加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民父母visitor visa交了webform但是没回复,可以再催吗
给父母申请了visitor visa,上个月申请的visa,7.19交了webform,收到confirmation但是一直没有回复。
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2021/8/10 15:30:23
原帖由 七牛牛 于 2021/8/10 15:31:38 发表
给父母申请了visitor visa,上个月申请的visa,7.19交了webform,收到confirmation但是一直没有回复。申请的status一直是s...... 是会回复的。
原帖由 加拿大新生代 于 2021/8/10 15:33:55 发表
旅游签的审理速度非常慢,如果有紧急特殊情况必须要尽快入境加拿大的话,可以提供相关的证明文件再发一次webform...... 好的谢谢!因为年初的时候发email给CIC 一周就批了,现在改成webform了等了很久都没有变化。。。
原帖由 國威 于 2021/8/10 16:06:58 发表
是会回复的。但可能要等一段长时间。...... 官网说不建议发多个webform,不知道超时的话应不应该再发一个。。。
update 一下
7.19 交的webform,今天早晨收到“回复” 没有任何有用信息 status依然是submitted 内容如下:
Good day,
We have received your enquiry and can confirm that a review of your application remains in process. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) will be in touch with you when a final decision is made or if more information is required. To obtain more information, please fill out the IRCC Web form in order for it to be sent to the responsible Canadian visa office directly.
Due to the ongoing situation, IRCC offices are experiencing processing delays. Rest assured that they are making all the necessary efforts to process requests as soon as possible; however, having to respond to status updates on applications will affect the processing times.
Also note that during the review of your file, you are not considered to hold a valid Travel document. As such, you should not plan or undertake any travel to Canada until you are advised.
We thank you for your patience in this difficult time,
Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada
原帖由 七牛牛 于 2021/8/10 16:38:08 发表
官网说不建议发多个webform,不知道超时的话应不应该再发一个。。。...... 可以迟些再发。
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