加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民2019父母团聚毕业!
今天,北京时间31日上午9点收到大信封,事情告一段落。时间线参考如下:We received your application for permanent residence on June 10, 2019.We started processing your application on January 13, 2020.We sent you correspondence on September 16, 2019. If you have not yet provided the information or the requested documents, please do so as soon as possible. Please wait until you receive the correspondence before sending us additional information, as the correspondence will outline all information that is required.We sent you medical instructions on January 24, 2020. To avoid delays, please provide us the information requested in the letter as soon as possible. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us.Medical results have been received.We sent you correspondence on August 5, 2020. If you have not yet provided the information or the requested documents, please do so as soon as possible. Please wait until you receive the correspondence before sending us additional information, as the correspondence will outline all information that is required.官网查询还停留在8月5日,不过应该登陆的时候在机场确认完以后会更改状态。总之如果从今年1月13日开始审理算起,整个过程就是10个多月,感觉已经很快了,何况还有疫情,中间还耽搁了3-4个月的时间。希望还在等待的小伙伴们坚持一下,好消息一定会到!祝福所有在团聚移民路上的朋友们一切顺利!
恭喜恭喜。 希望我父母能够抽签成功
FN-2006.08.102011.10.15 登录多伦多2015.01申请入籍2015.07.21 考试通过2015.11 入籍并拿到护照-------------------------------------恭喜你!真是赶早不如赶巧。我比你早交申请两礼拜,去年10月早早体检通过,结果过期了要重检。各种羡慕嫉妒恨~点击展开...我的经验:有理有据地和移民处积极保持沟通,别无厘头的瞎问,一定要结合他们反馈回来的信息有针对性地询问进度,然后同时表达对于结果的期待。我在等待期间光邮件沟通就20来次了,几乎每次在结尾都附加类似于:如果材料齐全,请尽快审理,盼望和父母早日团聚等类似“感人至深”的语句。祝好运!
rainbow927 说:他的case应该是去了香港,咱密市的各种羡慕妒忌恨点击展开...说实话,鉴于香港的暴乱也好,疫情也好,我早就做好打持久战的准备,但结局比我想象的要好很多。一定要有理有据地积极和他们保持沟通。
太平梳打饼干 说:今天,北京时间31日上午9点收到大信封,事情告一段落。时间线参考如下:We received your application for permanent residence on June 10, 2019.We started processing your application on January 13, 2020.We sent you correspondence on September 16, 2019. If you have not yet provided the information or the requested documents, please do so as soon as possible. Please wait until you receive the correspondence before sending us additional information, as the correspondence will outline all information that is required.We sent you medical instructions on January 24, 2020. To avoid delays, please provide us the information requested in the letter as soon as possible. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us.Medical results have been received.We sent you correspondence on August 5, 2020. If you have not yet provided the information or the requested documents, please do so as soon as possible. Please wait until you receive the correspondence before sending us additional information, as the correspondence will outline all information that is required.官网查询还停留在8月5日,不过应该登陆的时候在机场确认完以后会更改状态。总之如果从今年1月13日开始审理算起,整个过程就是10个多月,感觉已经很快了,何况还有疫情,中间还耽搁了3-4个月的时间。希望还在等待的小伙伴们坚持一下,好消息一定会到!祝福所有在团聚移民路上的朋友们一切顺利!点击展开...请问您是DIY办理的,还是找中介。今年刚刚抽中,正在准备材料。一头雾水,请问除了父母结婚公证,我和父母的关系公证(我的出生证明),请问父母的新旧所有护照是否需要翻译公证,谢谢。
chelseasu 说:请问您是DIY办理的,还是找中介。今年刚刚抽中,正在准备材料。一头雾水,请问除了父母结婚公证,我和父母的关系公证(我的出生证明),请问父母的新旧所有护照是否需要翻译公证,谢谢。点击展开...护照复印交上去就行了但是每年要求不一样需要自己看清楚要求
福宝 说:请问申请时提交的公证文件是原件还是复印件?点击展开...原件
·生活百科 全新的Aiko面板上的斑点标记
·生活百科 Fronius Reserva