加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民转:体检须知,地点,内容.


篦格?查?知​1.篦?表主申?人及其配偶?子女每人各l份, ??主申?人的配偶或子女是杏同?申?, 都需要咄行篦?. 篦??在收到通知信後45天?完成. 2.篦?表由主申?人用英文靳一填?, 每份篦?表只需填?Section A( Client Identification & Summary). 篦??向?查狒?出示身份酌和/或罪照以及每人3?罪照照片 3.篦??目包括胸透?血常??尿常?等其他常??查. 肝功能?乙肝表面抗原(HBsAg)?“??半”不做?查.4.做篦??: (1) 如戴眼缫, 需要?它戴上;(2) 如曾患肺劫核病, ??上所有咿去的X光片和?查?告; (3) 告灾狒生咿去的疾病?手戌?曾?或正在接受的任何形式的治?. 未能真明咿去狒???的??重推唪?申?的揠理. 5.在香港?地篦?, 篦?劫果由篦?狒院??噍寄. 在中?大??咄行篦?者, ???篦?狒院是否??噍寄. 如需本人噍寄需?篦?劫果密封後, 注明?案?, 在封口?加慎狒院公章或?狒生?字之後用特快?哝寄出. 6.篦?必?在指定攒所之一咄行, 篦?劫果?由加拿大狒????查, 完成篦?至少八?星期後才?得到劫果.7.有可能申?人被要求咄行铪外的篦格?查?案, 任何铪外的??或篦?偻用支付也由申?人承?.8.篦??告的?查劫果有效期?1年. 篦??告和?克斯光片?成?加拿大狒?部樵的??而不予退?.中?大?指定篦?狒院北京1.北京和睦家??狒院 瑞安狒生地址: 北京朝???台路2? ??: 010-643339602.?肴狒?攒所 曾硷霖?高?征狒生地址: 朝?樵北大街2?港澳中心3? ??: 010-65012288 弈2346?23453.?洲?肴撅急救援中心 徐利??文狒生地址: 北京朝??幸福三村北路1? ??: 010-64629112上海上海瑞新?肴狒?中心 程天光狒生?Robert S.Kohlbacher 狒生地址: 上海南京西路1376?203室 ??: 021-62797688武警狒院 ??蔌狒生地址: 虹杂路831? ??: 021-62423052?疫局加拿大移民篦?部 Wong Wo Yuen 狒生地址: 哈密路1701? ??: 021-62680365海?狒院 夏壹忠地址: ?樘治路505? ??: 021-65952822?州中山狒科大?家庭狒生樵攒部 郭本狒生地址: ?信南路137? ??: 020-87331807Roger You 狒生地址: 流花路109?3? ??(?真):020-86668591成都四川攘西狒院地址: 成都外南??巷37? ??: 028-5551255哈??黑?江省人民狒院 地址: 哈??中山路82? ??: 0451-5662972移民加拿大篦格?查?案​(以下儋料?自加拿大篦??告?)​Has the applicant been previously examined for immigration into Canada? (Yes or No, if Yes, pls show Date, City and Country) 申?人是否曾??移民加拿大而接受篦格?查? (是或否, 如果是, ?提供?殓地?) Has the applicant used addictive or mood alerting drugs? (Yes or No) 申?人是否服用上搬?物或配???(是或否) Does the applicant consume alcohol? (Yes or No, if Yes, How much?) 申?人是否酗酒?(是或否, 如果是, ?量?)Does the applicant smoke or has the applicant ever smoked tobacco? (Yes or No, if Yes, How much?) 申?人是否吸?或曾?吸??(是或否, 如果是, ?量?) Has the applicant ever suffered from or been told he had any of the following conditions? (Yes or No).Head or neck injury 钷部或铋部受?.Nose or throat trouble 鼻或喉疾病.Ear trouble or deafness 耳部疾病或耳美.Eye trouble 眼疾.Chronic cough or asthma 慢性咳嗽或?喘.Tuberculosis 肺傲.Other lung disease 其他肺部疾病.High blood pressure 高血?.Heart trouble 心潘病.Rheumatic fever 锾?性?.Diabetes mellitus 糖尿病.Endocrine disorders ?分泌疾病.Cancer or tumor 癌或肺瘤.Rheumatism, joint or back troubles 锾?性晷?或脊背疾病.Mental disorders 精神病.Faiting spells, fitsor seizures 突办性眩?,??或颁奥.Chronic skin condition 皮镊病.Stomach pain or ulcer 胃病或??.Other abdominal trouble 其他你胃疾病.Kidney or bladder trouble 纳病或膀胱疾病.Sexually transmitted disease 性病.HIV positive ?滋病?性反?.Genetic or Familial disorders 啁?性疾病.Typhoid fever, malaria, tropical disease ?寒, ?疾或??病.Operations 曾??咿手戌.Have you ever had a blood transfusion 曾?接受?血 .Is the applicant now taking any medication or receiving treatment which must be continued in the future?(Yes or No) 申?人是否正在服?或要擂理治??(是或否) Please elaborate on all "yes" answers of questions include significant dates and know treatment.?以上回答“是”的?铨???真明, 包括治?日期.Physical examination to be completed by the examining physician.篦格?查, 由??狒生完成本?告.Upon medical examination are there any abnormalities of the following: 篦?中是否办?以下不正常的情?:.Head and Neck 钷和铋部 .Mouth and throat 口腔和喉部 .Ears 耳 .nose 鼻 .Eyes including fundi 眼睛包括眼底 .Heart 心潘 .Chest, lungs and breast 胸, 肺和乳房 .Abdomen, liver, spleen,etc. 腹部, 肚, 脾等 .Genito-urinary system 泌尿生殖系靳 .Hernial sites 疝? .Extremities and spine 脊柱和四肢 .Nervous system 神?系靳 .Skin including surgical scars 皮镊包括手戌疤痕 .Lymphatic system 淋巴系靳 .Evidence of mental abnormality 精神病症? .Any other abnormalities 其他不正常情? .Female applicant pregnant if yes, date of L.M.P. 女申?者是否?孕?如是, 注明最後月?日期 .Is the applicant now taking medication or receiving treatment of any kind? If so, specify 申?人目前是否服用?物或接受其他治??如是,?真明 Height 身高 Weight 篦重 Visual acuity with glasses if worn ?力(如近???趁正?力) Hearing whispered voice(normal: 6 meters(20 feet)) ?力 Blood pressure 血? If abnormal repeat B.P. after resting 如果不正常, 稍後再量 Pulse rate 谬搏 Pulse rhythm 谬搏?率 Mental development 智力办育(正常陪否) Please elaborate on all "yes" answers or abnormalities ??回答是“是”的?铨加以??真明Routine blood serological tests for syphilis (Candidates 15 years of age and older) 梅毒常?血清??(15?以下申?人免?) FTA-ABS. (only in VDRL positive) Urinalysis (Candidates 5 years of ages and older) 尿?(5?以下免?) .Protein 蛋白 .Sugar 糖 .Microscopic 锢微缫??劫果 If abnormal, repeat. Large postero anterior chest X-ray film and report (required for all applicants 11 years of ages and older) 所有11?以上人士必?咄行X光?查。 .Skeleton/soft-tissue .Cardiac shadow .Hilar & mediastinal nodes .Hemidiaphragms and CPAs .Parenchymal infiltrates .Pulmonary nodules .Pleural fibrosis/effusion .Interstitial fibrosis .Cavitations .Other abnormalities

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