加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民烟,我想带烟给加拿大的亲属,我们是一家三口
回复: 烟,我想带烟给加拿大的亲属,我们是一家三口人坐飞机。但允许带几条?18岁以上每人可以带(但我记得以前海关的说是每人一条烟):http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/publications/pub/bsf5056-eng.html#P021Tobacco productsYou are allowed to bring in all of the following amounts of tobacco into Canada without paying duty: * 200 cigarettes; * 50 cigars or cigarillos; * 200 grams (7 ounces) of manufactured tobacco; and * 200 tobacco sticks.If you include cigarettes, tobacco sticks or manufactured tobacco in your personal allowance, a partial exemption may apply. You will have to pay a special duty on these products unless they are marked "CANADA - DUTY PAID DROIT ACQUITT." You will find Canadian-made products sold at a duty-free shop marked this way. You can speed up your clearance by having your tobacco products available for inspection when you arrive.If you bring in more than your personal allowance, you will have to pay regular assessments on the excess amount. These regular assessments can include duties, taxes and provincial or territorial fees. Border services officers will give an allowance for products that are marked "CANADA - DUTY PAID DROIT ACQUITT" when they calculate the amounts owing.
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