannot discern from the employment letter(s) that the applicant has been doing the job claimed. So, be very, very careful in how you prepare your employment letters lest you find your application being refused.要防止CIC胡乱找借口拒签! If CIC does not agree to settle the litigation at this point, forcing us to continue litigating, they will risk having to pay costs in subsequent litigation. The judge, by denying costs, made it much easier for CIC to settle the case in your favour. So, I really do expect CIC to agree to process all of your files, but we will have to wait until they say so and provide a time-frame. It will not, however, be October 14th for all 900. I will keep you up-dated as I have news to tell you. I do not, however, expect to be posting the negotiations on the website. So, it will be by email that the news will come. Finally, for those who ask me to explain it in "simple terms", I have tried my best but when there is no certain answer, simple certainty is not possible. In simple terms the situation is: we have the momentum, but you will have to wait until we know how CIC will respond to this decision. When it has, I will let you know, but we simply have to wait a bit longer. But, be optimistic; I am.现在形势很复杂,不是简单的Yes 或者No能解释清楚问题的,但是Tim很乐观。
回复: Tim诉讼组最新进展:没有S2的人将在9个月内完成S2,ME和DM。Tim建议现在可开始准备材料这才是彻底的胜利,91完胜!
When submitted, pregnant, now he is 6.回复: Tim诉讼组最新进展:没有S2的人将在9个月内完成S2,ME和DM。Tim建议现在可开始准备材料祝贺!MOI,你真强!!
回复: Tim诉讼组最新进展:没有S2的人将在9个月内完成S2,ME和DM。Tim建议现在可开始准备材料没看到有9个月的字样啊?new form指的是什么
回复: Tim诉讼组最新进展:没有S2的人将在9个月内完成S2,ME和DM。Tim建议现在可开始准备材料请问怎么删贴?我要把我占了沙发的帖子删了,以免影响同学们看信。我动作太快了!
回复: Tim诉讼组最新进展:没有S2的人将在9个月内完成S2,ME和DM。Tim建议现在可开始准备材料问一下:天堂是做什么工作的?强大
回复: Tim诉讼组最新进展:没有S2的人将在9个月内完成S2,ME和DM。Tim建议现在可开始准备材料没看到有9个月的字样啊?new form指的是什么点击展开...2. The other Class I litigants have their files assessed within two months of receipt of new forms and supporting documentation and processed expeditiously thereafter with the expectation that they will be finalized within nine months of receipt of the up-dated forms, etc. In this regard, you might want to work on the forms and putting together the documents so that you will be able to submit everything right away.
06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧没看到有9个月的字样啊?new form指的是什么点击展开... 9个月的字样,我用了蓝色,你再仔细看看 new form 新表格
回复: Tim诉讼组最新进展:没有S2的人将在9个月内完成S2,ME和DM。Tim建议现在可开始准备材料这个还是要搞清楚:这将是律师给cic律师的建议。。。至于cic律师怎么做,律师的建议是大家等等看。。。
网络暴力和现实中一样无处不在,远离不诚信的人,管它老乡,同胞,还是网络名人!!!回复: Tim诉讼组最新进展:没有S2的人将在9个月内完成S2,ME和DM。Tim建议现在可开始准备材料大约一年之内可以结案吧
回复: Tim诉讼组最新进展:没有S2的人将在9个月内完成S2,ME和DM。Tim建议现在可开始准备材料太棒了 强烈恭喜 欢呼
回复: Tim诉讼组最新进展:没有S2的人将在9个月内完成S2,ME和DM。Tim建议现在可开始准备材料这个还是要搞清楚:这将是律师给cic律师的建议。。。至于cic律师怎么做,律师的建议是大家等等看。。。点击展开...是这样的,但是Tim给了很多理由为什么乐观,而且他都建议大家开始准备补料了 现在形势很复杂,在剧变中,没有simple answer
回复: Tim诉讼组最新进展:没有S2的人将在9个月内完成S2,ME和DM。Tim建议现在可开始准备材料看来律师也建议大家补料仔细,免得给cic鸡蛋里挑骨头。
回复: Tim诉讼组最新进展:没有S2的人将在9个月内完成S2,ME和DM。Tim建议现在可开始准备材料我很激动,虽然还没有完全胜利,但是能做到这一步,我们其实已经胜利了,特别是战斗在第一线的百十个人,你们是好样的,虽然你们人数不多,但是你们一旦登陆加拿大,华人的人权和地位都会因你们的品格和个性而提高,即便是反对你们的少数华人,也必从你们身上得福。因为由于历史原因,在北美的华人虽然出了太多科学家和富豪,但是敢于争取权利的华人很少很少。凭直觉,你们可能都是4400中的一员。你们可能在加拿大依然肩负其他使命。感谢你们!比较自私的,我希望你们全来加拿大,如果你们去了澳洲或者别的国家,那绝对是加拿大的重大损失。 (在此对很多虽然没有出面,但是私下为争取91正义的人,也表示尊敬!)
2001年递交新西兰2002,2006年两次递交加拿大 2008年递交澳洲 2009年预备递交巴西2010年递交魁北克回复: Tim诉讼组最新进展:没有S2的人将在9个月内完成S2,ME和DM。Tim建议现在可开始准备材料太厉害了,TIM牛,希望大家都能来到加拿大
卡屯集结号(137990988)Calgary Badminton Group (168454634)我很激动,虽然还没有完全胜利,但是能做到这一步,我们其实已经胜利了,特别是战斗在第一线的百十个人,你们是好样的,虽然你们人数不多,但是你们一旦登陆加拿大,华人的人权和地位都会因你们的品格和个性而提高,即便是反对你们的少数华人,也必从你们身上得福。因为由于历史原因,在北美的华人虽然出了太多科学家和富豪,但是敢于争取权利的华人很少很少。凭直觉,你们可能都是4400中的一员。你们可能在加拿大依然肩负其他使命。感谢你们!比较自私的,我希望你们全来加拿大,如果你们去了澳洲或者别的国家,那绝对是加拿大的重大损失。 (在此对很多虽然没有出面,但是私下为争取91正义的人,也表示尊敬!)点击展开...
回复: Tim诉讼组最新进展:没有S2的人将在9个月内完成S2,ME和DM。Tim建议现在可开始准备材料恭喜!91必胜!
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