加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民求问国威,新生代:19年祖父母担保团聚移民户口
这是补料的原文:Proof of Relationship: Please provide your Hukou (household registry) as proof of relationship toyour sponsor. If your current Hukou does not list your sponsor, please provide an older version of the Hukou thatthey were registered on. Alternatively, you may submit a notarized copy of your sponsor's original MedicalCertificate of Birth issued by the Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China. NOTE: Notarial certificates ofbirth, relationship or kinship are not acceptable as proof of relationship.
看看能否提供一份 祖父母和您父母的旧户口本, 然后提供 您和你的父母户口本, 做一个 ‘间接证明’。
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