加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民一位新移民对加拿大银行的评价
各位移友大家好, 这是偶在多伦多星报上看到的一篇文章,是一位新移民对加拿大银行的评价,他对加拿大的银行一一做了比较,讲了自己最后选择蒙特利尔银行的原因。我觉得他讲得很细,对大家会有些帮助,如果大家感兴趣,并且想练练英语的话不妨读一读。 RITA TRICHUR, Toronto Star Bank of Montreal snagged new immigrant Jun Yuan as a client even before the Chinese shipping agent set foot in Canada. Like other savvy newcomers, 35-year-old Yuan wanted to avoid the hassle of waiting to open a new account and began shopping around for a Canadian bank while still in his native city of Shanghai. "After a comparison, I chose Bank of Montreal," said Yuan, notinghis short list also included Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce and Bank of Nova Scotia. But fees and products were just part of his assessment. What really sold him on BMO was positive word of mouth and aninformation seminar the bank held in Shanghai - a primer on life inCanada. Basic banking, it seems, was just part of the agenda. After walking Yuan through the basics of applying for a social insurance number and provincial health card, BMO's staff also advised him on what financial pitfalls to avoid when starting a new life in Canada. "When I decided to immigrate to Canada, I knew nothing about what to do after landing," Yuan said. "This lecture is very helpful." He was also impressed with the bank's ability to set up his account and transfer his savings to a branch in the heart of Toronto's Chinatown even before he boarded a plane for Canada. "I didn't need to carry the money with me," Yuan said. After arriving, BMO activated his account and gave him a referenceso he could secure an apartment in Scarborough. Immigrant settlement services are the latest twist to Canada's retail banking war. Roger Heng, managing director and BMO's country head for China, said prospective clients pepper his staff with a wide range of queries about Canada - most of which have nothing to do with banking. The most popular questions are about where to reside and the best schools for their kids. "The Chinese population migrating to Canada is getting moreaffluent," Heng said. "Therefore, the need, the wealth and the knowledge that they bring in are very much different than five or 10 years ago." Faced with an aging population and a ban on big-bank mergers,Canadian lenders are falling all over themselves to court and poachnew-immigrant clients as they represent a rare source of growth for their mainstay personal and commercial operations. "Really, the primary growth in the Canadian population is going tobe fuelled by immigrants. And we're not just talking about the general population, but our workforce as well," said Rania Llewellyn, Scotiabank's vice-president of multicultural banking. "Obviously, that is a huge opportunity for the banks to tap into that market." Statistics Canada does not track how much money new immigrants bring to Canada annually, but one 2005 estimate by Royal Bank of Canada pegged the potential new-immigrant banking market at about $3 billion a year. Canada accepts about 250,000 new immigrants annually. With China and India the top source countries, banks are in hotpursuit of those Asian-born arrivals. No one knows that better than 25-year-old Apurva Talsania. When the Indian immigrant approached Royal Bank about opening a new account in 2006, he also ended up getting a job. Now an account manager, Talsania said the branch staff directed him to RBC's career site the very same day he opened his account. Won over by that "personal touch," he said the experience stands in sharp contrast with banking practices back home. "The (Indian) banks do not really bother about talking to the clientand finding out they want, what their needs are," Talsania said. And that "different banking experience" starts with the first pointof contact, he said. That's because a new chequing account couldeventually lead to a new mortgage, credit card, loan or lucrativewealth-management investments for growth-hungry Canadian banks. According to a 2006 Ipsos Reid report, new Canadians are "prolificinvestors" and are "more likely to be heavy credit card users in termsoftotal dollars spent." The findings are based on 2,005 telephone surveys with first- generation Chinese and South Asian adults. And it seems the banks' own research suggests that new immigrants have different financial priorities. While 70 per cent of new immigrants those here 10 years or less - are still focusing on having enough money to cover daily expenses, new arrivals are "more likely" to cite saving for their children's education than other goals, according to a recent RBC study. "This doesn't entirely surprise us as new Canadians are likely tohave more education than the overall population," said Mark Whitmell, RBC director of cultural markets. About two-thirds of new immigrants have some university education. He says a big obstacle facing new immigrants is their lack ofCanadian credit history. To get them started, RBC, like other banks, offers a secured credit card. "A credit card is something that someone needs just to participate, " Whitmell said. "You can't rent a movie, you can't get your phone hooked up, you can't do any of those kinds of things without a credit card." As part of its effort to woo clients, RBC launched a pilot referralprogram with the Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants last month. Consultants are rewarded with points for each new client that isreferredto a participating branch. Points can be redeemed for travel andmerchandise. CIBC, meanwhile, is investing $280 million to expand its branchnetwork to reach immigrants in major cities, while "leveraging" the diversity of its front- line staff. "When you get into more complex investments, mortgages ortransactions like that, those clients would prefer, in some cases, to talk about that in the language they are most comfortable with," said Christina Kramer, executive vice- president of retail distribution. Meanwhile, all CIBC bank machines across Canada will be enhanced with Chinese-language capabilities in 2008. Capitalizing on the rising popularity of remittances, Scotiabanklaunched a pilot agreement this month to offer the Western Unionmoney-transfer service. It is also sponsoring a wide array of"grassroots" initiatives to drum up business. Banking on Bollywood star power, it recently sponsored a preview of the highly anticipated Sony Pictures movie, Saawariya (Beloved), in the GTA and Vancouver. It seems, however, that Toronto-Dominion Bank remains tops with South Asians, according to a new report scheduled for release in January by Solutions Research Group. "We were surprised to some extent by the magnitude of the lead that TD had," said Solutions Research spokesperson Kaan Yigit. "Fundamentally, I think it speaks to having started marketing to various ethnic consumer segments a little bit earlier." Tim Hockey, TD's group head of personal banking, said the big reason for TD's success is longer hours and better service: "The least international of the banks, which would be us ... is by far the favourite." His explanation: banking is local. "In the new-to-Canadacommunities, we find word-of-mouth advertising is much more powerful than traditional means," Hockey said. And it is the little things that count. That means accommodatingChinese clients who may ask for safety deposit boxes and bank account numbers with the number "8" - a sign of prosperity - while avoiding the number "4", which is associated with death. But some critics say the big banks' multicultural marketing is just"tokenism." "It is just so completely patronizing," said David Innis, creative director of Fat Free Communications Inc., a Toronto-based advertising agency. "Most of them use brown people in their ads and the headlines aretranslations of what they are either doing in the mainstream," he said. "To merely have shots of brown people shows a complete lack of imagination." Innis, who is of Indian origin, was part of a recent campaign forthe 2007 Dodge Caliber that plays off the theme of arranged marriages with the tag line: "If your parents are going to choose your fiance, don't let them choose your car." In contrast, he says Canadian bank advertising in ethnic media is"completely devoid" of personality. "Okay, TD is green, CIBC is red and yellow (and) BMO is blue, but if you take away the colours, one is interchangeable with the other." ILLUS: Rene Johnston toronto star Jun Yuan, who immigrated toToronto from China, picked Bank of Montreal as his financial institution after attending a BMO seminar held in Shanghai. Kazuyoshi Ehara cnw group scotiabank Scotiabank vice-chair and chief administrative officer Sabi Marwah hosts a reception in Toronto last month for the highly anticipated Bollywood movie Saawariya (Beloved). Scotiabank sponsored the sneak-previewscreening. ;
回复: 一位新移民对加拿大银行的评价我也选择了BMO开户,原因很简单:我在网上查了一下我登陆城市的网点,发现BMO的最多。开户过程也很简单,银行职员服务很好,我相信过去之后银行的服务也会很好的。
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11.1寄材料,11.5日签收,12.6DM,12.23CSQ,12.27FN,1.8 12,1.29 5 ;2.19 变13 毕业了!http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=141772魁省案子的可以看看回复: 一位新移民对加拿大银行的评价软性广告?我认为只有适不适合自己的 没有绝对的好还是不好
回复: 一位新移民对加拿大银行的评价很多事情见仁见智的啦,也没有说什么广告不广告的吧,只不过是LZ好心把看到的贴子拿出来给大家分享而已,他/她也没有刻意要干嘛吧?而且有多家银行的对比,对我们这些新移民来说也是一件好事啊,至少可以在出发之前准备充分一点啊!...可惜现在英语退步啊...狂晕啊...而且去到当地,就会发现,其实很多银行和国内的四大银行也很相似啊,也会有很多人投诉啊,也会有很多人觉得好啊...
回复: 一位新移民对加拿大银行的评价广告吗
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