加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请教 找mp帮我查进度(去年三月aor)


求问现在到哪个进度了  看不太懂


“Thank you for contacting the Information Centre for Members of Parliament and Senators.

We are pleased to provide you with the following details about the status of your constituent’s application for permanent residence under the Provincial Nominee Program E001620664:

The application was received at the Centralized Intake Office in Sydney (CIO), Nova Scotia on March 25, 2020.
The initial assessment to ensure your constituent's application is complete, has been finalized on March 25, 2020.
The Centralized Intake office is currently reviewing the application and documents submitted to determine if your constituent and their family members (if applicable) meet the eligibility requirements under the class for which they have applied.
the eligibility requirements assessment was finalized on July 2, 2020.
The medical examination results are on file and valid until April 19, 2022 for your constituent.
The criminality verifications are currently valid for your constituent.
The security verifications are currently valid for your constituent.
Due to COVID-19, IRCC is experiencing processing delays and we can’t provide you with accurate processing times for this application. Rest assured that we understand how important this process is for your constituent and are making all the necessary efforts to finalize the application as soon as possible.
If the application is approved:
your constituent and their family members (if applicable) will need to send their passport(s) to the Canadian visa office to obtain the permanent resident visa, and
the officer will issue the Confirmation of Permanent Residence document which your constituent and their family members (if applicable) will present at the port of entry in order to be granted the status of permanent resident of Canada.
If the application is refused:
the officer will send your constituent a refusal letter including instructions to obtain a refund of the Right of Permanent Residence Fee, if it was already paid.
We hope this information is helpful. If you require more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.” /media/cbff764591d74cb2f66a3e0bb5664cd8.jpg (0 B)
2021/8/9 12:51:54



您的截图太不清晰了 感觉看不清

不好意思各位 我重新复制一下

现在cic网站上 所有的都是in progress 没有任何更新

这个valid 是pass还是什么意思

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·生活百科 电力供应商流失并失去特许权



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