加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民几万人“讨说法”, 本期联名信截至6月低。


http://forum.canadameet.cc/showthread.php?t=57831691优势土崩瓦解,肯泥愿望实现。为什么要联名信? " 如果加拿大坚持一刀切,那么此邮件的签名者将无一例外的进行上述并索取赔偿."http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?p=8233101#post8233101不花钱,取证据。联名信按实名+档案号,两者缺一没法律效力(同名太多)。280,000人一起“讨说法”,加国政府表态. (除起诉)。 联名简单,但时间长(不是三两天结束),组建小组较好,分段接力(各段保密FN),任务重包括联名信内容更新、回复、募捐(用于付稿费等其他必要事项)、保密,对外媒体联系等。因本人有事(需4个月),第一期截至6月低结束且FN保密。已连续两夜没合眼。 昨天联名信末加注:1.Our names and file No. will continue to come after our confirmation.(给大家留机会, 继续加入联名信)没有FN,写在2. our name are 。。。 还有想加入联名信的,将ID, 姓名,FN, FN日期, 发[email protected] , 截至6月30日。谢谢各位支持。 联名信中英文 RE: Against “Section 707 of C-38” http://forum.canadameet.cc/showthread.php?t=577093 一位参议员回复下午贴,现贴不上了。

回复: 几万人“讨说法”, 本期联名信截至6月低。绿党对联名信的回复: Thank you for writing about your concerns with regards to the government’s recent plan to eliminate the Federal Skilled Worker Program backlog. The announcement of 30 March 2012 of the government’s intention to close the files, return the application forms and refund the application fees of some 280,000 applicants who applied under ‘dated’ eligibility criteria before 27 February 2008 is unfair and arbitrary. With talk of creating a ‘nimble and responsive’ immigration system and responding to the ‘needs of the economy,’ the Government of Canada is trying to paper over the fact that it is creating an ad-hoc skimming process for skilled workers under new criteria at the expense of those who applied years before under a good faith belief that their claims would be taken seriously. The government seems willing to wreak havoc with families who have invested time and energy in conceiving a future in Canada and whose claims should take precedence. Policymaking of this kind ought to be designed to apply to present and future problems, not retroactively to the decisions of applicants who were responding to policies in effect at the time of their application. This is a completely wrongheaded approach and does not reflect the kind of Canada I want to promote on the world stage. 此措施是非常固执的错误,此举不能显现:在世界的舞台上,我想提升加拿大形象。As a member of parliament, I am committed to holding the government to account for its actions and ensuring that our immigration system is fair, sustainable and committed to long-term success, not short-term changes subject to the whims of ‘rapidly changing market needs.’ I have taken your concerns into consideration and hope to pursue this matter further. Thanks again for your letter, Elizabeth May, O.C., M.P.Member of Parliament for Saanich-Gulf IslandsLeader of the Green Party of Canada[FONT='Calibri','sans-serif'][/font]

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