加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民关于在加拿大办理德国无犯罪记录证明



How to get a police certificate - Germany
If you need to give your fingerprints for a police certificate, this isn’t the same as giving your biometrics (fingerprints and photo) for an application.

Do I need to provide a police certificate with my application for permanent residence? Yes.

Name of document(s) to get:

Certificate of Conduct ("Führungszeugnis") or
European Certificate of good conduct ("Europäisches Führungszeugnis") for citizens of another European Union member state
How to get a police certificate
If you’re a citizen of Germany
If you live in Germany
There are 2 ways to apply:

In person–at the local registration office (“Meldebehörde”) where you’re currently registered.
Online–on the website of the Federal Office of Justice (in German only). You’ll need:
a valid and recognized electronic signature (“elektronischen Personalausweis”) such as an electronic residency permit (“elektronischen Aufenthaltstitel”)
a card-reading machine (“Kartenlesegerät”)
If you live outside of Germany
There are 3 ways you can apply:

By mail–send your application to Federal Office of Justice at:

Bundesamt für Justiz
Referat IV 2
53094 Bonn

Online–on the website of the Federal Office of Justice (in German only). You’ll need:

a valid and recognized electronic signature ("elektronischen Personalausweis") such as an electronic residency permit ("elektronischen Aufenthaltstitel")
a card-reading machine ("Kartenlesegerät")
In person–at the Federal Office of Justice located at:

Bundesamt für Justiz
Adenauerallee 99 - 103
53113 Bonn

If you’re not a citizen of Germany
If you live in Germany
There are 2 ways you can apply:

In person–at the local registration office ("Meldebehörde") where you’re currently registered.
Online–on the website of the Federal Office of Justice (in German only). You’ll need:

a valid and recognized electronic signature ("elektronischen Personalausweis") such as an electronic residency permit ("elektronischen Aufenthaltstitel")
a card-reading machine ("Kartenlesegerät")
If you live outside of Germany
There are 2 ways you can apply:

By mail–send your application to Federal Office of Justice at:

Bundesamt für Justiz
Referat IV 2
53094 Bonn

In person–at the Federal Office of Justice at:

Bundesamt für Justiz
Adenauerallee 99 - 103
53113 Bonn

If you’re a citizen of another European Union member state
Germany is now issuing the European Certificate of good conduct to citizens of another European Union member state who request a police certificate in Germany. This document includes any records or entries in your country of birth and in Germany.

Information and documents you need
Applicable fees
Application form (available in German, French and English)
Special notes and considerations
For more information on fees, processing times, how to apply online, how to obtain an electronic signature or to download the forms, please go to the website of the Federal Office of Justice.

Your police certificate will be mailed to your residential address (even if you live abroad). It cannot be sent to a third party.

Police certificates issued before February 2019 are in German only. You must give us a certified English or French translation of your certificate. New German police certificates are now in German, English and French, and do not need to be translated.

German law restricts who can request a police certificate on your behalf.

If you apply from overseas, you must have your personal data and signature confirmed by a German diplomatic representative, a foreign authority or a notary, or you must provide a certified photocopy of an official document.

If your certificate contains entries and you live abroad, the Federal Office of Justice will forward your police certificate to the German embassy or consulate where you live and you will be invited to come and look at the document in person. You must give your consent to allow the German embassy/consulate to send this document to the responsible Canadian visa office.

原帖由 國威                于 2020/5/29 11:42:47 发表
How to get a police certificate - GermanyIf you need to give your fingerprints f......
谢谢回复!也就是说申请表中只需要Notary public进行签名公证然后寄到德国就可以了?不需要通过领事馆认证了(我传了申请表上的截图)?以前在国内办过一次都是直接在德国大使馆办的公证认证,所以有些不确认 seal.png (0 B)
2020/5/29 12:26:40

只需要Notary public进行签名公证。

原帖由 國威                于 2020/5/29 12:35:13 发表
只需要Notary public进行签名公证。...... 好的,再次感谢!

原帖由 國威                于 2020/5/29 12:35:13 发表
只需要Notary public进行签名公证。...... 对了,还想请教一下,之前在国内办的德国无犯罪证明,签发时间现在刚刚超过一年,是不是申请PR就得需要重新办理了?


原帖由 國威                于 2020/5/29 12:35:13 发表
只需要Notary public进行签名公证。...... 再请教一下,德国无犯罪证明是德语的一页纸,可以自己翻译成英语吗?还是必须再公证翻译?


原帖由 Springxa            于 2020/5/29 13:01:27 发表
对了,还想请教一下,之前在国内办的德国无犯罪证明,签发时间现在刚刚超过一年,是不是申请PR就得需要重新办理了?...... 如果再没有返回德国, 仍然可以用。


Springxa 发表在8楼
再请教一下,德国无犯罪证明是德语的一页纸,可以自己翻译成英语吗?还是必须再公证翻译?你是最近办理的话不需要翻译,新版的police clearance 是德法英三语的

Springxa 发表在11楼



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