You must provide details about each of your family members, whether they will come with you to Canada or not. You must list all your children even if they are already permanent residents or citizens of Canada).
You must also include details on family members if you don’t know where they are (even those missing or presumed dead). If you don’t list them on your application, you will not be able to sponsor them later if your situation changes.
When prompted, you can add more family members by clicking “Add dependants.” You can also click “Delete” to remove any dependants. If you do not need to add family members, click “No.” Once you are finished, click “Complete and return to application” to save this form and return to the main application page.
我妈妈是主申请爸爸也随妈妈申请父母团聚,我做担保,老公是共同担保,我们哟一个孩子。这种情况下, dependants 这一部分,我妈妈,我爸爸要填,根据申明,虽然我是PR,我也需要填写是吗?我老公和孩子需要填写吗?谢谢!
IMM0008, 不需要填写担保人的信息。
Imm0008 是父母要填写的表格, 和 担保人没有关系。
·生活百科 我自动化的空调系统
·生活百科 太阳能分析数据刷新问题