加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民终于出票了


已经定了加航AC03211月22日前往多伦多。有一个航班的筒子吗?有兴趣可以交流一下。总结这次订票的经历,可以简单归结如下:家园的订票机构基本已经行程了价格联盟,对家园的筒子能宰就宰,所以不建议在这些机构定(声明:谨是我的一家之言);一定要不厌其烦的联系各个票务网点,争取发现好的机会;行李的问题绝对可以在国内按照国际的标准托运,这个在订票的时候必须作为条件和票务代理谈(适用于非北京上海的筒子);一定相信自己能够买一个好价钱,毕竟我们是票务的衣食父母。 另外,由于临近年底,为了不让自己一年的辛苦白费,所以将直接长登的计划临时调整为我自己短登,家人直接长登。根据国内油价只涨不跌的特点,我这次短登买的是单程的机票,并计划在加拿大买往返的机票,用于明年的往返航程,这样可以省很多钱。

垂询方式:微信jinsonglica回复: 终于出票了厉害!恭喜!

回复: 终于出票了恭喜大侠!能透露在哪订的票吗?


垂询方式:微信jinsonglicaDear friend:Perhaps you have learned the milk scandal in China on internet , TV news or any other media. It’s a great disaster to our children. To my sadness, my 1-year-old son is one of the victims. I’m now very repentant of buying the relatively cheap baby formula for him only in order to cut the family budget, for the parents and the colleague of me and my wife often say that the education for the child and other expenditure in the coming days will cost a even larger payout too. Now the retrenchment brings the much bigger suffering to my innocent son.My wife and me came from a remote village in Gansu Province, working in a electric factory in Fujian. One year after marriage, a lively cherubic boy-my son, was born, bringing great joys to the family. Only 3 months later, my son was sent to his grandfather and grandmother to be fed, my wife and me went back to Fujian, keeping on working hard on the pipelining, to earn more money and support the heavy life. In the late of July, a sudden telephone from my mother in Gansu carried a rattling message that her grandchild wouldn’t stop crying and had problem urinating. I went back to my native land immediately, took the child to the hospital. Before examination, from the doctor’s eyes and her words, I could tell that she had been very sure there must have been something wrong with the milk powder my son had had these months. After all the examinations, when the certificate of diagnosis was put in front of me, I was petrified, as thousands of other baby, my son was hit by the toxic baby formula. After being in hospital for only 1 and a half months, we left. Now although has been leaving the hospital for half of a month, my son is still always crying, lethargic in the day time, eating less, dysuria, even losing interest to the toys he used to like playing in the past happy days, the hearts of his mother and me are nearly asunder! Like many other parents, in the plaza, I never dare to touch any milk powder made in China either. The content of Melamine maybe accords to the national regulation now, but only God knows whether any other satanic substance is in it which is still poisonous to our babies. Facing to the highly-priced baby formulas that are imported from the other countries, thinking of my pittance, I am in dilemma.For caring the future of the family much better, my wife has already resigned her job. Over 45 days’ medical examination and treatment made me in debts about 7000 dollars, and nobody knows how many years we can get our compensation either. The medical experts also suggested we’d better do kidney-stones-elimination operations for my son when he grows older, such as supersonic disintegration operation or uriflow dissolves method. But all those need a large expense, so I am resorting to the network and begging you to give me a hand, undoubtfully, 1 dollar from you will bring hope and future to my baby and a new dawn to my family. My family including me really appreciates your donation which helps my family to break through the dark days. Please relay the note to another forum you are familiar with, only spending a few of your seconds, to cause more concern with my family.Thank you very much!Paypal Account: [email protected]点击展开...这个我得慢慢看

垂询方式:微信jinsonglica回复: 终于出票了LZ看来是个计划很详细的人,祝你们一切顺利哦!

回复: 终于出票了请问楼主,加航AC032的11月下旬的单程机票LZ多少钱出的?我也准备11月26日左右去多伦多,给个参考价吧?

11月27日到达加拿大,逐渐深入生活,一切皆好奇!一晃4年,到了入籍的时间了!赞反馈:我为枫狂 2008-10-23#8 自由小草 503 $0.00 回复: 终于出票了厉害

回复: 终于出票了11月26号去温哥华的,有没有参考的价格?

回复: 终于出票了请问楼主,加航AC032的11月下旬的单程机票LZ多少钱出的?我也准备11月26日左右去多伦多,给个参考价吧?点击展开...我的是周末的票,和周中在家园各代理的票价差不太多。



垂询方式:微信jinsonglica回复: 终于出票了托运的问题,是什么问题?代理能帮助解决?新手谢谢哈!


垂询方式:微信jinsonglica回复: 终于出票了啊!这么快定了要走真为你高兴,我在等2次体检,给你发悄悄话了.

回复: 终于出票了啊!这么快定了要走真为你高兴,我在等2次体检,给你发悄悄话了.点击展开...我给你发了短信,收到了吗?

垂询方式:微信jinsonglica回复: 终于出票了楼主的新思路,值得借鉴。以前短登大家都是买好往返票,还不敢让海关看见。

回复: 终于出票了恭喜你又完成了一项任务,可以帮我吗?给你留悄悄话了,希望回复!

回复: 终于出票了同意,家园的机票代理点就是贵,我问了几家都与外面相差大,后来没方法还是去外面代理买了

回复: 终于出票了恭喜你又完成了一项任务,可以帮我吗?给你留悄悄话了,希望回复!点击展开...已回短消息。

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