加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民续枫叶卡遇到的问题,求解答


五月初递交的枫叶开renew申请,今天收到邮件让补交材料。 邮件如下

A preliminary review of your application has been completed and additional information is needed before a final review can be completed.

Subsection 28(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act describes the residency obligation with which permanent residents must comply.

Section 59(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR) sets out the requirements that must be met in order for an officer to issue a permanent resident card. In particular, paragraph 59(1)(c) of the IRPR states that an officer shall, on application, issue a new permanent resident card if the applicant complies with the requirements of sections 56 and 57 and subsection 58(4).

To examine whether you are in compliance with the requirements to be issued a new Permanent Resident Card pursuant to paragraph 59(1)(c) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, we request that you provide additional information for the period of October 18, 2016 to April 30, 2021.

Please submit the following documents:

Photocopies of all pages (including blank pages) of all your past and current passport(s) / travel document(s) - used to enter or leave Canada or other countries. All pages must be photocopied in colour and must be clearly legible.

  • Statement of Travel Records issued by the Immigration Department for The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative region for all passports held in the period specified above.

  • Statement of Travel Records issued by the Immigration Department for The Government of China for all passports held in the period specified above.

Statement of Travel Records issued by USA authorities. The following website provides limited access to arrival and departure date records of non-immigrant aliens entering and departing the United States which are maintained in the U.S. Customs and Border Protection's (CBP's) Non-immigrant Information System (NIIS).        http://i94.cbp.dhs.gov/

Various utility statements, e.g. Phone, oil, water, cable

Copy of Provincial Drivers licence and Health card;

Mortgage/Tenancy/Lease Agreements

All documents must be accompanied by an official translation if they are in a language other than English or French.

You should provide a certified copy of the English or French translation and a certified copy of the translator’s declaration. A translator’s declaration must include:

the translator’s name

the original language of the translated document, and

a statement signed by a translator that the translation is accurate.

*Please include this letter with your submission.

Please send the documents within 30 days of the date of this letter to the following address. If you do not provide us with the required information or submit incomplete information, we will review your application on the basis of the information available. If we are not satisfied that your application complies with the requirements of paragraph 59(1)(c) of the IRPR, your application may be refused,which means that, if refused,you will need to submit a new application and fee should you wish to apply for a permanent resident card in the future

Regular mail                                                  Courier:                                                       

ATTN: AF-PS                                                ATTN: AF-PS

IRCC—PR Card                                            IRCC—PR Card


PO BOX 9000                                                49 Dorchester Street
Sydney, NS      B1P 6K7                                Sydney, NS  B1P 5Z2

If you require more time to submit the documents, please notify our office within the 30 days by email:

[email protected]

Please Note:  Subject Line must include the reference number R304031881\AF-PS.  Any emails received without a reference number will not be actioned.

Persons outside Canada who wish to return to Canada and don’t have a valid Permanent Resident Card; are required to obtain a permanent resident travel document from a Canadian visa office abroad.  Additional information is available on our website at www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/travel.asp

If you have questions or need more information, or wish to inform us of a change of address, you can do so by visiting http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/contacts/index.asp.

Yours sincerely,

Program Officer; AF-PS

PRC Case Processing Centre






可能您离境时间较多, 或者 太频繁, 便有可能被要求补充材料。

原帖由 加拿大新生代        于 2021/10/27 11:13:23 发表
中国的出入境记录是向国家移民管理局申请,香港的是向香港入境事务处申请,申请的方式网上可以查到,楼主可以搜一下。...... 我都没去过香港,这种情况还要向香港申请么?


原帖由 國威                于 2021/10/27 11:34:12 发表
不需要。...... 也就是他所要的这些文件都不是必须的对吧

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