加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民移民局关于expired CoPR持有人的入境登陆指南最新


今天移民局新更新的指南。请问新生代和国威,你们客户是大部分都收到移民局的email了吗?我父母移民的COPR是2020-03-18之前签发的,2020年的时候etobicoke office extend了medical和COPR到今年的这个月,但是今天已经又过期了,而且还没有收到文章中提到的这个email。请问正常吗?

第二个问题是,移民局好像这次reissue COPR最晚就到10月份左右,你们的客户新拿到的COPR是这样吗?

If you have an expired COPR, you won’t be able to travel to Canada until we reissue your documents. Normally, you’d have to reapply, but right now we’re making exceptions for people who couldn’t travel to Canada due to travel restrictions related to COVID-19.

We’ve already contacted most people with expired COPRs issued on or before March 18, 2020, to explain what to do. If we already sent you instructions to do a new medical or submit updated documents, follow them and wait for us to tell you what happens next. You don’t need to contact us again.

We’re also working to contact anyone else with expired COPRs, including those issued after March 18, 2020.

What happens next:

  • We’ll send you an email about your application.
  • If you answer the email and tell us you still want to come to Canada, we’ll tell you what to do next.
  • We may ask you for new medicals and/or updated information.
  • If you don’t respond, we’ll keep your file closed and you’ll have to reapply when you’re ready to come to Canada.

When we email you, we’ll ask you to tell us if your family situation has changed (for example, newborn, marriage, divorce) so we can update your application and ask you for any other documents we need. We may also need updated documents if the ones you previously submitted are no longer valid (police certificates, medical exams, etc.)

Do not do an up-front medical exam. If you need a new medical, we’ll send you new instruction forms to take with you to the doctor after you reply to our email. This will help avoid processing delays.

To avoid delays, we ask that you don’t contact us via our web form or through the processing office email. If you have already contacted us, please wait for our instructions.

We expect people with a COPR and permanent resident visa that are valid until October 1, 2021 or after to have enough time to come to Canada before their documents expire.

Travelling to Canada

You can travel to Canada once we confirm to you in writing that we

  • re-issued your documents and
  • sent you a reprinted COPR and (if you need one) a new visa sticker in your passport

If we reissue your COPR, we’ll send you the documents you need to travel.

仍然未有收到 email。

按照移民局指引去做, 便可以了。



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