加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请问一下担保人资格
妮可宝贝 说:有案底,不严重点击展开...这个没人可以回答,这种有点难度的case还是请专业律师帮忙吧。
https://boereport.com/我的朋友现在在办境内配偶担保移民,她先生之前在国外,有案底,不严重,但收入报税及其他都没有问题,请问一下影响担保人资格吗点击展开...You may not be eligible to sponsor your spouse, partner or child if you:you were convicted of attempting, threatening to commit or committing a violent criminal offence, any offence against a relative or any sexual offence inside or outside CanadaSponsor your spouse, partner or children: check if you’re eligible - Canada.caCheck if you’re eligible to sponsor your spouse, partner or children.www.canada.ca
Life is simple, but not easy.Public Mobile DealPublic Mobile 激活我的朋友现在在办境内配偶担保移民,她先生之前在国外,有案底,不严重,但收入报税及其他都没有问题,请问一下影响担保人资格吗点击展开...你的意思是你的朋友要担保她的先生配偶移民,但先生之前在国外,有案底,不严重?“If your spouse has been charged or convicted of a criminal offense, she may be considered inadmissible to Canada. If your spouse is considered inadmissible to Canada, this means that she will not be able to enter Canada without first obtaining the proper authorization.”Sponsoring Your Spouse With Criminal Record | Spousal Sponsorship CanadaSponsoring Your Spouse With Criminal Record? My Spouse has been Convicted of a Criminal Offense, can I sponsor Her? If your spouse has been charged or convicted of a criminal offense, she may be considered inadmissible to Canada, learn how you can overcome this.thevisa.ca
Life is simple, but not easy.Public Mobile DealPublic Mobile 激活 超赞 赏 cbcctv 0$(VIP 0) 1,2202020-12-15#6 以朋友名义来问的,十有八九就是自己。
略懂IRPA,所言只做参考,不承担任何责任。The information provided herein should neither be relied on as legal or risk management advice, nor a definitive statement of the applicable law. For such advice the readers should consult with their own legal counsel.你的意思是你的朋友要担保她的先生配偶移民,但先生之前在国外,有案底,不严重?“If your spouse has been charged or convicted of a criminal offense, she may be considered inadmissible to Canada. If your spouse is considered inadmissible to Canada, this means that she will not be able to enter Canada without first obtaining the proper authorization.”Sponsoring Your Spouse With Criminal Record | Spousal Sponsorship CanadaSponsoring Your Spouse With Criminal Record? My Spouse has been Convicted of a Criminal Offense, can I sponsor Her? If your spouse has been charged or convicted of a criminal offense, she may be considered inadmissible to Canada, learn how you can overcome this.thevisa.ca点击展开...LZ朋友的先生在国外有案底,不知道LZ朋友的先生是否有担保LZ朋友配偶移民的资格
cbcctv 说:以朋友名义来问的,十有八九就是自己。点击展开...不是我是我朋友她没有论坛账号我帮她问问她先生是因为在国外跟她有过一次吵架动手了,就是家暴
zunhuhu 说:这个没人可以回答,这种有点难度的case还是请专业律师帮忙吧。点击展开...刘强东,马云,算不算有案底?
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