加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民关于延迟登陆的问题


父母九月中旬就要登陆了,但是疫情这样真不想让他们过来,各位大神,有没有什么办法可以推迟登陆的时间, 谢谢

发web form告知情况下面附IRCC回复We have received your request to extend the duration within which you can confirm your status as apermanent resident. Please be assured that your application will not be refused if you are unable orunwilling to travel as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.If the situation is resolved and you are able to travel within the existing validity of your documents, youmay do so. Otherwise, once you and your family members (if applicable) are able to travel, pleasenotify us through the IRCC Web form. At that time, IRCC will respond with the most up to dateinformation we have on next steps.Please quote your complete application number on your correspondence and address yourcorrespondence to: CPC Mississauga.

雪山小熊 说:发web form告知情况下面附IRCC回复We have received your request to extend the duration within which you can confirm your status as apermanent resident. Please be assured that your application will not be refused if you are unable orunwilling to travel as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.If the situation is resolved and you are able to travel within the existing validity of your documents, youmay do so. Otherwise, once you and your family members (if applicable) are able to travel, pleasenotify us through the IRCC Web form. At that time, IRCC will respond with the most up to dateinformation we have on next steps.Please quote your complete application number on your correspondence and address yourcorrespondence to: CPC Mississauga.点击展开...谢谢,“Please quote your complete application number on your correspondence and address yourcorrespondence to: CPC Mississauga.” 这个是啥意思

zhuhakai 说:谢谢,“Please quote your complete application number on your correspondence and address yourcorrespondence to: CPC Mississauga.” 这个是啥意思点击展开...就是说能出行的时候再给IRCC发邮件时写上申请号并且写上correspondence to:CPC Mississauga

雪山小熊 说:就是说能出行的时候再给IRCC发邮件时写上申请号并且写上correspondence to:CPC Mississauga点击展开...谢谢

有HK OFFICE延期成功的吗?我月初申请延期,现在没收到回复,下月底签证就要到期了。

雪山小熊 说:发web form告知情况下面附IRCC回复We have received your request to extend the duration within which you can confirm your status as apermanent resident. Please be assured that your application will not be refused if you are unable orunwilling to travel as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.If the situation is resolved and you are able to travel within the existing validity of your documents, youmay do so. Otherwise, once you and your family members (if applicable) are able to travel, pleasenotify us through the IRCC Web form. At that time, IRCC will respond with the most up to dateinformation we have on next steps.Please quote your complete application number on your correspondence and address yourcorrespondence to: CPC Mississauga.点击展开...还想请问一下,这个能延多久?3个月?半年?谢谢

zhuhakai 说:还想请问一下,这个能延多久?3个月?半年?谢谢点击展开...这个问题得问IRCC,根据回复看,申请人什么时候有计划赴加拿大才需要申请新的旅行文件,估计要重新做未犯罪证明和体检,然后重新寄护照贴签证。新的签证的有效期未知。

这是我在web form和电子邮件给CPC-CTD-Ottawa,申请签证延期以后,于6月24日收到的邮件。至今没有其他说明。Thank you for contacting Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).We have received your enquiry regarding your updated email address and have transferred it to the responsible office.Furthermore, while verifying the file, we noticed that the office responsible is already aware of the situation of the principal applicant.If further information is needed the responsible office may contact you.We hope the information provided is helpful in assisting you with your enquiry.We would also like to suggest the following online services that might be helpful to you with any immigration, refugee and/or citizenship future requests:Download application forms and guidesChange of addressCheck your application statusHelp Centre - To find answers, you may consult the different sections or type keywords related to your question.

09.07.07 递HK BIQ/09.09.04 CSQ/09.10.21 递BJ联邦/09.10.26 FN→14/10.02.05 →12/10.05.17 →5/10.05.28 港澳中心体检/10.06.08 →8/10.06.12 →12/10.09.20 →17/10.09.23 →13/10.09.24 →17/10.09.26 →visa这个问题得问IRCC,根据回复看,申请人什么时候有计划赴加拿大才需要申请新的旅行文件,估计要重新做未犯罪证明和体检,然后重新寄护照贴签证。新的签证的有效期未知。点击展开...web form 是这个吗?IRCC web form: Contact us onlineIRCC Web formsecure.cic.gc.ca

zhuhakai 说:web form 是这个吗?IRCC web form: Contact us onlineIRCC Web formsecure.cic.gc.ca点击展开...是的

雪山小熊 说:发web form告知情况下面附IRCC回复We have received your request to extend the duration within which you can confirm your status as apermanent resident. Please be assured that your application will not be refused if you are unable orunwilling to travel as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.If the situation is resolved and you are able to travel within the existing validity of your documents, youmay do so. Otherwise, once you and your family members (if applicable) are able to travel, pleasenotify us through the IRCC Web form. At that time, IRCC will respond with the most up to dateinformation we have on next steps.Please quote your complete application number on your correspondence and address yourcorrespondence to: CPC Mississauga.点击展开...您好!请问您填了webform之后几天得到的回复呢?回复的意思就是可以先不登陆了吗?等可以过来的时候再通知移民局?谢谢!

summertulip 说:您好!请问您填了webform之后几天得到的回复呢?回复的意思就是可以先不登陆了吗?等可以过来的时候再通知移民局?谢谢!点击展开...是的,等你准备来加拿大的时候,再用webform通知移民局,看他们到时候怎么说,需不需要补交资料什么的

zhuhakai 说:是的,等你准备来加拿大的时候,再用webform通知移民局,看他们到时候怎么说,需不需要补交资料什么的点击展开...谢谢!已经打算不延期了,怕又出什么麻烦。我webform已经发了近两周,看来申请延期是不回复的了

summertulip 说:谢谢!已经打算不延期了,怕又出什么麻烦。我webform已经发了近两周,看来申请延期是不回复的了点击展开...你可以直接给cic打电话问, 应该都会回复,要不就是webform上填的信息不对,你要以申请人的口吻问,不是sponsor

zhuhakai 说:你可以直接给cic打电话问, 应该都会回复,要不就是webform上填的信息不对,你要以申请人的口吻问,不是sponsor点击展开...谢谢,已经准备登录了,不延期了。我写的是sponsor,以前咨询过别的问题都一周内回复的。我看了下移民局网站,说只有签证已经过期又打算来的情况他们才回复,我的应该不会回复了


有人申请延期成功的吗? 后来递交其他材料了吗?

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