各位大神们好,我现在在加拿大境内,九月份学校里有一节课是hybrid mode,教授说可以选择整个学期都是在家网课或者每隔两周去一次课室。
问题在于,移民局官网上有一条关于疫情期间网课是否影响工签的说明,其中一条写到:‘If you’re inside Canada
You’re still eligible for the PGWP if
- your in-person classes in Canada have been moved to an online-only format and you are taking your classes online because of COVID-19, ’
既然现在这门课有线下实体课的选项,是不是就不算是 online-only了?那我如果选择网课是不是就会影响之后工签申请了?
谢谢大家的回答,截图已经在下面了。网址是: http://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/coronavirus-covid19/students.html#pgwp-eligibility
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2021/9/1 23:01:19
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